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Culture Amp’s Curated Survey Templates
Culture Amp’s Curated Survey Templates

Explore 14 curated survey templates for hiring, onboarding, training, and more to enhance your feedback strategy and insights.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

Note: The curated survey templates are not accessible through the platform's template library. However, you can obtain a copy of our curated template questions by contacting your Customer Success Coach or reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

In addition to the surveys available on our platform, we offer customers a collection of informal templates, which are curated sets of questions on a range of topics. These curated templates are additional survey templates that are not available in the template library of the platform. Our People Scientists have created them because we know they may be useful for your organization to add to existing surveys or to launch as standalone surveys. This article provides an overview of the top 14 curated templates.

There are a variety of ways in which these questions can be used. In the explanations in this article, we have listed whether the question set is intended to be a standalone template or a question set where you can choose the most relevant questions to ask to include in an Engagement Survey. In the case of a full template, you can load the questions into the platform as a custom survey.

Moments That Matter / Repeated Surveys

Hiring Manager

Full Survey Template
Survey Length: 45 questions

To ensure the right people are being recruited, companies may seek feedback from managers on the quality of candidates provided to each hiring manager. This feedback can help a recruitment team understand what each manager and department needs, which in turn ensures those hiring managers are more effective in their hiring decisions. People leaders can also use manager feedback to identify top-performing recruiters based on quality and not just quantity of work. It can also help ensure those who need more support are provided the insights needed for improvement.

Typically a Hiring Manager survey would be sent to the manager of a new hire once the new hire has signed their contract.

Sample questions:

  • Overall, I am satisfied with the hiring process

  • I am satisfied with the applicants that were presented to me (quality, quantity, diversity)

  • I am confident that the assessment process helped hired the right person for this job

New Hire 30/60/90 Day Manager Check-in

Full Survey Template
Survey Length: 28 questions

This template is designed for recruiting teams to ask a new hire's manager after 30/60/90 days of employment to check in on if the new hire is matching the original expectations of their manager.

Training Effectiveness

Question Set: 10 rating questions + 2 open text

Gather feedback post a training session offered to your leaders and teams. When gathering feedback about training effectiveness, it’s important to bring it back to the objective that was trying to be achieved with the training. For example, if a training objective is to have people feel more confident with a sales process, ask them a question to understand if the training supported that.

This survey should be run to understand the strengths of current training approaches, and gaps that still exist in the trainees’ perceptions of their skill development. Track training improvements over time. Create opportunities for linkage analytics with other surveys (e.g., engagement) based on training attendance and effectiveness.

Sample questions:

  • I understand my strengths as [TRAINING FOCUS]

  • I understand the importance of [TRAINING FOCUS]

  • I am committed to [TRAINING FOCUS]

All Hands/Town Hall

Question Set: 7 questions

All Hands/Town Halls are recurring company meetings that may involve the entire company or an entire department. They are opportunities for executives to share the company vision and keep their people informed. Because All Hands/Town Halls are a significant time investment both in terms of leadership preparation as well as the total number of hours spent company-wide, it’s important to ensure they effectively meet the needs of each stakeholder.

An All Hands/Town Hall survey can quickly identify what’s working well, what’s not working well and can be particularly helpful either before deciding to update your approach (to work out what changes are effective) or just after a change (to measure how well the changes are received).

Additionally, An All Hands/Town Hall survey can be used to surface topics of interest for Q&A sections or presentation planning. People & Culture Leaders can present to their Executive Team a list of requested topics based on the feedback of their people.

Sample questions:

