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πŸ’†β€β™€οΈ How to manually calculate metrics
πŸ’†β€β™€οΈ How to manually calculate metrics
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over 6 months ago

1. Headcount Growth β€” workforce growth trend in 2024

Count the total number of employees working for each month in 2024.

The formula is as follows:

Number of Full-Time employees (T) = Count Number of Employees working full time (T)

T represents the time period during which you are observing data, which is per month in 2024.

2. Headcount Growth β€” workforce growth rate in 2024

To calculate the Headcount Growth Rate for the month, divide the number of new employees that joined in that month by the total number of employees working in the previous month. Repeat this for each month in 2024.

The formula is as follows:

Headcount Growth Rate (T) = Number of new Employees employed between T-1 and T / Number of Employees working at time T-1

T represents the time period during which you are observing data, which is per month in 2024.

3. Headcount Growth Rate β€” workforce growth rate for the last 3-5 years

To calculate the Headcount Growth Rate for the month, divide the number of new employees that joined in that month by the total number of employees working in the previous month. Repeat this for each month in the last 3-5 years.

The formula is as follows:

Headcount Growth Rate (T) = Number of new Employees employed between T-1 and T / Number of Employees working at time T-1

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents data for the last 5 years (2024, 2023, 2021, 2021, 2020).

4. Headcount Growth β€” workforce distribution on all locations in 2024

Count for each month the total number of employees working at a specific location.

The formula is as follows:

Number of Full-Time employees for a location (T) = Count Number of Employees working at a specific location (T)

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart one represents the rate per month in 2024.

5. Turnover Rate β€” rate of employee turnover per location in 2024

To calculate the Turnover rate for a specific month, divide the number of employees that have left the company during that month with the total number of employees working during the previous month. Repeat this for each month in the past year or couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Turnover Rate (T) = Number of Employees who have left between T-1 and T / Total number of employees in T-1

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart one represents the date per month in 2024.

6. Headcount Growth β€” workforce distribution per departments in 2024

Count for each month the total number of employees working at a specific department.

The formula is as follows:

Number of Full-Time employees per department (T) = Count Number of Employees working in a specific department (T)

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart one represents the rate per month in 2024.

7. FTE Headcount Cost β€” overview of all employees in the last 3-5 years

Monthly headcount cost is calculated by adding up monthly salaries for all employees for that month. Non-monthly salaries and salaries with different currencies are normalized to monthly values with the default currency for your organization. Do this for each month in the last 5 years.

The formula is as follows:

FTE Headcount Cost (T) = SUM of salary cost per employee for all Employees working (T)

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represented the total cost overview for the last 5 years.

8. Average age in the company in the last 3-5 years

To calculate the average age in the organization for a specific month, calculate the age of each employee during that month, add the values up, and divide by the number of employees in that month. Do this for every month in the past year or couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Average Age (T) = Sum of all Employee Ages / Number of Employees at time T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the average age at the company level for the last 5 years.

9. Average tenure in the company in the last 3-5 years

To calculate the average tenure for a specific month, calculate the tenure for each employee in that month, add the values up, and divide by the number of employees for that month. Do this for every month in the past year or couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Average Tenure = Sum of Employee Tenures / Number of Employees

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the average age at the company level for the last 5 years.

10. Percent of female employees in the company in the last 3-5 years

To calculate the percentage of women for a specific month, count the number of employees for that month who identify as women and divide that by the total number of employees for that month. Do this for each month in the past year or couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Percent of Women (T) = Number of Women at time T / Number of Employees at time T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the average age at the company level for the last 5 years.

11. Number of all accepted offers per month for 2024

To calculate the number of accepted offers for a specific month, count the number of offers that were accepted by candidates during that month. Do this for every month in the past year or couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Offers Accepted (T) = Count number of accepted offers (T)

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the number of accepted offers for each month in 2024.

12. Number of all accepted offers for the last 3-5 years

The formula is the same as above, you just need to replace months with years.

The formula is as follows:

Offers Accepted (T) = Count number of accepted offers (T)

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the number of accepted offers for the last 3-5 years

13. Average Time to Hire in the last 3-5 years

To calculate the Time to Hire, count the number of days between the day the candidate applied and the day that the candidate accepted the offer. Do this for each hired candidate in the desired period. Sum the values and divide by the number of offers accepted to get the average time to hire for the period.

The formula is as follows:

Time-to Hire (T) = SUM for all hires (Date of offer acceptance β€” Hired candidate's application date/total number of accepted offers

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents an average Time to Hire for the company throughout the last 5 years.

