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Performance export options

Guidance on the export options available to Performance Admins

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated today

What can I learn from this page?

Information about the different Export options available to Admin Users

Who is this guide for?

Performance Admins

Whether you're a seasoned Admin or new to the role, this guide will help you explore the various reporting export options available on the Performance side of the Culture Amp platform.

To view a full breakdown of the columns included in each export, check out our template.

Peer and upward feedback

This refers to peer and upward feedback gathered inside a performance review cycle where peers and direct reports give feedback on how an employee is doing and how they can improve.

To export go to Performance > Admin: Performance Review Cycles > View cycle > Peer and Upward Feedback > Export:

There are 3 export options for peer & upward feedback:

  1. Summary: This option includes subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), manager details (Name, ID, Email), number of nominations submitted and received, number of feedback requests sent, received, completed, dismissed, and incomplete

  2. Nominations: The Nominations export comprises subject details, manager details, nominee details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), and the submission date.

  3. Feedback: This option covers subject details, reviewee deactivated date, manager details, reviewer details, feedback type (upward or peer), date requested, date completed, date dismissed, and the feedback provided.

Manager review

This relates to the Manager Review component of a Performance Review Cycle. Managers assess their direct reports, reviewing past performance, and providing suggested areas for future growth.

To export, go to Performance > Admin: Performance review cycles > View cycle > Manager review > Export CSV:

This export contains subject details (Name, ID, Email, demographics), Date Employee Deactivated, manager details (Name, ID, Email), date completed, date shared, average question rating, question responses (manager)

πŸ“Œ Note: For cycles with enabled Review acknowledgments, the Manager review export will also include columns for Review Acknowledgment Status, Review Acknowledgment Notes, and Time Review Acknowledged.

Confidentiality: To maintain confidentiality, the administrator handling the performance review exports won't be able to see their own manager review data or peer & upward feedback in the exports.


Self-reflections are a core step in an employee's performance experience. Employees reflect on their achievements, learnings, and areas for growth during the review period.

To export, go to Performance > Admin: Self-reflection cycles > Download CSV:


This export contains subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), manager details (Name, Email), date completed, question responses (subject)

Calibration View

Calibration views are an easy way to share performance review data with the right people. These views encompass performance reviews, self-reflections, goals, and peer feedback data associated with a set of selected employees.

To export, go to Performance > Admin: Performance review Cycles > calibration Views > Export CSV:

This export contains subject details (Name, ID, Email, demographics), manager details (Name, ID, Email), date completed, date shared, average question rating, question responses (manager), performance rating, calibrated rating, calibration notes, note updated timestamp.

Goals reporting

Use the Goals reporting export for an overview of all goal types. Reporting includes all goals, which will be listed and un-redacted in the report, except goals with visibility set as visible only to me which will be redacted.

To export, go to Goals > Admin: reporting:


There are 3 export options for goals reporting:

  1. Export all goals

  2. Export filtered goals

  3. Goal alignment

Export all goals: Subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), goal name, type, and description, team/department, goal progress, visibility, priority, status, key results, created at date, due date, last updated, incoming alignments, outgoing alignments

Export filtered goals: Same as export all goals but for a specific date range

Goal Alignment: (Individual and Department Goals aligned to Company goals only)
Goal ID, aligned goal ID, employee account status (active/deactivated)

πŸ“Œ Note:

  • Goals with Multiple Owners: We now put them together in one row in the export. This means all the owners will be listed in the "Goal Owner Name" column on that single row.

  • Goals with Multiple Key Results: Each key result gets its own row in the export. So, you'll have one row for each key result.

Goal usage (Goals classic)

Administrators can use this export to download a list of employees who have not created any goals in the system.

To export, go to Goals > Admin: Usage > Download CSV:


This export contains details about employees who have not created goals (Subject Name, ID, Email, Demographics), and Manager ID

πŸ“Œ Note: When exporting the CSV of employees who have not created a goal, employees who have had goals created on their behalf and then transferred to them will still appear in that list. This is because the list reports on the Goal Creator and not the Goal Owner.

Manager-requested feedback History

This refers to feedback that managers ask for outside of a performance review. It's when a manager (or an admin acting for a manager) asks other employees at your company to provide feedback about their direct reports.

To export, go to Feedback > Anytime feedback > Reporting and settings > Manager-requested feedback: History > Export data:


This export contains manager email, requested from details (Name, ID, Email), reviewee details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), feedback type, subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), date requested, date completed, date dismissed, and date shared.

Anytime feedback Stats

This kind of feedback refers to ad-hoc feedback exchanged between coworkers outside of a performance review cycle setting.

To export, go to Feedback > Anytime feedback > Reporting & settings > Continuous feedback: Feedback overview > Export data:


This export contains completed on date, author details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), read by recipient (true/false), liked by recipient (true/false), requested on date, request type


Why is my export blank?

If you are receiving a Blank Admin Export, check your permissions; this will occur if you are assigned as a Performance Admin as well as a Perform HRBP. Perform HRBP rights take precedence over Admin rights, which will result in a limited view of data. In short, Account Admins don’t need Perform HRBP rights. The fix? Remove your Perform HRBP permissions leaving Account Admin only access assigned.

Why are my answers appearing as dates in my csv export?

If you are having issues with answers appearing as dates in CSV exports, try opening the file in excel. From there convert the formatting on the entire column which includes the cells that are formatted as dates. Update the formatting of the date range to the custom date format: d-d.

Why is the data in my export formatted strangely?

Generally our Performance exports are typically in CSV format which can lead to strange formatting if the file is opened directly within certain versions of Excel.

This is generally caused because the version of Excel the file is opened in doesn't handle CSV data very well. This can lead to data being mixed up between columns and some text shown as #NAME? or similar (because Excel recognises some characters as a formula).

In most cases, Mac users can simply overcome the issue by opening the CSV in a programme that handles CSV data, such as Numbers and export the file to Excel from within that programme instead.

For users on PC's, if GoogleSheets is available to you, try uploading the file and opening it in Google sheets.

Alternatively, you can import the CSV file to Excel using the instructions in this user guide.

For further troubleshooting, check out our support guide.

πŸ’¬ Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a support conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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