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Remote Work question set

Customizable remote work questions for employee surveys, helping companies gather feedback on remote work success, wellbeing, and growth.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 3 months ago

The remote work question set is a collection of questions focused on remote work, available in the survey template library. With the question set, you can pick and choose relevant questions for an employee feedback survey.

As remote working becomes a new standard/normal, we recognize that many companies are wanting to specifically understand the remote working experience of their employees, especially as COVID-19 restrictions continue.

What's a question set?

Survey templates are designed to be run as is in full, yet question sets provide questions around a specific topic for companies to pick and choose from depending on their needs. In most cases, a subset of questions will be used in a broader employee feedback survey (i.e. Engagement survey, Team Effectiveness). With some edits, companies can however run a dedicated survey using just the questions in the set.

Questions overview

The Remote Work Question set is the first question set in the Culture Amp platform and is a collection of our most popular remote work questions as well as some new additions. While we have included many remote relevant questions in our COVID-19 and general templates, this question set brings them together in one spot. We are also likely to add to it over time.

The questions are grouped into 9 sections (or sub-topics)

  • Overall remote work success - Three questions designed to understand the overall successful outcome of remote working. These questions can be set as an outcome index in a dedicated remote work survey.

  • Remote work enablement and environment - Questions to understand if employees are set-up and able to be productive in their remote work environment and if your company is providing the required support for remote working i.e. Do employees have what they need to practically work remotely for an extended period of time? Can they be productive in their existing remote work environment?

  • Growth and connection - Questions to understand if remote employees are feeling kept up-to-date, connected to colleagues and that they are growing and progressing.

  • Remote teams - Questions for teams that operate with at least one remote team member. These results can be compared with non-remote team members where applicable.

  • Team adjustment to remote work - Questions for teams that have switched to remote work to understand if they feel they have transitioned successfully and where they still need to improve.

  • Managing remotely - Questions to understand if managers are supporting direct reports in a remote context. Results can be compared with non-remote direct reports/managers where relevant

  • Wellbeing - Questions to understand targeted wellbeing areas important for remote employees. Results can be compared with a non-remote workforce where relevant

  • Future remote working - Questions specific to the COVID-19 pandemic to understand how employees feel about continued remote working once the transition back to the workplace has begun. It also looks at preferences to remain working remotely in some capacity. For these questions, it is important to prompt employees to imagine working remotely under more normal circumstances i.e. not during lockdown in a pandemic.

  • Comments - Recommended free text questions to gather feedback on the success and opportunities for better remote working in your company.

Comparing remote and non-remote experiences

In some cases, you may want to compare the experiences of remote workers with non-remote workers. In these instances, ensure the question is relevant for both types of workers (For example, choose ‘I can work productively in my current environment’ over ‘I can work productively in my remote work environment’ ) and set-up a ‘remote worker/non-remote worker’ demographic. You will then be able to use the heatmaps to compare. In other cases, you may have more hybrid employees who split their time between remote and on-site/in the workplace and want to understand how their experience differs across the two contexts. In this situation, be sure to specify ‘when working remotely’ or ‘when on-site/in the office’ in the questions.

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