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Individual Effectiveness 360 Flows and Permissions
Individual Effectiveness 360 Flows and Permissions

The 4 workflow options available for Individual 360 Effectiveness surveys

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated this week

What can I learn from this page?

The 4 workflow options available for Individual 360 Effectiveness surveys

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admins, Survey Creators

Flow Types

Individual Effectiveness surveys have different workflows flows depending on two survey level configurations:

  • Whether the creation and launch of 360 processes is driven by an Administrator or the Employee, and

  • Whether the 360 processes require a Coach

In practice, this means there are four variations of 360 flow:

  1. Admin driven with Coach (the most commonly used option)

  2. Admin driven Coachless

  3. Employee driven with Coach

  4. Employee driven Coachless


Each 360 process can move through the following 6 states:

Draft > Nominating > Nominated > Collect > Review > Complete

  • Draft: A 360 draft was created by an Admin with any number of reviewers (or none). Admin can keep making changes to this 360 draft until they are ready to either ask employees to choose their reviewers (Nominating) or ask reviewers to provide feedback (Collect).

  • Nominating: If an employee has been asked to choose their reviewers, they can start selecting people and save their progress and finish later.

  • Nominated: Employee has confirmed that they finished selecting reviewers.

  • Collect: Reviewers provide feedback to employees and employees complete their self-reviews.

  • Review: Employees read their report and decide how to take action.

  • Complete: All done!


  • Draft only applies for Admin driven surveys

  • Nominating and Nominated are optional states that only apply for Admin driven surveys where employees have been asked to nominate reviewers.

  • During the Nominations process, the employee can only search by ‘Name’ or ‘Email’ - the ‘Preferred name’ field does not pull through.

  • When using the Nomination stage (for individuals to select their own reviewers), after the individual has completed their nominations (by clicking on the Nomination Done button), it isn’t possible for them to edit the list. Edits would need to be completed by their Coach (if they’re using Coaches), the Admin, or Culture Amp Support (Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist). It’s also not possible to move a ‘Nominated’ stage process back into the ‘Nominating’ stage. The edits must be completed as detailed above.

  • Admin are able to create, review, and manage their own 360 process from the survey configuration and process manager page. They will not be blocked from viewing a 360 another admin created on their behalf if they have account admin permissions.


The diagram below shows which actions should be taken for a 360 process to progress from one state to the next:



The table below summarizes which actions is each participant permitted to perform, by the workflow.

In short:

  • Admins are permitted to perform all actions in any type of flow

  • Employees on Employee driven flows can create and launch their 360 process (Admins create and launch for them in Admin driven flows), and they can send reminders.

  • Employees on Coachless flows inherit the Coaches' permissions: modify reviewers after launch, share feedback with themselves, complete and reopen a process.

  • Coaches have the same permissions on both Admin and Employee driven Coached flows. They help the drive and manage the process: modify reviewers, send reminders, review and share feedback, complete and reopen a process.



Survey: The umbrella hosting all 360 processes. For example, Acme's Q4 Individual Effectiveness survey

360 Process (“Process”): Individual 360 survey, for example, Tom Green's 360

  • Admin: Controls and manages the survey, have the highest permissions set.

  • Reviewer: Manager, co-workers, and the direct report added to a 360 process as a feedback provider. A coach will also become a reviewer only if added as one of the three above.

  • Employee: The reviewee in a 360 process, the person feedback is provided for, they do a self-review.

  • Coach: Help manage the surveying process for employees (in Coached workflows). Externally to the platform, Coaches provide guidance to employees by reviewing their feedback with them.

  • Manager: in the Culture Amp platform, managers have no special permissions and are not different from any other reviewer. If managers are also assigned as Coaches, they have Coach permissions.

Workflow #1: Admin Driven with Coach

💡 Tip: This is the default workflow and is currently the most common workflow in the platform.

In this workflow, Admins delegate some survey management permissions to Coaches, while some permissions remain Admin only in order to keep the process confidential. For example, both can see how many reviewers submitted feedback, but only the Admin can see which reviewers submitted feedback and which didn’t.

Who is it for?

Companies who wish to have a systematic approach and more control over their 360 surveys. For example, if they would like to quarterly create a survey that everyone takes at the same period of time, and want employees to receive guidance from their Coaches.