  • I felt the All-Hands/Conference provided useful information

  • I felt the All-Hands/Conference was an efficient use of my time

  • The topics covered at the All-Hands/Conference were relevant to me

Experience Surveys

Parental Leave

Full Survey Template
Survey Length: 28 questions

We believe Culture First means building an equitable experience that helps people to be confident to take parental leave and return feeling supported by their leaders. This survey focuses on the experience of those returning from parental leave and focuses on key aspects known to impact perceptions of parental leave, such as support by managers, leadership behaviors (i.e., modeling the usage of flexible practices), and perceptions of career impact. While not specifically gendered, this survey does help women who are more likely to take parental leave, and when they take it, are more likely to spend longer out of the workplace than men. 60% of women in Australia had a job while pregnant. About one in five women (19%) stated that they felt subjected to some type of discrimination which included: missing out on promotions; missing out on training or development; inappropriate or negative comments from a manager or supervisor; and their job tasks, roles and/or responsibilities being changed without consultation. On average in Australia, 300,000 babies are born per year Australia, with 180,000 of those born to women who work, which (assuming some come from two-parent households) may mean 250,000 to 300,000 instances of parental leave. Perceptions of return to work and career flexibility may play an important role in attracting and retaining talent across both genders.

Sample questions:

  • ACME, as a company, creates a supportive environment for people to be on parental leave

  • Senior leaders at ACME actively support working parents balance their work and personal commitments

  • Senior leaders at ACME openly share their own personal experiences of balancing work and personal commitments

Onboarding - End of Probation

Full Survey Template
Survey Length: 27+ rating questions, 7 free text questions

Understand the experience of your new starters and their effectiveness in completing their roles. Identify gaps in your onboarding experience, and predict individuals or groups who may be dissatisfied and a retention risk. This survey can be used in conjunction with a full onboarding survey program, or standalone. This survey should be deployed when an employee completes their probation period (usually after three or six months, depending on your organizations’ policy).

Sample questions:

  • I believe I am on the best team for me right now

  • Is there anything else you would have liked to have experienced in your first six months? (e.g. personal achievements, learnings or workplace experiences)

Stay Survey

Full Survey Template
Survey Length: 24 rating questions, 7 free text questions

A Stay Survey is designed to proactively engage employees before they become dissatisfied. Used especially with valued employees, its aim is to learn what makes employees want to keep working with an organization. The Stay Survey is recommended after 12 months or more of employment.

Identify opportunities to retain employees, at a key moment in the employee’s life cycle.

Sample questions:

  • My experience of the organization has matched my expectations

  • I feel like this is a great role for me

  • I know what I need to do to be a high performer in my role

One-off Surveys

Volunteer Engagement Survey

Full Survey Template
Survey Length: 41 questions

For Not-for-Profit organizations, providing a positive experience for volunteers is a key part of delivering a quality service to stakeholders. Unlike paid employees though, NFPs may have less access to employees and a harder to define ‘Volunteer Proposition’. What makes a volunteer give their time to one organization and not another? What makes a volunteer come back to the same organization year after year?

A Volunteer Engagement Survey takes the same principles of an Employee Engagement Survey but adapts the questions to a volunteer’s experience. It is shorter than an Engagement survey to acknowledge that volunteers may have less time to commit. Understandably, it doesn’t ask about remuneration but focuses on things that an NFP would find helpful and can impact, such as experience of communication, sense of belonging, and intentions to continue taking part.

Sample questions:

  • The leaders demonstrate that volunteers are important to the success of ACME

  • My coordinator genuinely cares about my volunteering experience here

  • We acknowledge volunteers who deliver outstanding service

Internal Communications

Full Survey Template
Survey Length: 31 questions

Internal Communication is the sharing of information within an organization. It helps to improve alignment and ensure you have an engaged and informed workforce. By measuring your internal communication, you can better understand the effectiveness of the channels you are using (e.g Town Halls, Newsletters), how easy it is to find and understand information, leader/CEO communication and how well understood your company strategy is.

Understanding what is working and where you might have gaps in your communication approach will help you identify your communication priorities and pain points which will help keep your employees informed, engaged and aligned.

Sample Questions:

  • Our business strategy has been communicated in a way that helps me understand what I should prioritize in my day to day

  • I hear about business updates in a timely manner

  • I can find the information I need, when I need it to do my job

Psychological Safety

Question Set: 36 questions

Team psychological safety is defined as ‘a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.’ Psychological safety was identified as an important aspect of team effectiveness in Google's Project Aristotle research.

Asking these questions will help you gain insights into the culture of psychological safety across your organization, in particular across different pockets of the organization. This can then help you focus on the aspects of psychological safety most impactful and important to your people and help create meaningful action plans around this topic.

