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Sync Culture Amp with your HRIS data

Integrate Culture Amp with your HRIS native integration, Merge API, or SFTP. Get setup, syncing, and troubleshooting tips for data syncing.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a month ago

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions.

You can integrate Culture Amp with your HRIS to automatically sync data between the two platforms. This page has everything you need to know about setting up a native HRIS, Merge API, or SFTP integration.

Tip: Need help troubleshooting your HRIS integration? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

Benefits of an HRIS / SFTP integration

Good insights start with good data. In order to make the most of Culture Amp, it’s important to have accurate, up-to-date information about your employees in the platform.

There are two ways to update your data in Culture Amp. You can manually import data using an XLSX or CSV document, or you can sync your data to Culture Amp via a native HRIS, Merge API or SFTP integration.

We strongly recommend either the native HRIS, Merge API or SFTP integration as it will allow you to take full advantage of the Culture Amp platform. With these integration options you’ll be able to:

  • Make regular surveying via pulsing and lifecycle surveys incredibly easy

  • Improve the quality of your insights by ensuring your data is correct and up-to-date

  • Easily distribute insights to the right people using hierarchy and reporting line information

  • Share the workload around collecting and understanding on feedback

The HRIS / Merge API and SFTP integrations are also very flexible; they allow you to choose between automatic daily syncs or manual syncs at a time of your choosing.

Note: Native HRIS integration automation and manual sync are initiated in Culture Amp. SFTP integration automation and manual transfer are initiated on the HRIS/SFTP platform side.

You’re not limited to just the data in your HRIS—you can also manually add extra demographics in Culture Amp that may not exist in your HRIS.

Integration options

Native integrations

We offer native integrations with BambooHR, Namely, Personio, Workday and more.

Setting up an HRIS integration may require assistance from your HRIS Admin / Consultant or IT Team. We've provided specific guides below for each supported HRIS:

Merge API

You can automate your HRIS employee data import via the Merge API, a trusted sub-processor who has partnered with Culture Amp to offer more integration options for our customers. The setup process is straightforward and can be completed quickly without technical support:

SFTP Integrations

If you use an HRIS not mentioned above in the Native integrations, you may still be able to integrate with Culture Amp using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

SFTP allows you to securely transfer data from one place (like your HRIS) to another (like Culture Amp). If your HRIS has a built-in SFTP client, SFTP will allow you to automatically sync your data and ensure Culture Amp is always up to date.

Culture Amp maintains a receiving SFTP server that can be connected to from your HRIS provider or a SFTP client and a file sent using the protocol that we will process.

Employee data files sent to Culture Amp via SFTP will be processed using our partial import process, allowing you to safely decentralize employee data management across your organization. Once files are successfully imported via SFTP, you’ll see added/updated employee details in the Users page of your account.

Setting up an SFTP integration will likely require assistance from your IT Team and/or your HRIS/Payroll provider. We've provided detailed technical instructions and troubleshooting steps that you can provide to them, as well as specific guides below for each of the HRIS our customers have successfully integrated with:

Depending on your HRIS / SFTP platform, you may also need to loop in your HRIS representative or IT Team for assistance. Our Product Support team are also happy to assist with any questions you might have and we've also answered some frequently asked questions about SFTP in this guide.

My HRIS/Payroll provider is not on this list. How do I know if my provider supports SFTP?

We recommend that you reach out to a representative from your HRIS/Payroll provider to confirm that they can send Employee data to our server via SFTP. The requirements that they will need to confirm are:

  • A file of all required employee data can be generated and sent via SFTP to a custom server. Column name recommendations can be found in the template listed here with instructions.

  • The file can be generated and sent in CSV/XLSX format via that connection. Please note that CSV's must be with UTF-8 encoding and the separator a comma (,).

  • The connection can be secured via an SSH key pair. We do not support password or SSH2 key methods for authentication.

If these primary requirements are met by your provider, they will be able to send Employee Data to Culture Amp via SFTP. To begin set up on the Culture Amp side, an Account Admin user can select the Other Integrations Option from the Data Integrations page.

If they require any further detailed instructions, those can be found here: detailed technical instructions and troubleshooting steps

Changing HRIS Integrations

Switching your HRIS integration is simple! Just follow these steps:

Delete your current integration

  • First, you’ll need to remove the existing integration. You’ll need to be an Account administrator or Employee data administrator to access the settings. No need to contact Product Support, but feel free to reach out if you have questions.

To delete the integration:

  • Go to Data Integrations in your account settings.

  • Click Configure integration > Delete.

Set up the new integration

Once the old integration is deleted, you can easily set up the new one:

  • Go back to the Data Integrations page, select the new HRIS from the list, and follow the setup instructions.

Note: Deleting your current integration won’t remove any data from Culture Amp. However, syncing with a new HRIS will overwrite any mismatched data, so we recommend reviewing the import summary before finalizing the sync.


Can we run two HRIS integrations simultaneously?

It is not possible to run two Merge API or Native integrations (e.g., BambooHR or Workday) at the same time, nor is it possible to combine a Merge API integration or Native integration with an SFTP integration.

However, if you set up an SFTP connection, you can have two HRIS systems send files to Culture Amp, which will be processed as a partial import. For more details, just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to chat with a Product Support Specialist.

💬 Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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