Who can use this feature?
Available on:
All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Performance with Anytime feedback enabled.
Culture Amp can work with Performance enabled customers (specifically Performance Administrators) who are using the Anytime feedback feature to bulk import the skills categories and skills on your account, as well as assigning them to the relevant Departments and Job titles (if required).
Performance Administrators are able to configure the skills directly in the platform (Configure skill cards), but if you have a large amount of skills to create and assign, you can take advantage of our bulk import option. This task may take up to 3 days to complete.
How it works
We import the skills categories and skills, as well as the assignments on your behalf via formatted CSV files that have been prepared/populated by you. To avoid possible problems with formatting, it is preferred that we receive the files in Excel / Google Sheets format prior to us converting to CSV.
Please use the templates and instructions below to populate the files. Once the file has been populated, just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist. They will assist you with the import.
Import file preparation
There are two different templates; one for creation of the skills categories and skills and one for the assignments (if required).
Templates can be found here:
Skills Category & Skills Import (always required)
Skills Assignment import (only required if any skills are being assigned as Job specific)
Skills Category & Skills Import - Column headers in file (description of values in parentheses below):
job type
- indicates how the skills will be assigned. Options available are:Core (will be assigned to everyone)
Manager Only (will be assigned to managers only),
Job specific (neither of the above and will not appear for anyone until Departments / Job titles are assigned)
- in-platform display name of the skill category; value should be the same as "category_name"category_name
- back end name of the skill category; value should be the same as "category_display_name"skill
- the unique title of the skill. 130 character limit (inc spaces)description
- description of the skill; displayed when clicking on the "i" icon of the skill card in the platformtag1
(optional; only relates to Development resources if in use)tag2
(optional; only relates to Development resources if in use)
Skills Assignment Import (not required for "Core" or "Manager Only" assignments, i.e only required for "Job specific" assignments) - Column headers in file (description of values in parentheses below):
- The department the skill category should be assigned to. Values are case sensitive. Values must be an exact match to those listed in the platformjob title
- The job title the skill category should be assigned to. Values are case sensitive. Values must be an exact match to those listed in the platformlevel
- Only required if Job Title Level is in use; the job title level the skill category should be assigned to. Values are case sensitive. Values must be an exact match to those listed in the platformcategory 1
- Name of the 1st skills category you want to assign. Values are case sensitive. Values must be an exact match to the categories in the "Skills category & Skills Import" file
Additional categories can be added (up to 10 categories per file) to the import by adding an additional column and incrementing the category number accordingly. Eg.
- category 2
- category 3
π¬ Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.