Who can use this feature?
All Users
Available on:
All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Goals (classic) or Goals (new)
Culture Amp’s Goal Tree provides a visual representation of how different goals connect and align across your organization. It helps everyone understand how individual goals contribute to team and company objectives, and highlights dependencies between various goals.
Why use it
Understanding how your goals fit into the bigger picture ensures they’re relevant to the company strategy. The goal tree keeps everyone aligned and focused on the same objectives, or "north star." It offers a clear view of the company’s priorities and progress towards strategic goals.
Clarity: See how personal and team goals align with company objectives.
Motivation: Employees understand the impact of their work, leading to higher motivation and performance.
Prioritization: Alignment to broader objectives helps to identify key priorities when resources are limited.
Tip: For deeper insights into goal setting, check out our guide to create and track Goals.
When to use it
Here are some ways to make the most of the goal tree:
Goal Alignment: Use the goal tree to show how individual and team efforts contribute to overall company success.
Progress Tracking: Integrate the goal tree into departmental or company meetings to review progress and updates towards goals.
Regular Reviews: Regularly track and evaluate goals using the goal tree to maintain alignment and boost employee engagement. A visual representation of priorities helps keep your team focused and motivated.
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