Who can use this feature?
Available on:
All Culture Amp subscriptions where the user is active.
Forgot your password or need to create one for the first time? Follow these steps to reset your password and sign in to Culture Amp.
Note: You'll need access to the email inbox associated with your Culture Amp account to reset your password. If you don’t have access, contact your Account Admin for assistance.
Creating a password is only necessary if your account uses email/password for login. If your account uses Google Apps or SSO, a password reset isn’t required. Confirm your login options with your Account Admin.
Reset your password
Visit the appropriate link based on your region:
Enter your email address and click Send Recovery Email.
Check your inbox for a reset link from Culture Amp and follow the instructions to create a strong password.
Note: The reset link expires after a few hours. If it expires, simply restart the process.
Creating a strong password
Tip: For enhanced security, choose a password that is at least 12 characters long, though 8 characters is the minimum required.
To create a strong and unique password, include a combination of:
Uppercase letters
Lowercase letters
Symbols (!@#$%^&*?_~-)
Unicode characters (e.g., ä, £, ҫ)
Common passwords (e.g., password123, admin)
Keyboard-adjacent characters (e.g., qwertyuiop)
Sequential characters (e.g., abcdefgh, 12345678)
Repeated characters (e.g., 11111111, xxxxxxxx)
If you're having trouble resetting your password, here are some common issues and ways to resolve them.
Didn’t receive a password reset email?
Didn’t receive a password reset email?
Check your spam or junk folder.
Verify your email address is correct and that you are listed as a user by contacting your HR team.
Ask your IT team to allow emails from Culture Amp if they’re not being delivered.
Lost access to the email address on your account
Lost access to the email address on your account
You must access the email inbox associated with your Culture Amp account to reset your password. If you cannot access it, contact your Account Admin to update the email address linked to your account (Administrators cannot directly reset or change passwords).
Never set a password
Never set a password
If you’ve never set a password and need to do so, follow the same steps as for resetting a password. This process will create a new password for your account.
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