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Preferred Name vs. Name in Performance

Guidance on where you can expect to encounter the distinction between Preferred Name and Name within the performance section of the platform

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated yesterday

When selecting account demographics in Culture Amp, you have the flexibility to assign custom demographics like Gender, Location, Department, and more to employees.

Additionally, you can enhance your employees' experience by assigning both Name and Preferred Name demographics.

The Name demographic is a mandatory field for all employees. On the other hand, the Preferred Name demographic is optional and allows for a more personalized experience within different parts of the platform. This article is designed to provide clarity on where, within the Performance side of the platform and via communications, you will find Preferred Name versus Name displayed.


For Performance-based communications, the table below provides information on the default salutation used. In cases where the Preferred Name is the default but no Preferred Name value is specified in a user profile, the User Name value will be displayed instead.

Anytime feedback:

Communication Topic



Preferred Name

User is invited to provide feedback

Any user

User receives feedback

Any user

Feedback is commented on

Recipient /


Recipient shares feedback with another user

Any user


Communication Topic



Preferred Name

Any user


Communication Topic



Preferred Name

Cycle launch

Any user

Reminder to complete (7 day remaining)

Any user

Reminder to complete (1 day remaining)

Any user

Direct report submits self-reflection


Performance Reviews

Communication Topic



Preferred Name

Participants nominate peers

employees included in cycle

Manager select peer reviewers

Managers of employees in cycle

Reviewers to complete feedback requested of them

selected reviewers

(feedback recipient Name)

(feedback reviewer Preferred Name)

Reminder for reviewers to complete feedback requested of them

selected reviewers

(feedback recipient Name)

(feedback reviewer Preferred Name)

Manager review direct reports

Managers of employees in cycle


Reminder for Manager to review direct reports

Managers of employees in cycle


Reviewers have completed feedback requested of them

Managers of employees in cycle

(feedback reviewer Name)


Review automated requests

Managers of employees in cycle

(cycle includes upward feedback and automatic requests)


Manager-requested feedback:

Communication Topic



Preferred Name

Invite to provide one or more peer or upward feedback

Any user

Feedback has been submitted from one or more requests


Direct report receives feedback shared by author

Any user

Reminder to provide outstanding feedback

Any user


Communication Topic



Preferred Name

When a calibration view is shared

Any user

Platform views

Name salutation

Name will appear as the default salutation in the following platform views, irrespective of whether a Preferred Name has been included in a user's profile:

Anytime feedback

Full name used when searching for a user to "Give Feedback".


Performance reviews: Manager review tab

Performance reviews: feedback tab

Performance reviews: Request feedback tab

Manager-requested feedback: Manager view

Goals Usage

Calibration view

1-on-1 Conversations

Full name is used in all views except the conversation.

Preferred Name Salutation

In the following instances, the Preferred Name takes precedence as the default salutation. If a user's profile lacks a Preferred Name value, the platform will automatically revert to displaying the user's Name value:

Anytime feedback

  • After you have selected a user to"Give feedback" to.

Anytime feedback

  • Your "Received feedback" view.

Performance Reviews: Feedback profile

Goals (classic)

Goals (classic) reporting (available to Performance Admins)

Manager-requested feedback: Performance Admin view

User directory

1-on-1 conversations

Shown only in the "conversations" view. If no preferred name is set, the full name will be displayed in all views.

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