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Engagement Surveys

Step-by-step instructions, best practices, and result sharing/interpretation for managing Engagement Surveys.

Guide to Survey preparationKick off your first Culture Amp Survey with our 5-step checklist, covering question design, data, communication, and analysis.
Guide to setting goals and targets for employee engagementA guide for Admins on setting employee engagement goals wisely, avoiding target pitfalls, and enhancing workplace experiences.
Guide to incentivizing employee engagementA guide for admins on incentivizing employee feedback by focusing on engagement drivers, avoiding targets, and fostering improvement.
The science behind random samplingExplore the benefits and challenges of random sampling in employee surveys. Learn best practices for effective implementation.
Survey cadence methodologyExplore effective survey cadence: quarterly baseline, trend, and diagnostic surveys boost engagement while reducing fatigue.
Survey FAQ TemplatePrepare for common Employee and Manager questions with this FAQ template to ensure transparency and boost survey response rates.
Understanding Pulse SurveysAdmin guide: Discover what Pulse Surveys are, their types, best practices for questions, & ideal frequency for maximum employee engagement.
Guide to thanking participants following a SurveyLearn how to communicate effectively after your Survey closes: say thanks, build excitement, and share the next steps with our template!
Statistical significance in Employee SurveysIs a 5% drop in engagement statistically significant? Learn why statistical significance can be misleading in employee surveys.
Guide to surveying on employee mood and feelingsExplore surveying on employee mood & feelings: actionable questions, maintaining trust, support resources, and best practices for insights.

Guide to Survey Launch: Question DesignEffective survey design & template customization for admins. Start with our templates for insights into company culture & improvement areas
Guide to designing a surveyLearn how to design effective surveys with Culture Amp templates. Tips on UX, question writing, survey length, outcomes, and customization.
Survey Strategy ChecklistPlan a successful survey with our survey strategy checklist! Align goals, engage stakeholders, set objectives & design surveys effectively
Question types used in surveysOverview of different survey question types, including rating scale, free text, single select, multiple select & their impact on reporting.
Use alternatives to the Agreement scale in surveysLearn about alternative 5-point survey scales like Satisfaction, Quality, and Importance. Choose the best scale for your survey needs.
Best practices for using Branching logic in surveysLearn how to use answer-based and demographic branching to customize surveys while avoiding pitfalls like bias and survey scope creep.
Use answer branching rules in a surveyGuide to answer-based branching: Personalize surveys by showing/hiding questions based on previous responses.
Set Up a Demographic Branching RuleGuidance on how to set up a demographic branching rule
Guide to using mandatory questionsAvoid mandatory survey questions to enhance response quality and reduce dropout rates. Learn when and how to configure them effectively.
Configure mandatory survey questionsLearn how to mark survey questions as mandatory in your survey, plus tips on the impact of mandatory questions on participation rates.
Adding Safety Questions to an Engagement SurveyLearn how to add and customize survey questions to address safety perceptions and safety culture, enhancing your Employee Engagement Survey.
Guide for importing questions to your surveyGuidance on how to add or update your survey questions using the survey question import feature
Guide to populating survey translation Import TemplatesA guide to populating the survey translation import templates for your survey questions and communications
Likert question response formats and the agree formatLearn about the Likert question format for surveys, using a 5-point scale to measure agreement and improve response reliability.
Guide to Culture Amp Engagement questions and alternativesAn overview guide to the Culture Amp engagement questions and alternatives you could use to structure your survey
The science behind our driver questionsLearn about Culture Amp's driver questions used to measure key factors influencing employee engagement and actionable workplace insights.
Engagement survey template overviewUse Culture Amp's 57-question Employee Engagement Survey to measure key factors like leadership, development, and work-life blend.

