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πŸ“Š Min and Max Pay
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

A metric within the Rewards story chapter.


Min and Max Pay is a metric indicating what is the company's minimum pay for the lowest grade and maximum for the highest grade in a business or demographic unit.

Insight to

It provides and insight to outliers when it comes to equity in compensation for the same demographic unit.

How we calculate this

Min and Max Pay is calculated by simply taking the lowest and highest monthly salary.

Source data

Extracted from HRIS:

  • Compensation history effective start date

  • Compensation history effective end date

  • Compensation history effective amount

  • Compensation history effective currency

  • Compensation history effective period

πŸš‘ Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Age

  • Department

  • Employment Type

  • Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Generation

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team

  • Tenure

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