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Launch Individual Effectiveness 360 Surveys

How to activate your Individual Effectiveness Survey and start creating 360 processes for participants

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 6 months ago

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How to activate your Individual Effectiveness Survey and start creating 360 processes for participants

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admins, Survey Creators

When you have finished configuring your survey Settings, Design and Communications you are ready to set your schedule and create 360 processes.

Launching your survey will not automatically kick off any feedback process – it just marks the survey as Live and ready to begin creating each individual feedback process.

  1. Go to the Launch Plan page of your survey configuration and review the Schedule for Due Dates and Reminders. Make any changes and Update Schedule.

  2. When you are ready to begin setting up your individual feedback processes, click Choose Participants at the top of your Launch Plan page. This changes the survey from draft status to Live and you can use the Manage 360s link to start creating 360 processes.


The diagram below illustrates the steps, roles and communications involved in launching the survey, and running each feedback process:

Start a new individual feedback process for an employee

Once you’ve launched your 360° Feedback Survey, you will be able to begin setting up each individual process for your employees who are seeking feedback

  1. From the Surveys page, select View Reports to access the Process Manager

  2. From the Process Manager click Create 360

  3. Choose Employee/s and Coach using the search fields

  4. Click Save Draft

  5. On the Process Manager page, select the 360 process and click Request Nomination button to kick off the nomination workflow and notify the employee to nominate reviewers

  6. Once the employee has nominated reviewers, click the Launch button to send survey emails out to reviewers


📌 Note:

  • If you would like to select reviewers on behalf of the employee and start their 360° feedback process right away, you may choose all the Reviewers and select “Launch” to send invitations to provide feedback immediately.

  • If you want to create 360s for a lot of employees at once, you can do it quickly with Bulk create

  • 360 surveys CANNOT be switched to a different survey type

  • It is not possible to run a 360 survey without the Self Review

  • It is possible to change the due dates, Send Reminders and Delete processes for existing single or multiple processes via the Process Manager, however updates to the Launch Plan settings will only come into play for any new processes created after the update.

  • Admin are able to create, review, and manage their own 360 process from the survey configuration and process manager page. They will not be blocked from viewing a 360 another admin created on their behalf if they have account admin permissions.

Managing an Open Feedback Process

While an individual’s feedback period is open an administrator can:

  • Send Survey Reminders to Reviewers who’ve not yet responded, in addition to those that are automatically sent

  • Add or Remove Reviewers or change Coach

  • View any submitted feedback

Once an individual’s process is completed (the due date for feedback has passed)

  • Share Feedback to send email notification and enable feedback results access for Employee

  • Send Feedback Reminder to Coach

You may see a yellow/orange "i" icon next to a process. This” icon will show when a 360’s feedback is overdue, You need to hover over the label i.e “Collect” or “Review” for example to see the number of days the feedback is overdue by. Please note that if the Admin viewing the Process Manager page is also a reviewer on a 360 process AND was added as a reviewer prior to the feedback due date, the warning icon will not appear.

360 processes must be moved into another stage manually, i.e by someone taking an action. Such as an Admin moving the process to the next stage by launching it, sharing it with the employee etc., or by an individual completing their nominations, so it moves from Nominating to Nominated; or by an individual viewing their feedback (Coachless flow) where it moves it into the Review stage and closes off the feedback cycle, or by the Coach sharing the feedback with the individual, thus also moving it into the Review stage and closing out the feedback cycle. If an individual accidentally closes out the feedback cycle, an admin will need to move the process back into the ‘Collect’ stage in order to open up the feedback cycle again.

When a participant with an unsubmitted response is deactivated, although they no longer appear in the ‘configure participants' list (because they’re inactive and only active users show in that page), it is expected that they still appear in the 'manage responses' page with a 'pending response' status next to them. The participant would need to be removed while they are an active user.

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Thinking about running an Individual Effectiveness survey at your company? Culture Amp Effectiveness allows employees to easily gather 360 feedback from managers, peers, and reports. Find out more at

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