Guide to Understanding Survey ResultsLearn how to understand survey results and navigate different reports: participation, comparisons, outcome scores, impact analysis, & more.
How scores are calculated for reportsLearn how question and factor scores are calculated and how to use benchmarks to evaluate your survey results effectively.
Difference between scores of strongly agree and agreeDiscover survey score breakdowns! Understand why we focus on favorability trends for clearer insights.
Trend for Surveys and ProgramsHow to visualize survey results across multiple surveys using Trend
Use the Custom Report to Build Multi-Demographic HeatmapsLearn how to build custom multi-demographic heatmaps in Culture Amp to uncover insights on engagement, and trends within your data
Multiple Choice Questions ReportHow multiple choice questions are viewed and interpreted within a survey report
The importance of finding focusHelp execs find focus in survey results: Learn why choosing one action area drives change, reduces analysis paralysis, and boosts alignment.
Focus agent feature in survey analyticsDiscover the Focus agent to automate survey analysis to identify impactful focus areas and boost employee engagement quickly.
How Impact is determinedLearn how Driver Analysis uncovers key engagement drivers: Move beyond scores to find what truly impacts your organization's culture.
Impact and driver analysis FAQsImpact & driver analysis FAQs: Learn how to identify key factors impacting engagement & find answers to common questions about the process.
Upgrade to how our impact and driver analysis is calculatedAn update to how our Impact is calculated in survey reports
Text Analytics in Comments ReportingUsing Text analytics in Culture Amp reports: Unlock deeper insights from written feedback with advanced sentiment and topic analysis.
Text analytics insightsExplore sentiment trends across industries and regions.
AI Comment Summaries in Engagement ResultsGuidance on how to use the AI comment summaries feature for analysing comments in your engagement survey reports
What does 'Not Specified' mean in Survey reportsWhat 'not specified' refers to in survey reports
What Does 'All Others' mean in Survey reportsAn understanding of what 'all others' in survey reports refers to
Report colorsUnderstand colored delta values in Culture Amp reports. Learn how green, yellow, & red scores indicate variance, not performance.
Correlation AnalysisExplore our Impact Analysis (Driver Analysis) to understand employee engagement correlations with real-world examples.
View Performance Ratings in Engagement reportsLink performance ratings to engagement surveys for deeper insights into high performers & at-risk groups.
Guide to learning from your Feedback DigestAn introduction to the Feedback Digest and what you can learn from this data
Guide to identifying and rewarding survey championsA guide to identifying and rewarding survey champions
AI Comment Comparisons in Engagement ResultsQuickly compare employee comments from top & bottom scoring cohorts with AI to uncover key similarities and differences in engagement surveys.

Guide to report sharingCustomize report sharing by deciding who gets access to what survey results, ensuring transparency and supporting action planning.
Getting started with report sharingShare survey results within your organization using various report options. Learn how to create, share, and manage reports effectively.
Creating filtered reportsCreate filtered reports, tailor feedback by demographics, configure report settings and share results with managers, execs, or employees.
Survey SummaryShare Culture Amp survey results via Survey Summary to thank employees, provide high-level insights, and boost engagement for future surveys
Creating a Participation ReportTrack team participation in live surveys with a Participation report.
Creating Leader-Based Hierarchy ReportsLearn about leader-based reports in Culture Amp, how managers can access team survey results, and share actionable insights.
Assigning Report Viewers and OwnersLearn how to manually assign Report Viewers & Owners with tips for managing participants & exports.
Notify and publish reports to Viewers and OwnersLearn how to notify report viewers and owners in Culture Amp with automated reminders, and manage email notifications outside the platform.
Managing Report Viewers after duplicating SurveysDuplicate survey reports in draft, update report viewers easily. Streamline setup by removing old viewers or owners and assigning new ones.
Set up a filter for the Comments reportLearn how to set up demographic filters for your survey comments, ensuring confidentiality while allowing focused feedback.
Invite Users to Access ReportsGuidance on the 3 ways to notify report viewers that they have been granted access to a report
Bulk upload report sharing permissionsEasily bulk upload report sharing permissions for viewers and owners using our export/import feature.
Survey export optionsGuidance on the different survey export options available for the Engagement template type surveys.
How to bulk export shared reportsHow to bulk export shared reports
How to request a de-identified raw data extractLearn how to request a de-identified raw data extract for your closed survey.
How to download a raw data extractEasily download raw survey data from Culture Amp via the Surveys page or API. Follow steps for CSV exports and view export activity logs.
Translate Comments to EnglishHow to translate comments to English
Survey Reporting FAQsAdmin FAQ guide for setting up, viewing, and customizing reports in Culture Amp. Find answers to common reporting questions and tips

