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Report filters

An overview of how your reporting group minimum can affect your filtered data within survey reports

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 6 months ago

Who can use this feature?

  • Account Admin, Survey Admin, Survey Creators

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement or Effectiveness.

When setting up the reporting rules for a survey, you can review the minimum reporting group size for scores and comments. The reporting group minimum allows you to see results for groups, while also disguising any one individual's responses. This supports confidentiality in how a participant answers the survey, which encourages high-quality and honest feedback.

After adding a filter to your report, choose the demographics by which you want to filter your results. For example, you can add a City demographic filter, and then choose to see only responses from the London and New York offices.

However, you will not be able to apply a filter that includes fewer responses than your reporting group minimum. For example, if there is only one response from the Finance Analytics team, and your minimum group size is 5, you will not be able to see filtered results for Finance Analytics. The filter will show a confidentiality warning, and a message will appear noting that there are not enough responses.

Even if the combined results of a filter will meet the reporting group minimum, you are still unable to add any filter that is smaller than the minimum. This is to prevent scenarios in which individual results could be identified by adding and removing small group filters, and seeing how the data changes.

Your survey administrator may need to re-do the groupings in the employee data if needed. Merging some smaller groups together may help in your results analysis.

The reporting group minimum also applies to comment filtering. During survey creation, administrators can identify a single demographic filter that can be used with comments. When applying this filter to a report, you will not be able to see results if the filter includes fewer responses than your comment reporting group minimum.

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