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Getting started: setting up your account for 1-on-1 conversations
Getting started: setting up your account for 1-on-1 conversations

Guide for Account Admins setting up 1-on-1s Culture Amp: account setup, reporting, key resources and transitioning information.

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

Who is this guide for?

  • Account Admins

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include 1-on-1 conversations

Welcome, Account Admins! This guide is your go-to resource for setting up your account for the 1-on-1 conversations tool in Culture Amp. We'll cover preparing your data, adding your hierarchy, directing employees to key resources, accessing the 1-on-1s usage report, and transitioning from the 1-on-1 (classic) experience to the new workflow.

Setting up your account

If you're new to 1-on-1 Conversations, follow this checklist to ensure your account is set up properly. If you've previously used Performance or 1-on-1 Conversations (classic), it's likely you've already completed these steps and can skip to the Transitioning from 1-on-1 Conversations (Classic) section.

1. Preparing your employee data

  • Manager email: Ensure your data includes Manager Email (or equivalent demographic like Supervisor Email) for most employees. If you don’t have Performance as part of your subscription, you can use Manager ID. Manager Name cannot be used for validation.

  • Department and Job Title: Include these demographic values for all employees. They will help populate data in the Admin 1-on-1s Usage report.

  • Initial import: Do an initial partial import to add these employees as users to the platform.

Refer to our Employee Data File Preparation guide for step-by-step instructions on preparing and importing your data.

Example of the Culture Amp Employee Data File Template

2. Validating your hierarchy

Once your data is prepared and users are imported, validate your hierarchy.

  • Hierarchy setup:

    • Complete a full import or manual sync to add your hierarchy. You will be guided through the validation process.

    • Look for the hierarchy symbol on your "Account demographics" page to confirm it's been updated.

  • Ongoing validation:

    • The hierarchy will be re-validated during any user import to ensure it stays updated, reflecting any reporting line changes under your 1-on-1s "Active conversations" section.

    • Check out our Add your hierarchy support guide for full instructions.

3. Enabling 1-on-1 features & 1-on-1 configuration demographics

After importing your data and validating your hierarchy, start a Support Conversation by replying with "Ask a Person" to connect with a product support specialist. Request that the specialist confirm 1-on-1 features are enabled on your account and ask them to map your Performance & 1-on-1 configuration demographics, such as Manager Email (hierarchy demographic), Department, and Job Title.

  • Fallback: If you don’t have a validated hierarchy, 1-on-1 Conversations will use the mapped "Manager Email" demographic as a fallback.

Transitioning from 1-on-1 Conversations (Classic)

For those transitioning from the classic experience, refer to the section below:

  • Existing Conversations: If you've transitioned from 1-on-1 conversations (classic), any existing conversations will automatically transfer to the new experience. No set-up is needed. Employees just need to click View conversation on the record they want to access, in the new experience.

  • Validated Hierarchy: If you have a validated hierarchy, 1-on-1 Conversations will use this demographic to determine a user's manager. Any reporting line changes will be automatically updated under your 1-on-1s Active conversations section.

  • Fallback Option: If you don't have a validated hierarchy, 1-on-1 Conversations will rely on the "Manager Email" demographic that you instructed our support team to map when setting up your Performance & 1-on-1 demographics.

  • Performance & 1-on-1 Page Mapping: If you've used 1-on-1s (classic), you will have already set up your 1-on-1 configuration mapping. After transitioning to 1-on-1 Conversations, any existing mappings will remain. For example, if you mapped your "Department" demographic to "Division," that mapping will persist in 1-on-1 Conversations.

Key Resources



🌐 Additional Support

If you have any questions about the 1-on-1 experience, please don't hesitate to speak with a Product Support Specialist by replying with “Ask a Person” in a Support Conversation. We are here to help make this transition as smooth as possible for you and your team.

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