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Goal Tree visibility with Goals (new)

Manage and troubleshoot goal visibility in the Goal Tree with Culture Amp.

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

Who can use this feature?

  • All Users

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Goals (new)

Goals in the goal tree are visible based on their alignment and visibility settings.

Goals that have the visibility set to "everyone" and are directly or indirectly aligned to company goals, will appear, including:

  • Company Goals

    • Always visible at the top level under your company logo.

  • Aligned Group or Individual Goals

    • Displayed under the relevant company goal.

Troubleshooting visibility issues

If some goals aren’t appearing as expected, consider the following:

  • Check Visibility Settings

    • Make sure the visibility settings for each goal are correctly set to "everyone".

  • Verify Goal Alignment

    • Confirm that goals are aligned with higher-level objectives to ensure they show up in the correct place.


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