Removing Participants from a Live Survey

Guidance on removing participants from a live survey

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated this week

What can I learn from this page?

Guidance on removing a user from a live Attributed/Engagement survey

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins

Culture Amp will automatically remove any users who are invited to an Attributed type survey, such as an Engagement Survey, if they become inactive while the survey is live. This platform behaviour comes in handy if you need to remove an employee from a live survey, such as when an old team member is mistakenly included or employees are on extended leave.

Note: If a user has already submitted a response, making them inactive will not remove them from the survey.

When you remove users from the platform, you can mark them inactive as either a former employee (with an end date) or deactivated (with no end date). Both options work to remove a user from a live survey when a response has not been submitted.

Now, let's explore the different ways you can make users inactive.

Update Individually in the Platform

If you're only dealing with a handful of users, manually marking them inactive in the platform is one option you could use. Check out the instructions here.

Just a heads-up: any individual changes you make here might be overridden by your HRIS data if you've set up a data integration or SFTP connection. So, if you're synced up, it's smoother to manage user updates directly in your HRIS or via SFTP.

Update in your HRIS

Native HRIS Integration

The default behavior for existing users left off your HRIS file is to set their end date to the import date, categorizing them as inactive former employees. Check out the specific guides for each supported HRIS below, on how you can mark users inactive with a native Integration:

Merge API

When you import data into Culture Amp through the Merge API, it uses the full import process. Like our native HRIS integrations, individuals not in your uploaded file will be marked inactive as former employees in the platform, with their End Date set to the import date. Learn more.


If you're using an SFTP connection, you can refer to the articles below for each supported HRIS. These guides detail steps on how to make employees inactive directly within your file and upload to Culture Amp:

Manual User Import

If you do not have an employee data integration then you can mark employees inactive by manually uploading your user file. Individuals not in your uploaded file when you upload via a full import will be marked as former employees in the platform, with their End Date set to the import date. You can find more info in our support guide.

If you want to instead mark users as deactivated employees through a manual user upload, see the guidance here.


How soon after making an employee inactive are they removed from the survey?

After deactivating the user, you'll see changes reflected in the survey participation report, but the timing can vary. It might take a little while, so we recommend waiting until the survey wraps up for everything to settle properly.

Is the person notified when they are deactivated?

No, individuals are not notified when they are deactivated. Whether they are made inactive as a deactivated or former employee, no notification is sent. However, when they try to log in, access will be denied. Similarly, they won't be able to access any attributed type surveys linked to them via email.

Need further help? Just contact our Culture Amp Support team via email: or ask to speak with a support specialist during your chat conversation


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