Presenting your results and selecting focus areasPresenting survey results? Focus on key findings and two action areas for impactful communication.
Preparing leaders to receive Survey resultsGuidance for leaders on receiving feedback: embrace survey results, view feedback constructively, and act thoughtfully.
Presenting results: overviewGuide to PowerPoint report sections: present survey results, identify focus areas, and tailor content for action. Tips for customization.
Presenting results: introPresent survey results effectively in PowerPoint: review findings, discuss implications, identify focus areas, and highlight key metrics.
Presenting results: ParticipationStart your results presentation by highlighting participation rates to show data representativeness. Use relevant demographics for clarity.
Presenting results: Overall EngagementProvide context for Engagement scores, compare benchmarks, highlight survey factors, and narrow focus to strengths and opportunities.
Presenting results: Strengths and OpportunitiesHighlight key insights, top 5 high and low scoring questions, compare to benchmarks, and identify strategic areas for improvement.
Guide to presenting results: focus and actionGuide leadership in prioritizing focus areas for action, using insights and recommendations to drive meaningful change and improvement.
Communicating headline results to your organizationShare headline survey results, leader-identified focus areas, and next steps to maintain engagement and drive meaningful action.
Guide to presenting results: CommentsUse text analytics to highlight survey comment trends and sentiment, linking qualitative insights to quantitative data for deeper context.
Export reports of Survey results as PowerPoint presentationLearn how to export your survey results to PowerPoint, select comparisons, and choose demographics for detailed participation breakdowns.

Take action with the Action FrameworkLearn how Account Admins, Report Viewers, and Report Owners can use our Action Framework to create, track, and measure actions.
Admin's Action DashboardUse the Action Dashboard to track employee feedback, actions, and engagement. Accessible for Administrators only.
Action framework featureUse Culture Amp's Action framework to act on employee feedback, identify focus areas, explore action ideas, and measure impact.
Guide for custom Inspiration translationsBulk import custom inspiration translations in Culture Amp to support multi-language reports and ensure all viewers see localized content.
Guide for bulk importing InspirationsTailor Culture Amp's Inspiration Engine via bulk import for survey edits.
Guide to quickly take action while pulsingLearn how to quickly understand, act, and communicate survey results during a crisis. Close the loop on employee feedback effectively.
Thought leader content throughout the platformDiscover Culture Amp's new thought leader inspirations from companies like Atlassian, offering expert advice and best practices on feedback.
Tailor the Inspiration EngineUse the Inspiration Engine to customize and manage action ideas for employee feedback, tailored to your company’s unique culture and needs.
Inspiration EngineExplore Culture Amp's Inspiration Engine for real-world ideas to improve employee experiences, tailored to your team's focus areas.
Guide to Driving Action Through Survey ChampionsA guide to driving action through the use of survey champions
Guide to Accountability (Over Compliance) When Taking Action on ResultsLearn how to empower teams to act on employee feedback, foster accountability, and avoid a compliance-driven culture for better outcomes.
Guide to taking action on Survey resultsUse the R2A process to turn survey data into actions that build a better culture, guiding leaders on a journey to focused improvement.
Running a results-to-action workshopTransform survey results into actionable steps with our results-to-action workshop guide, including a PDF workbook and Miro template.
Guide to generating ideas to take action on Survey resultsUnlock actionable insights from survey results with a collaborative approach. Follow four key steps to engage employees and drive change.
Guide to the post Survey action questionsEnhance your follow-up survey with an Action Index to track employee engagement and positive change based on previous results.