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Participant Hub

The go-to hub for Participants, providing support for surveys and cycles.
Participant Overview
Onboarding and training guidance for Employees.
Getting Started with Culture Amp (Employees)Guidance on how employees can get started using the platform
Flow of Work Integrations
Learn how to install the Culture Amp app in Microsoft Teams.
Install the Microsoft Teams App: A Guide for EmployeesExplore the capabilities of Microsoft Teams, from app installation to feedback requests and notifications.
Participating in a Survey
Support for survey participants: Resources overview and FAQs for various survey types.
Participating in a SurveyGuidance on the participant resources available for the different survey types
General Survey Participant FAQsGuidance on some common FAQs that may come up when completing a survey
Engagement Surveys
Engagement survey support: FAQs for participants in Engagement/Attributed and Inclusion surveys.
Experience Surveys
Experience survey help: common questions answered for Onboarding and Exit Surveys.
Onboard/Exit Survey Guide for ParticipantsGet answers to the most commonly asked questions when participating in an onboarding/exit survey
Performance reviews
Performance review support: understand the review cycle process, provide feedback effectively, and export your performance data.
Providing Feedback With PerformanceGuidance on the different resources available to support you with giving feedback in Performance
Employee Guide to Performance ReviewsNavigate the performance reviews in Culture Amp: learn how to manage your self-reflections, feedback, nominations, and more!
Effectiveness Surveys
Effectiveness survey support: navigate feedback requests and take action on results.
Requesting Feedback in a 360 Effectiveness Survey2 articles
Providing Feedback in a 360 Effectiveness Survey1 article
Understanding Your 360 Effectiveness Feedback Report1 article
Taking Action on Your 360 Effectiveness Feedback Report1 article
Sharing Your 360 Effectiveness Feedback Report1 article
Coaches Guidance for Managing a 360 Process & Taking Action2 articles
Participant Guidance for Managing an Employee Driven 360 Process1 article
FAQs1 article