Sample questions:

  • People are comfortable speaking up when our manager is in the room

  • When my teammates say they’ll do something, they follow through with it

  • If you make a mistake at ACME, it is rarely held against you

Health and Safety

Full Survey Template or a library of possible questions to include in an Engagement Survey
Question Set: 24 questions

This set of questions will help you assess Health and Safety practices and sentiment across your organization and will help determine what is working well and areas for improvement across your OH&S strategy. To be successful, organizations must have both a comprehensive and relevant OH&S Policy as well as have a culture and set of demonstrated behaviors that align with that policy. If your company has a very well-designed and effective response to incident policy, but a team culture is in place that prevents people from reporting incidents, then issues may arise despite the efforts of OH&S leaders.

Sample questions:

  • ACME provides a safe working environment

  • My manager is committed to employee safety

  • We are kept informed of changes in safety policies and procedures


Question Set: 15 Rating Question, 1 Multi-select Question, 1 Open Text question

Environmental, Social and Governance matters become increasingly important for businesses and are a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining talent. Asking these questions will help you gain insights on how employees feel towards sustainability initiatives at your organization. Gathering information on visibility and alignment will help to tailor communications around your initiatives and prioritize projects.

Sample questions:

  • I know about the sustainability projects at ACME

  • I believe our sustainability projects are right for a company like ours

  • I believe our sustainability projects are one of the top reasons why people stay at ACME

Ethics & Compliance

Full Survey Template
Survey Length: 33 questions

This is not a typical HR/P&C survey. If asking these types of questions around ethics and compliance, organizations need to be ready for the results. This survey can be used for a variety of reasons: to guide manager training; to uncover suspected unethical departments; to develop policies; if the organization is under investigation; to infuse values (ranging from if the culture is 'broken' to super ethical, values-driven organizations). We suggest working closely with your Customer Success Coach or People Scientist if wanting to launch this survey.

Sample questions:

  • ACME fosters a culture of ethical behavior

  • People tend to do the right thing at ACME, even if it's not in their personal interest

  • I am comfortable raising ethical concerns, suspicion of or observed misconduct with my manager


Question Set: 19 questions

To remain successful, organizations look to nurture innovation. Our own data indicates that engagement is highly correlated with innovation behaviors in all types of organizations. Asking some of these questions will help identify how innovation is playing out in your organization.

Sample questions:

  • ACME rewards taking risks with the goal of driving innovation

  • When I contribute ideas and thoughts, I believe my opinion is valued

  • We are encouraged to be innovative even though some of our initiatives may not succeed


Question Set: 21 rating questions

Trust is a ‘firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.’ Trust questions should ask about whether employees expect the organization, leaders, managers, and teammates to act according to the cultural and social norms of the organization and the society. This library provides an action-focused set of questions to understand levels of trust in your organization across key areas such as leadership, accountability, and open communication.

These questions can be asked to align your organization’s values of trust/leadership/accountability. It is recommended to select questions from this library that best represent the dimensions of trust you intend to measure and action.

Sample questions:

  • Whenever leaders at ACME make an important decision, I know they will be concerned about people like me

  • Leaders at ACME can be relied on to keep their promises

  • People at all levels at ACME are trusted to make important decisions


Full Survey Template
Survey Length: 34 questions

Working facilities are an important part of any employee’s experience and so would impact things like engagement levels, productivity, and wellbeing. This bank of questions covers most of the common themes relating to facilities, such as cleanliness, environment, and restroom facilities. This template could be helpful for Facilities Managers in particular.

The problem it will help to solve is understanding what works well for employees and areas for improvement across facilities. It will put actionable data in the hands of people like Facilities Managers who can improve facilities, with the intention of improving the employee experience.

Emergency Response Template

Full Survey Template

Survey Length: 35 questions

This template provides a comprehensive framework to assess your organization's response to critical situations. The feedback we gather is crucial in evaluating your organization's readiness and effectiveness in supporting employees during challenging times.

From leadership visibility and communication to employee well-being and adaptability, the data we collect will help guide in reshaping your approach to ensure that employees feel safe, supported, and well-informed during these challenging circumstances.

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