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🖼️ Boards
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over 6 months ago

🚇 On this page you can find:

  • What you see on Home: Boards page and how to manage it

✨ Introducing Board and Dynamic Cards!


Boards feature (previously called Dashboard) has a goal to offer you more tailored experience, keeping the six metric Cards, fully customisable:

  • Headcount

  • Number of Starters

  • Number of Leavers

  • Number of Open Positions

  • Offer Success Rate

  • Turnover Rate

To customise metric Cards, just click on the ellipse (…) icon in the upper right corner of each card (shown on hover).

Once you open it, you’ll see you can:

  • Add filters

  • Change time range

  • Change calculation type

  • Rename metric Card


If there is a specific group of employees you are interested to see on Home page, you can set the appropriate filters on each metric card.

Keep in mind that filters are aligned with your role and permission level - you’ll be able to filter data just among your data scope.

🆔 Learn more about Roles and Permissions

Once you hit apply, the filter icon will appear in the upper right corner, so you’ll be aware you are looking at a filtered data scope. Additionally, you will see the filtered category name below the metric card name.

Time Range

Each metric card has some default time selection (Today or a period of time), but you can change it by choosing: Today, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 3 month, last 12 months or custom. In custom section, you can choose:

  • Period to date

    • You can set wanted period - Week to Date, Month to Date, Period to Date or Year to Date. Keep in mind that “Date” is dynamic and is always Today, so you’ll always see latest data on your Home.

  • Dynamic time range (Last X)

    • Another way to set a custom time range is to set the number of days that will be captured in calculation by entering a numeric value (days, weeks, months, quarters or years) in the input. This time range will be dynamic - starting date will change accordingly, so the end date is always Today.

  • Custom time range

    • If, for some reason, you want to see data for a fixed period of time on cards, you can set a Start and End date via date picker.

Once you choose and apply the wanted time range, it will appear as a label below the metric Card title.

Calculation type

Currently, one calculation type per metric is available, labelled depending on the metric context (Count, Sum or Rate). More calculation types (e.g. Average, Median, etc) are on the way, but no worries, we’ll let you know once we have them up and running!

Calculation type is shown on metric Card below the title as the first information.


You can rename every card on the board. We recommend renaming it according to filters (if any are set), time range and calculation type.


To change any portion of your adjustments, click on elipses icon (”…”)or filter icon (if you applied any filters previously), change and hit apply.

Adding new metric card

Beside these 6, you can add any other metric Card you want. To add, click on the purple button at the bottom of the Board. You’ll see a dialog with three options:

  • Card

  • Text

  • Divider

When you click on the Card, you’ll see list of metric available to you. Checked icon before metric name means it’s already added to the Board, but you can add another, unlimited “copy” of it.

Bolt icon after metric name signify dynamic cards - fully customizable, where you can set filters and change time range. On other metric cards, you’ll get “default” card, where you can only set filters (for now).

Chosen metric card will appear at the bottom of the Board.

Adding Text

If you select the second option, Text, placeholder text will be added at the bottom of the Board.

To add text, just click on the placeholder. It will open a rich text editor, where you can stylize text as bold, italic, header, bulleted or numbered list.

Dynamic text

You can insert dynamic portion of the text - a number - by pressing “/” on the keyboard. This will open a dialog with a list of available metrics.

Once you choose the metric, you’ll see the same dialog as when you are customizing metric Card. You can set a filter for each metric, but changing the time range and calculation type is available only for dynamic metric (as for Cards).

You will 2 elements added: - first element, a tag, showing you metric name, time range and filter (if any are set) - second element, a read-only number, which is an actual number you will see in the text.

Of course, this “read-only” number is dynamic - which means it will change and update timely and accurately, along with all other metric data on the platform.

By clicking outside the text editor, you’ll exit the “edit” mode. You can edit the text again by clicking on the whole area or on a edit icon on the right side. Also, you can delete text section by clicking on elipses icon and Delete afterwards.


To organize content on your Board by creating sections, click on Divider option when adding a new element. A line will appear at the bottom of the Board. You can delete it by clicking on the elipses icon on the right side.

Drag and Drop

Each element on the Board is movable - just click on element area and drag it to the wanted position on the board.

Once you set all metric Cards, it will be your default, first-glance view in People Analytics. More, each card is clickable and is a shortcut for a metric. All adjustments you made on a card, will be reflected on a Metric Details page (filters, time range and calculation type) by default, but you can continue to explore metric details without worries - these won’t be applied to Board Metric Card adjustments.

Learn more on how to:

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