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šŸš‘ Data Health 101
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

šŸš‡ On this page:

Introduction to Data Health.

Related pages:


The Data health page will show you a list of any missing or incomplete employee data as well as ways to fix those issues.

Frequent visits to this page should be a priority because People Analytics heavily relies on external data from your ATS and HRIS to construct its various story chapter metrics and filters.

Hence, to make your People Analytics metrics reliable and complete, you must first ensure that the data it collects is reliable and complete.

How to access the Data Health page?

You can access the Data Health page through the link in the global navigation bar on the top of every page.

If your data is 100% healthy

If the top of the Data Health page reports that your data is 100% healthy it means that your HRIS and ATS contain all the data People Analytics can use and that thereā€™s not even a single data point for a single employee thatā€™s missing.

If thatā€™s the case, you can move on without looking at the remainder of the page.

If your data is less than 100% healthy

If your data is less than 100% healthy it means that employee records in your HRIS or ATS or both are incomplete.

Scroll down to see the list of attributes that need to be fixed ("Needs Improving") or added ("Missing section").

Each entry in the list will include:

  • Description of the faulty data attribute

  • List of affected story metrics so you can understand how your analytics are distorted by the incomplete data

  • Step-by-step instructions to fix the issue

  • Name(s) of employees whose records lack the data attribute in question (enabling you to quickly find them in your HRIS or ATS)

Needs improving

When you already track a particular data type but individual data points for one or more employees are missing, incomplete, or invalid, they will show up in the ā€œImprovementsā€ section.


Any data People Analytics can use but that you donā€™t yet track in your HRIS, ATS will be listed in the ā€œmissingā€ section.

How to fix missing or incomplete data

To fix the missing or incomplete attributes, just follow the specific step-by-step instructions included for each attribute.

When you fix the attribute, it will be moved into the "Healthy" section.

Data health Maintenance

Your goal, of course, is to empty the first two buckets and make sure all your attributes are in the Healthy category.

If data health is neglected, employee data can easily get corrupted or outdated as your organization onboards new hires, promotes existing employees, lets others go, bumps or cuts their salaries, and so on.

Thatā€™s why It's best to visit this page regularly to maintain data health at 100% and keep your People Analytics reports reliable and actionable.

Source data and metrics

For a detailed overview of exactly which data People Analytics requires to construct each of its metrics, consult the following reference chart:

To learn more about the benefits of Data Health, read our blog posts:

  • We are excited to introduce Date Health - a feature designed to help you clean your data and save time.

  • Data cleanliness often blocks us from diving deeper into people analytics. Learn how Data Health takes the tedious work out of cleaning.

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