What can I learn from this page? | An overview of the manager requested feedback dashboard |
Who is this guide for? | Performance Admins |
Administrators have access to a wide variety of information to track manager requested feedback progress. Within a specified date range, administrators can view how many requests have been initiated and how many have been completed.
Administrators can access the dashboard from Feedback > Anytime feedback > Reporting & Settings:
Click History to view the stats:
Feature breakdown
Select date range from the default options of 30 days, 3 months or 6 months and then select the department you want to review.
Statistics - Feedback requested shows the percentage of employees about whom their managers have requested feedback along with the range of requests sent and average number of requests sent about each employee. Feedback completed shows the percentage of requested that have been answered along with a range and average of requests received by each employee.
Breakdown of individual manager's status with their directs - This surfaces whether or not a manager has sent requests about their directs. If you click on the manager's row, it will expand to show the status of each individual request.
Raw data download - If you click Download data it will compile all manager requested feedback status information and then send it to you via email for further analysis. This process can take 5-10 minutes. You can also see the list of managers who have not requested feedback about their directs.β
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