Who can perform which actions in this workflow?


  • As in all workflows, Admins have all permissions and complete visibility of the process. Admins are the ones that create draft 360 processes for employees in Admin driven flows. They can also request nominations, launch, share and complete surveys, view who submitted feedback, and who didn’t and see the feedback itself.

  • Admins have control over the survey schedule, the text of communications, and they are the ones that can see survey level aggregate reports.


  • Reviewers are invited to submit their feedback once they were added as reviewers to a 360 process and the process has been launched. They will be reminded to do so again before the feedback due date, based on the survey schedule.


  • Employees can be invited to nominate reviewers when a 360 process was created for them, or An Admin can decide reviewers for them. Employees are also invited to complete their own self-review.

  • While feedback is collected, employees can only see how many people have submitted feedback, but they cannot see their identity, modify reviewers, or send reminders in this flow. Once feedback has been shared with employees, they can review it and complete the Take action section (what they will focus on improving).


  • Coaches help Admins and Employees manage 360 processes, and guide employees through their feedback report. Coaches can modify reviewers, send reminders, and review feedback before (and after) it is shared.

  • Coaches can also mark processes as “Complete” (close the process for further editing) and reopen them. At no stage can Coaches see which feedback was submitted by which reviewer, to protect confidentiality.



The following workflows will be described in comparison to flow #1.

Workflow #2: Admin Driven Coachless

In this flow, employees can be more actively involved in managing their 360 processes: some of the permissions that were available to Coaches in flow #1 are available to employees in this flow.

As in all workflows, Admins still control the survey and 360 processes entirely.

The differences from workflow #1:

  1. No Coaches are assigned to processes, so the Coach state and relevant reminders don’t exist.

  2. Feedback is shared when

    • Admin shares feedback with the employee

    • OR Employees share feedback with themselves

Similarly to flow #1, both these options will move the process directly to the Review state, so no more feedback can be submitted.

3. Employees can mark processes as “Complete” (close the process for further editing) and reopen them.

Who is it for?

Companies that don’t want or don’t have Coaches to guide employees through their feedback report, but would still like to have control over the timing of the surveying process rather than delegate permissions entirely to employees.

For example, smaller companies or companies with flatter organizational structure, or where Coaches don’t yet have the skills of reviewing feedback effectively with employees.



Workflow #3: Employee Driven with Coach

In this workflow, employees are given more permissions while Coaches can still help manage the process and guide employees through their feedback report.

As in all workflows, Admins can still control the survey and 360 processes entirely, alongside the Coach and Employee, if they wish to do so.

The differences from workflow #1:

  1. Employees can create and launch 360 processes by themselves

  2. Employees can modify reviewers and send reminders after a survey has been launched

Coaches have similar permissions as in flow #1, and they are the ones that will share the feedback with employees and are permitted to complete and reopen a process.

Who is it for?

For companies who wish to empower employees by letting them decide when to ask for feedback, while still having Coaches help them manage the process and guide them through the feedback report.

At Culture Amp, we use this flow as an option for employees to ask for feedback whenever they want to, alongside the timed quarterly/semi-annually Admin driven surveys.



Workflow #4: Employee Driven Coachless

In this flow, employees are granted maximum permissions and visibility over their 360 processes, and they don’t have a Coach to guide them through the feedback or help them manage the process.

As in all workflows, Admins can still control the survey and 360 processes entirely, alongside the Employee, if they wish to do so.

The differences from workflow #1:

  1. Employees can create and launch 360 processes by themselves

  2. Employees can modify reviewers and send reminders after a survey has been launched

  3. No Coach is assigned to the processes, Coach state and relevant reminders don’t exist.

  4. Feedback is shared when

    • Admin shares feedback with the employee

    • OR Employees share feedback with themselves

  5. Employees can mark processes as “Complete” (close the process for further editing) and reopen them.

Who is it for?

For companies that wish to grant employees with almost complete control over their 360 processes by allowing them to decide when to ask for feedback, manage the process, and review their feedback without the guidance of a Coach.

At Culture Amp, we use this flow as an option for employees to ask for feedback whenever they want to, alongside the timed quarterly/semi-annually Admin driven surveys.



Note: When configuring participants, you can only search by ‘Name’, although email address is displayed at the side of the name.

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