I am giving feedback as part of (a)...
Performance reviews
As participant in a Performance Review cycle, you'll likely be asked to provide feedback about your peers, direct reports and/or your manager(s). Feedback provided about you will culminate in a performance review written by your manager, which may be calibrated with other managers and your HR or People team to ensure a fair and equitable review.
Here are some links to provide you with further information concerning our performance review cycles:
Note: If you're not seeing the Self-reflections option under the Performance drop-down your account has likely transitioned to the new performance experience. Please check out our FAQs for more information. You can access the updated guidance on performance reviews in our 2025: Employee Guide to Performance Reviews article. If you are a manager, refer to the 2025: Manager’s Guide to Performance Reviews.
Performance resources
What to expect as a participant
How to nominate your peers to give you feedback
How to edit who you've nominated to give you feedback
How to provide feedback to your coworkers (Peer Feedback) and manager(s) (Upward Feedback)
"Why is the submit button grayed out?" and other FAQs
How to request feedback about your direct reports
How to review upward feedback requests in a cycle with automation
How to share your review
Plus FAQs including:
"Why is the submit button grayed out?"
"Why can’t I see my direct reports’ reviews?"
"How can I view my indirect reports' Performance Reviews?"
Participate in a Performance review cycle (Culture Amp Training)
Participate in a Performance review cycle (Culture Amp Training)
This is a self-guided course for employees to learn everything you need to know to participate in a performance review in your organization, including:
What to expect in the performance review
How to use the Culture Amp platform to nominate reviewers, give peer and upward feedback, and write your self-reflection
Tips for who to nominate, how to write a great self-reflection, and how to write effective peer and upward feedback
At Culture Amp, we know that self-reflection is a key step in a performance review so that your manager can better understand your own performance and thought processes. In writing your self-reflection, you can comment on your achievements, learnings, and areas for growth during the review period. This component ensures that your voice is heard!
As a participant in a self-reflection cycle, or a manager reviewing your direct reports' self-reflection, you may have questions pertaining to deadlines, or commenting on a completed self-reflection. We've compiled the below resources in order to help you navigate this process with ease. The Culture Amp Training video provided above touches on Self Reflections as well!
Self-reflection resources
How to complete a Self-Reflection as a participant
How to track your Self-Reflection
Accessing your direct reports' Self-Reflection
Commenting on self-reflections
How to view your indirect reports' Self-Reflection
Anytime feedback
Typically in the past, the only time to provide substantial feedback to your coworkers and leadership was during the performance review cycle. Feedback is an important opportunity to learn and grow, and at Culture Amp, we know that feedback is valuable all the time! Within the Anytime Feedback module, you are able to send out feedback to colleagues whenever you feel compelled to, as well as request feedback on how you can improve.
Here are some helpful links to assist you with completing or sending out requests for Anytime Feedback!
Anytime feedback resources
How to request feedback
How to give requested feedback
How to give unsolicited feedback
How to give feedback within 1-on-1’s, Goals and Development
Other FAQs!
Employee quick guide to Anytime feedback (Culture Amp Training)
Employee quick guide to Anytime feedback (Culture Amp Training)
How Anytime Feedback works
Anytime Feedback quick guide
Manager-requested feedback
Manager-requested feedback allows managers to request feedback about their direct reports from other individuals, outside of a performance cycle. Since managers can’t be in all places at once, this can give managers insight into an employee’s performance and experience that the manager wouldn’t have on their own.
Please see the guide below for further information on Manager-requested feedback:
Manager-requested feedback resources
How to request feedback as a manager for your direct reports
How to edit the question template
How to withdraw feedback
Other FAQs about editing responses, adding/removing comments, and more
How to write and save feedback
How to dismiss a request
Feedback visibility
How to share feedback with the employee
Adding comments to feedback
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