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1-on-1 Participation Report for Administrators (1-on-1s classic)
1-on-1 Participation Report for Administrators (1-on-1s classic)

How to review 1-1 participation stats

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

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How to review 1-1 participation stats

Who is this guide for?

Account Admin

The 1-on-1 Participation Report enables administrators to view 1-on-1 participation statistics on a department level.

The goal of this report is to assist HR Administrators to understand adoption and usage of the 1-on-1 feature in different departments across the company, identify departments where adoption is too low and leverage departments where 1-on-1 adoption and usage is great to promote adoption in other departments.

Where Can I Access This Report?

Administrators can access this report from the Performance product, by clicking 1-on-1s > participation:

The Report

To report 1-on-1s that have been conducted in practice, the participation report only includes 1-on-1s that participants interacted with. This means that for a 1-on-1 to be included in the report, either the manager or direct report have had to perform one of the actions below:

  • Add at least one agenda item

  • Complete at least one check-in rating question

  • Complete at least one check-in open-text question

  • Add at least one action item

If a 1-on-1 had been scheduled but hasn't been interacted with by either of the participants, it will not be included in this report.


Hero Metrics

  • Participation: % of employees who have had at least one 1-on-1 with their manager within the selected timeframe.

  • Total number of 1-on-1s: the total number of 1-on-1s that have been conducted (interacted with) within the selected timeframe. 1-on-1s that were scheduled but haven't been interacted with are excluded.

Date filter

Admins can choose to view the report by the past 30 or 90 days, or the past 6 and 12 months.

Data Table

  • Participation(#): how many employees of the current number of employees in each department, have had at least one 1-on-1 in the selected time frame.

    • For example, in the last 90 days, Employee A was part of the HR Department and completed a 1-on-1. Employee A then moved into the Finance Department and completed a 1-on-1. The Employee will be reported in the HR Department participation count and will be reported in the Finance Department participation count for the 90-day report.

Note: If an employee was part of a department but has moved out of that department in the selected time frame, they will still be counted in the previous department and then will be counted in the new department when they complete the next 1-on-1

  • Participation (%): the percentage of employees of the current employees in each department, that have had at least one 1-on-1 in the selected time frame

  • Total 1-on-1s: total number of 1-on-1s that have been conducted (interacted with) per department in the selected timeframe

  • Average number of 1-on-1s: The average column demonstrates the average number of 1-on-1 conversations per person in the department. It takes the total 1-on-1s divided by the total number of people assigned to that department

To calculate, let's use the example below:


  • The calculation for Customer Service will be 54/337.

  • This equals 0.1 if you round down.

  • All decimal places will be rounded down to a single number after the decimal point.


Who can access this report?

Only Account Administrators have access to this report. Managers or HRBPs with partial permissions do not currently have access.

Can admins drill down to view individual participation in 1-on-1s or content of 1-on-1s?

To maintain confidentiality and promote more meaningful conversations, admins have no access to content of 1-on-1s. Participation statistics are currently only aggregated in a department level.

Why do I have employees under "Not specified" department?

Employees who are not assigned with a department in your data file will fall under the "Not specified" department bucket. If that seems wrong, please check your employee data file to make sure all employees have a department assigned, or reach out to .

Why is the Participation % for a department greater than 100%?

If employees move out of a department during the period you are reporting on then the participation rate may be greater than 100%. For example, you may see ‘8 of 3’ employees in a department had 1-on-1s. This means during that period, 8 people had 1-on-1s while assigned to that department, but right now only 3 employees remain in that department.

Do 1-on-1s get reported against the employee's department or the manager's department?

The participation report helps you identify how many individuals in a department have had time with their manager, so participation is measured based on the department the employees are in (not the department the manager is in).

For example, a manager Casey is in the ‘Executive’ department, with 3 direct reports in the ‘HR’ department. Casey updating 1-on-1s with their direct reports will show participation against ‘HR’. Alternatively, when Casey updates 1-on-1s with their own manager, it will show as participation against ‘Executive’.

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