To ensure the security and confidentiality of your data, it’s essential to understand the access levels for each role. Below is a detailed breakdown of permissions for each role.
Account administrator
Overview: The Account administrator has the highest access across the platform, managing all account settings except Performance.
Permissions | Access |
View and manage employee data | ✔ |
Manage account settings | ✔ |
Create surveys | ✔ |
Manage survey settings | ✔ |
Manage performance cycles | |
Manage goals (new) | ✔ |
Manage goals (classic) | |
Assign roles to other users | ✔ |
Add survey participants | ✔ |
Issue invitations and reset responses | ✔ |
Export survey participants | ✔ |
Create survey reports | ✔ |
View all survey reports and add viewers/owners | ✔ |
View the Action Dashboard | ✔ |
Export survey participants | ✔ |
Share reports | ✔ |
Administer Skills coach | ✔ |
Edit career paths and competencies | ✔ |
View development reports | ✔ |
Employee data administrator
Overview: Manages employee data without access to other parts of Culture Amp.
Permissions | Access |
View and manage employee data | ✔ |
Activate and deactivate employees | ✔ |
Configure HRIS integrations and trigger syncs | ✔ |
Create or manage surveys and performance cycles and associated reports | |
Manage goals | |
Access raw data | |
Request feedback |
Surveys administrator
Overview: Full access to create and manage all surveys and survey reports.
Note: Surveys administrators and Survey admin can export survey participants, but not with demographic data unless they also have the Employee data administrator role.
Permissions | Access |
Manage account settings or employee data | |
Create surveys | ✔ |
Manage survey settings | ✔ |
Assign other Survey admin | ✔ |
Add survey participants | ✔ |
Issue invitations and reset responses | ✔ |
Export survey participants | ✔ |
Export survey participants with demographic data | |
Create survey reports | ✔ |
View all survey reports and add viewers/owners | ✔ |
View the Action Dashboard | ✔ |
Export survey participants | ✔ |
Share reports | ✔ |
Survey admin
Overview: Survey admins have access to specific surveys they’ve been invited to, but they cannot create new surveys. There are two levels of Survey admin access: Overall and Support only.
Access level | Permissions | Access |
Overall | Manage account settings or employee data | |
| Create surveys | |
| Manage survey settings | ✔ |
| Assign other Survey admin | ✔ |
| Add survey participants | ✔ |
| Issue invitations and reset responses | ✔ |
| Export survey participants | ✔ |
| Export survey participants with demographic data | |
| Create survey reports | ✔ |
| View survey reports and add viewers/owners | ✔ |
| View the Action Dashboard | ✔ |
| Export survey participants | ✔ |
| Share reports | ✔ |
Support only | Issue invitations and reset responses | ✔ |
Survey creator
Overview: Survey creators can create new surveys and manage their settings. They are automatically designated as survey admins for their created surveys, gaining full access to survey admin features. Their access can also be restricted to specific demographics.
Survey HR business partner
Overview: Survey HR business partners can access the survey's reports page to see the list of reports and who has access, but they cannot preview or access the report data unless they first add themselves as report viewers. They cannot create new surveys, access the administrator reports or share existing reports.
Permissions | Access |
View the survey's reports page | ✔ |
Preview survey report data (*only after adding themselves as a report viewer) | ✔* |
View the Administrator report | |
View the Action Dashboard | ✔ |
Add report viewers/owners | ✔ |
Bulk import sharing permissions | |
Create and share reports | |
Create surveys |
Other survey roles
Survey comment replier
Overview: Can reply publicly to comments left on surveys.
Permissions | Access |
Reply to survey comments | ✔ |
Survey data analyst
Overview: Can extract raw data from surveys where Raw Data Extract has been enabled on the survey.
Permissions | Access |
Access to survey raw data (if enabled) | ✔ |
View an audit log of all raw data extracts downloaded from surveys | ✔ |
Performance administrator
Overview: Manages performance cycles, including reviews and self-reflections, but cannot access employee data or manage account settings.
Permissions | Access |
Manage account settings or employee data | |
Create performance cycles | ✔ |
Configure cycle settings | ✔ |
View performance cycles | ✔ |
Complete reviews and self-reflections on behalf of others | ✔ |
Create, share and view calibration views | ✔ |
Submit performance feedback requests and share feedback on behalf of managers | ✔ |
Manage goals (new) | |
Manage goals (classic) | ✔ |
Performance HR business partner
Overview: Access to performance data within their assigned departments only. They cannot manage account settings and employee data or create performance cycles and configure their settings.
Permissions | Access |
Manage account settings or employee data | |
Create new cycles | |
Configure cycle settings | |
View performance cycles | ✔ |
Complete reviews and self-reflections on behalf of others | ✔ |
Create, share and view calibration views | ✔* |
Submit performance feedback requests and share feedback on behalf of managers | ✔ |
Manage goals (classic) | ✔ |
Manage goals (new) |
* Perform HRBPs cannot view calibration views (unless shared) if the view includes performance reviews outside their scope, such as reviews from other departments.
Develop administrator
Overview: Manages aspects of employee development without accessing sensitive data.
Permissions | Access |
Manage performance cycles or goals | |
Manage account settings or employee data | |
Manage surveys and associated reports | |
View development reports | ✔ |
Administer skills coach | ✔ |
Edit career paths and competencies | ✔ |
Goals administrator (Goals new)
Overview: Full access to create, manage, and oversee goals across the organization, including assigning goal creators, tracking progress, and managing collaborations. Cannot create or manage the org structure.
Permissions | Access |
Create goals for any group or employee | ✔ |
View, edit and update the progress on all goals (regardless of visibility) | ✔ |
Assign Group goal creators to organization units | ✔ |
Administer all collaborations | ✔ |
Post comments on any goal | ✔ |
View all goal reports | ✔ |
Create/manage the organization structure |
Group goal creator (Goals new)
Overview: Can create and manage goals for specific org units (e.g., department).
Permissions | Access |
Create and manage goals for specific org units, e.g. department. | ✔ |
Other Goal roles
Department goal creator (Goals classic)
Overview: Can create and manage goals for their assigned departments.
Permissions | Access |
Create and manage goals for their assigned departments. | ✔ |
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