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Anytime Feedback: Give & Request Feedback

Learn how to give and request feedback in Culture Amp outside of a performance cycle, including using Slack and MS Teams integrations.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 2 weeks ago

What can I learn from this page?

How to give and request feedback from coworkers outside of a performance review cycle

Who is this guide for?

Performance User

In today's fast-paced work environments, feedback is essential for growth and development. This guide focuses on how you can give and request feedback from other employees outside of a performance review cycle setting.

If your organization has the Culture Amp app enabled with Slack or Microsoft Teams you can give and request feedback directly in the app:

📌 Note: feedback templates are not yet available in our Slack or MS Teams integrations. Users will instead see a general "Feedback" box when giving feedback through these platforms.

How to Request Feedback

  1. Starting from the home screen in Performance, click on Feedback > Anytime Feedback: You: requests about you

  2. Search for the individual from whom you'd like to request feedback.

  3. Add a specific question to prompt meaningful feedback.

  4. Click Send Request.



📌 Note: You must compose your feedback request in the provided box, as the auto-populated question is an example and cannot be sent as a request.

How to Give Requested Feedback

  1. Click on the Notification bell icon to review the feedback request received

  2. Click on the Notification task to open the request

  3. If your organization has set up skill cards you will respond to those first.

    1. Rocking it indicates that your co-worker truly excels at this skill.

    2. Getting there means that your co-worker is approaching greatness, but could benefit from mentorship on the subject.

      1. If you’d like, you can choose to skip a skill card (or all of them) if you don’t feel you can assess their ability on that skill) or if you’d prefer to give qualitative feedback

  4. Once you've completed (or skipped) the skills card(s), you will see the specific question(s) they've asked at the top of the text box where you can write in your response and feedback.

  5. Optionally, you can choose to share your feedback with the individual's manager if this feature is enabled on your account



How to Give Unsolicited Feedback

If you’d like to give feedback to someone who has not requested your feedback, you’ll do the following steps:

  1. Start from the Home screen and click on Give Feedback in the top right corner.

  2. Search for the individual you would like to give feedback to.

  3. You will have the opportunity to assess the individual’s skills (as outlined above).

  4. You can flip through the feedback templates to help you craft actionable and effective feedback.

  5. Finally, you may have the option to decide if you’d like your feedback to be shared with their manager if this option is enabled on your account.


📌 Note: There is a minimum character count of 5 (including spaces) for each feedback field. If you enter < 5 characters you’ll see a warning and the feedback won’t be submitted

💡Tip: Need help crafting effective feedback? Check out our video course and our information on feedback template customization here.

Giving Feedback within 1-on-1’s, Goals and Development

If you are a manager and would like to capture feedback about your direct report in the moment you are having the feedback conversation, you can do so within the 1-on-1’s, Goals and Development pages.


When a manager and a direct report are having a 1-on-1 conversation they can click on the “Give Feedback” button within the 1-on-1 page to capture the feedback. Both the manager and the direct report can use this button to provide each other feedback.

Once the Give Feedback button is clicked, a new tab will open up for the feedback to be captured. Once Send Feedback is clicked, the feedback will appear in the recipient's employee profile. This is especially useful when performance review time comes around. Both the direct report and manager will have access to the feedback collected throughout the year to provide examples and evidence to base their self reflection and manager reviews on.


When a manager is reviewing their direct reports goal’s progress it may be a great opportunity to provide feedback on how they have progressed. The manager can click on the same Give Feedback button found under the goals progress and follow the same behaviors as they did in the 1-on-1’s example.


Lastly, when a manager is reviewing their direct reports active development plan they will also have the opportunity to provide feedback using the Give Feedback button found under the goals progress area.

In all scenarios, this Anytime Feedback will be available within the employee profile ensuring that when performance review time comes around, both employees and managers are spending less time collating examples as they will have this at their fingertips by using the employee profile.

Giving Feedback/Skills Cards FAQs

How does the platform choose which skills cards to display when giving feedback?

An algorithm checks if any skills have been recently rated and, if so, the platform will try to surface different skills the next time around so that users get a variety of feedback.

This is based on a 30 day cycle. If there are 20 skills assigned, for example, then the first batch of cards will not be shown again for another 30 days if you were to give that person feedback again in the meantime.

Why don’t I see any skills cards being displayed when trying to give feedback?

There are a few reasons why skills cards may not be displayed:

  • Your organisation may not be using the skill cards feature currently, or have not yet created/assigned the skills cards. You’ll likely need to reach out to your Manager or HR/People Team to check on this.

  • You're using an integration or app (Chrome, Slack or Teams). Skill cards are only displayed on the Culture Amp website.

  • In rare cases there may not be any more skills left to surface, i.e. all of the skills have been rated from previous requests (see "How does the platform choose which skills cards to display when giving feedback?" above). This is intentional, as it’s likely that you won’t be giving feedback to the same person multiple times within a 30 day period.

What happens if I leave the feedback request part way through?

If you discontinue the feedback part way through (by clicking ‘back’ or closing the tab/browser) at any point prior to clicking on the ‘Send feedback’ button, the request remains in draft state--but only in terms of any skills cards you may have rated. Any feedback you type is not automatically saved unless submitted (sent).

This means when you return to the request later on (this could be minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months later), you may see a different batch of skills to rate this time (or no skills cards at all if there aren’t any left to surface) and you’ll need to type out any feedback that wasn’t submitted last time around.

Why am I seeing ”Validation failed: can only be completed once” or “Error, Sorry we can’t save this review right now. Please try again later”?

If you are seeing either of these two error messages pop up when attempting to submit feedback, this means you are attempting to provide feedback to the same person in quick succession, without first exiting the 'Give Feedback' page. After the first feedback has been submitted, leave the feedback area; so navigate to another page such as the 'Home' page for example, then proceed to use the 'Give Feedback' option for the same person again and it should work without producing an error.

💬 Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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