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Exporting Performance Data

Explore reporting export options in the Performance module. Learn how to export peer feedback, manager reviews, self-reflections, and more.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated this week

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Performance.

Explore reporting export options in the Performance module. Learn how to export peer feedback, manager reviews, self-reflections, and more.

To view a full breakdown of the columns included in each export, check out our export template.

Peer and Upward Feedback

This refers to peer and upward feedback gathered in a Performance Review Cycle, where peers and direct reports provide feedback on an employee's performance and areas for improvement.

How to Export:

  1. Go to Performance > Admin: Performance cycles

  2. Click into the relevant cycle

  3. Navigate to Peer and upward feedback

  4. Click Export

  5. Select the file you want to export: Nominations, Summary or Feedback.

  6. Choose the file type: CSV or XLSX

  7. Click Export file

Export Options:

  • Summary: Includes subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), manager details (Name, ID, Email), number of nominations submitted and received, and feedback request statuses.

  • Nominations: Includes subject and manager details, nominee details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics), and submission date.

  • Feedback: Includes subject and manager details, reviewer details, feedback type (upward or peer), date requested, completion status, and feedback provided.

Manager Review

The Manager Review component allows managers to assess their direct reports, review past performance, and suggest areas for future growth.

How to Export:

  1. Go to Performance > Admin: Performance cycles

  2. Click into the relevant cycle

  3. Navigate to Manager review

  4. Click Export

  5. Choose the file type: CSV or XLSX

  6. Click Export file

Export Details:

  • Subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics)

  • Manager details (Name, ID, Email)

  • Date Employee Deactivated

  • Date completed and shared

  • Average question rating

  • Manager responses to review questions

  • If Review Acknowledgments are enabled: Includes acknowledgment status, notes, and timestamp

Note: Admins exporting Performance Review data cannot see their own Manager Review or Peer & Upward Feedback due to confidentiality.


Self-reflections allow employees to review their achievements, learnings, and growth areas during the review period.

How to Export:

  1. Go to Performance > Admin: Performance cycles

  2. Click into the relevant cycle

  3. Navigate to Self-reflection

  4. Click Export

  5. Choose the file type: CSV or XLSX

  6. Click Export file

Export Details:

  • Subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics)

  • Manager details (Name, Email)

  • Date completed

  • Employee responses to self-reflection questions

Calibration View

Calibration views allow admins to share performance review data with relevant stakeholders.

How to Export:

  1. Go to Performance > Admin: Calibrations

  2. Click into the Calibration view

  3. Click Export CSV

  4. If you have multiple cycles included in the calibration, select the cycle you'd like to export.

  5. Click Export file.

Export Details:

  • Subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics)

  • Manager details (Name, ID, Email)

  • Performance and calibrated ratings

  • Date completed and shared

  • Manager review responses

  • Calibration notes and last updated timestamp

Goals (New) Reporting

The Goals Reporting Export provides a comprehensive overview of all goal types. It includes all visible goals, except those marked as Visible only to me, which will be redacted.

How to Export:

  1. Navigate to Goals > Goals (New).

  2. Click onto the relevant tab: Your goals, Direct reports, All goals or Archive.

  3. Click Export and choose your export option:

    • Usage Report (.csv)

    • Goals Report (.xlsx)

    Usage Report:
    The Usage Report provides insights into the progress and performance of goals, including key metrics.

    Goals Report:
    The Goals Report contains two worksheets:

    • Worksheet 1: Goal details (Name, ID, Type, Owners, Status, Progress, Key Results, etc.)

    • Worksheet 2: Visual summaries of goal status (e.g., pie charts)

    Filtering Data for Export:

    • Usage Report: You can filter data by due date range and Group.

    • Goals Report: This report automatically includes data from the last two years (if no filters are applied). If you'd like to narrow the data, apply a due date filter range before clicking Export.

  4. Click Export when you're ready.

Note: The export will only contain goals you have permission to view.

Manager-Requested Feedback History

This export shows the feedback that managers request outside of performance cycles.

Steps to Export:

  1. Go to Feedback > Anytime feedback

  2. Click on Reporting & settings

  3. Under Manager-requested feedback, select History.

  4. Click Export data.

Whatโ€™s Included in the Export:

  • Manager and employee details.

  • Feedback request dates, statuses, and feedback content.

Anytime Feedback Stats

Anytime feedback refers to ad-hoc feedback exchanged between coworkers outside of a performance review.

How to Export:

  1. Go to Feedback > Anytime Feedback > Reporting & Settings

  2. Click Continuous Feedback: Feedback Overview

  3. Click Export Data

Export Details:

  • Completed date

  • Author details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics)

  • Subject details (Name, ID, Email, Demographics)

  • Read and liked status (True/False)

  • Requested date and request type


Why is my export blank?

A blank export may indicate a permission conflict. If you have both Performance administrator and Performance HR business partner roles, the HRBP role takes precedence, limiting your access.

Fix: Remove the Performance HR business partner role and retain only Performance administrator access.

Why are my answers appearing as dates in my csv export?

Some versions of Excel misinterpret text as dates.

Fix: Open the file in Excel, select the affected column, and change the format to the custom date format: d-d.

Why is the data in my export formatted strangely?

CSV files may display incorrectly in some versions of Excel, causing misaligned columns or errors like #NAME?.


  • Open the file in Google Sheets or Numbers (Mac) and export it to Excel.

  • Manually import the CSV into Excel instead of opening it directly. Follow the steps in this CSV Import Guide.

For further troubleshooting, check out our Support Guide.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a support conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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