Who can use this feature?
Available on:
All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Performance, except for Performance Development.
Self-reflections help you to take a brief pause and share your achievements, learnings, and areas for growth.
Self-reflections are shared with your manager. This ensures you can engage in a dialogue with your manager to acknowledge achievements and chart a path to move forward.
Tip: Learn about self-reflections and more in our Culture Amp Training video course, Participate in a performance review cycle.
Writing your Self-reflection
When a self-reflection goes live, it will show up as an action item in your task list in Performance.
You can also access this by clicking Performance > Self Reflections
Culture Amp saves your answers every five seconds. Take your time and don't rush. You can always come back and finish before the deadline.
When you send your self-reflection, it goes to your manager. If you need to change anything, you can use the Edit option.
You can delete comments you've added to your self-reflection (in order from last to first) using the Trash Can icon.
As you do your self-reflection, you can see your goals, feedback from before (like from peers, direct reports or your manager), shoutouts, and any past self-reflections to help you think and explain your answers.
Editing your Self-reflection
If you've already submitted your self-reflection and want to make changes, no worries! You can easily do that while the review cycle is still ongoing. Here's how:
Go to your Performance tab.
Click on Self-reflections.
Find the open cycle and click View.
Hit Edit at the top of the page to make changes.
Once you're finished, click Send to Manager to share the updates.
Tracking your Self-reflection
You'll see your self-reflection under Performance > Self Reflections. From there, you or your manager can add comments using the text fields.
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