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Add or update users individually

Manage users in Culture Amp: Add, edit, deactivate, or reactivate users to ensure accurate access and survey participation.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions

Whether you're adding new users, editing existing ones, or making employees inactive, this guide will walk you through each step to ensure smooth user management.

If you're looking to import users in bulk, click here. Otherwise, continue reading for a comprehensive guide on maintaining users individually.

Let's get started!

Adding users

To be part of surveys or access Culture Amp's survey reports, you need to be added as a user. If exit or onboarding surveys are set up, interviewers also need to be users. This ensures they can access the platform to input their interview notes.

Click into the Settings > Users page

Click Add User

Type in the User's Name, Preferred Name and Email

Select a Date of birth (this is not mandatory, but can be used to determine a person's age for demographic reporting purposes)

Select a Start date (this is not mandatory, but can be used to determine a person's Tenure for demographic reporting purposes)

Leave the End date blank, unless the person has left the organization, or will leave on a specific date in the future

Select the Preferred Language

Click Save and Exit

Editing users

When editing user details and demographics, the changes take effect immediately in the system. However, they won't affect surveys already completed or in progress. Instead, the new information applies to any new surveys. For instance, if someone receives a survey invitation while in one department but later moves to another, their response stays linked to the original department. This happens because Culture Amp creates a unique survey link based on the person's demographics at the survey's launch. This maintains confidentiality, as changing responses can sometimes identify individuals.

To update a user

Click on Settings > Users

Filter by Status > Active users page locate the user in the list or use the search box to type part of the person's name or email address.

Click the User's Name in the list

Change any of the Personal Information displayed

Click on the Demographics dropdown

Change any of the demographics displayed

Click Save and exit

Note: For best practices on changing a user's name in Culture Amp, check out our support guidance: Changing an Employee's Name in Culture Amp.

Tip: After filtering your user list by status, click the minimize icon to reveal the search function.

Make a user inactive

Users can be excluded from future surveys by making them inactive in the platform as either a former or deactivated user. Learn about the difference between former and deactivated users. Even after they have been made inactive, their previous submitted responses remain in Culture Amp and are included in reports. However, if they didn't finish a survey by submitting it, their answers won't be included.

You can reactivate deactivated or former users as you need. This feature is handy for temporarily deactivating someone, like when they're on extended leave, and then reinstate them when they return.

Note: If sending out exit surveys, a 'Last day of employment' can be set to automatically make an employee inactive on a certain date.

To Make a user inactive as a Former user

Click on Settings > Users

Under the Status > Active users page, locate the user in the list, or use the Search box to type part of the person's name or email address

Click on the user in the list

Update their End Date to the date they left

Click Save and exit

The former users no longer appear on the default Active user list. Click the Former status filter to view the former users, or re-activate them. The former users are also removed from any active surveys in progress.

To make a user inactive as a Deactivated user

Click on Settings > Users

Locate the user in the list, or use the Search box to type part of the person's name or email address

Click the Deactivate icon to the far right of the user's name

Click the Deactivate icon to confirm

The deactivated users no longer appear on the default Active user list. Click the Deactivated status filter to view the deactivated users, or re-activate them. The deactivated users are also removed from any active surveys in progress.

Reactivating users

You may have a previous employee that has come to work for your company again. Rather than creating a new user profile, you can reactivate their original profile instead. Note that you will likely want to update the start date to their new start date.

To reactivate a Former user

Click on Settings > Users

Filter by Status > Former

Locate the user in the list, or use the Search box to type part of the person's name or email address

Hover over the user's row to the right of their name to display the Activate link

Click Activate

Click the Activate button to confirm

The user will now appear on the list of Active Users.

You may have deactivated a user record by mistake and wish to reactivate it.

To reactivate a Deactivated user

Click on Settings > Users

Filter by Status > Deactivated

Locate the user in the list, or use the Search box to type part of the person's name or email address

Hover over the user's row to the right of their name to display the Activate link

Click Activate

Click the Activate button to confirm

The user will now appear on the list of Active Users.

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