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📊 Data Health on Metric Details
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

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Data Heath on Metric Details Page

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On each metric details page, you can check it’s Data Health. Data Health indicator shows right next to the metric’s title in the header.

It can be:

  • Good

  • Medium

  • Low

  • Unknown

How to access the Data Health details?

On the Metric Details page, click on the Health indicator in the metric’s header to open details.

If your data health is Good and 100% healthy

If the top of the Data Health page reports that your data is 100% healthy, it means that your HRIS and ATS contain all the data People Analytics can use, and that there’s not even a single data point for a single employee that’s missing.

If that’s the case, you can move on without looking at the remainder of the page.

If your data health is less than 100% healthy

If your data health is medium or low, or even good, but still less than 100% healthy, it means that employee records in your HRIS or ATS or both are incomplete. It can be you are still not tracking necessary fields in your HRIS or ATS (red dot, first column), or you are tracking it, but data for some employees are missing (orange dot, second column). Percentages next to each tag are indicating how many employees have that data field filled and tracked in your HRIS or ATS. So, if you are not tracking some data field, all percentages will be 0, since no employee has that field filled out.

🚉 The average percentage value of all relevant data fields per metric will form the general data health percentage value.

Each of the data tags are interactive and link to corresponding details on Data Health page. There, you will be able to see which employees are missing data and in what system (HRIS and/or ATS).

Beside these essential data fields, we recommend improving other data fields that are relevant for filtering capabilities. These can be regular HRIS and ATS fields that you can manage on your own, but they can be rich data as well. If the latter is the case, you will see an outlined data tag with the name of the rich data that can be improved. In that case, reach out to us through the form provided in the link below:

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