14. Average Time to Start in the last 3-5 years

To calculate the time to Start, count the number of days between the day that the job posting was published and the day the newly hired candidate started to work. Do this for each candidate in the desired period. Add up the values and divide by the number of offers accepted to get the average time to hire for the period.

The formula is as follows:

Time-to Start (T) = SUM for all hires (New employee's start date β€” Date job was published)/total number of accepted offers

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents an average Time to Start for the company throughout the last 3-5 years.

15. Offer acceptance rate in the last 3-5 years

To calculate the offer acceptance rate for a specific month, divide the number of offers accepted by the number of offers sent in that month. Do this for every month in the past year or in the past couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Offer Acceptance Rate (T) = Number of accepted offers at time T / Number of extended offers at time T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents an average Offer acceptance rate for the company throughout the last 5 years.

16. Number of accepted offers per department in 2024

Simply count the number of offers accepted per department in a specific month. Do this for every month in the past year or past couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Offer Accepted (T) = Count the number of accepted offers per department in T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents a sum of accepted offers per department in 2024.

17. New Hires Ratio per department for the last 3-5 years

To calculate the new hires ratio for a specific month, count the number of new hires in that month and divide by the number of active employees in that month. Do this for every month in the past year or past couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

New Hires Ratio (T) = Number of new hires at time T / Number of active employees at time T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents New Hires Ration in 2024.

18. Number of accepted offers per location in 2024

To calculate the number of accepted offers per location, use the approach described under 17, just by location.

The formula is as follows:

Offer Accepted (T) = Count the number of accepted offers per location during T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents a sum of accepted offers per location in 2024.

19. New Hires Ratio per location for the last 3-5 years

The approach is the same as under 18, just taking several years into account.

The formula is as follows:

New Hires Ratio (T) = Number of new hires at time T / Number of active employees during T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents New Hires Ratio in 2024.

20. Number of accepted offers per role in 2024

The approach is the same as under 18, just taking accepted offers into account.

The formula is as follows:

Offer Accepted (T) = Count the number of accepted offers per role during T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the sum of accepted offers per role in 2024.

21. New Hires Ratio per role for the last 3-5 years

The approach is the same as under 19, just taking roles into account.

The formula is as follows:

New Hires Ratio (T) = Number of new hires at time T / Number of active employees during T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents New Hires Ratio in 2024.

22. Number of all terminations with turnover rate in 2024

Simply count the number of employees that left the company in the specified month. Do this for every month in the past year or couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Number of Terminations (T) = Count the number of terminations during T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents a number of terminations per month in 2024.

23. Number of all terminations with turnover rate for the last 3-5 years

The approach for doing this calculation is covered under 22., you just need to take 3-5 years into account.

The formula is as follows:

Number of Terminations (T) = Count the number of terminations during T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the termination trend in the last 5 years.

24. Experience loss per department in 2024

To calculate the experience loss for a specified month, sum the tenure of all employees leaving the company in that month. Do this for every month in the past year or couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Experience Loss (T) = Sum of organizational tenure for all employees who left during T

T represents the time period during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the total years of tenure the company lost in 2024.

25. Voluntary company turnover rate in 2024

To calculate the voluntary turnover rate for a specific month, divide the number of employees that left the organization voluntarily in that month with the total number of employees that left the company. Do this for every month in the past year or couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Voluntary Turnover Rate (T) = Number of employees who left (voluntarily) / Total number of employees working (T)

T represents the point in time during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents a Voluntary Turnover Rate per month in 2024.

26. Voluntary company turnover rate in the last 3-5 years

The approach for calculating this is described in the point above, you just need to take 3-5 years into account.

The formula is as follows:

Voluntary Turnover Rate (T) = Number of employees who left (voluntarily) / Total number of employees working (T)

T represents the point in time during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the Voluntary Turnover Rate in the last 5 years.

27. Involuntary company turnover rate in 2024

To calculate the involuntary turnover rate for a specific month, divide the number of employees that left the organization involuntarily in that month with the total number of employees that left the company. Do this for every month in the past year or couple of years.

The formula is as follows:

Involuntary Turnover Rate (T) = Number of employees who left (involuntarily) / Total number of employees working (T)

T represents the point in time during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the Involuntary Turnover Rate per month in 2024.

28. Involuntary company turnover rate in the last 3-5 years

The approach for calculating this is also described above, you just need to take 3-5 years into account.

The formula is as follows:

Involuntary Turnover Rate (T) = Number of employees who left (involuntarily) / Total number of employees working (T)

T represents the point in time during which you are observing data. In this case, the chart represents the Involuntary Turnover Rate for the last 5 years.

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