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πŸ’« Compare View
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

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Details about metric comparison view


Want to see how your data changed over time? We got you covered. You can compare your current data to Last year or Adjacent period. Adjacent period will depend on the time range selection.

Last year comparison

On History view using line chart, another dashed line will appear, showing data for previous year for selected time range (1 year on the screenshot bellow).

On History view using stacked bar chart, new group of stacked bar with stripes will appear. Stripped bars are representing data for previous year for selected time range.

On Bar view, striped bar will appear next to deafult bar, showing aggregated data for previous year for selected time range (1 year on the screenshot bellow).

Adjacent period comparison

Adjacent period comparison depends on time rage selection. In this case, it’s last 3 months.

For History view using line chart, if we select adjacent period to compare, dashed line will represent history trend from 6 to 3 month ago, and solid line representing last 3 month.

For History view using stacked bar, same as for Last year comparison, striped stacked bar group will appear next to solid stacked bar. Striped stacked bar will represent data of adjacent period, while solid representing current period (last 3 months in this case).

For Bar chart, following the same logic as for stacked bar, when comparing to adjacent period will insert striped bar next to the solid bar, with striped bar representing adjacent period and solid bar representing current period (last 3 month on the screenshot below)

To switch between Last year and Adjecent period, simply click on the chevron icon next to the button label.

To exit comparison mode, simply click on the X close icon before the button label.

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