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Standard Report factors

An overview of our Standard Report Factors

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

What can I learn from this page?

An overview of our Standard Report Factors

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admins, Survey Creators

What is a factor?

When data has been captured in the survey, it is possible to redefine how the questions are grouped in the reports. This allows grouping by behavioral topics, or cultural attributes called Factors such as 'Alignment & Involvement' or 'Enablement'.

Using factors in reporting makes analyzing the data more meaningful and actionable.

Learn more about our standard factors below.

What are our Standard factors?

Alignment and Involvement
This factor is about employees feeling worthwhile, connected, and appropriately involved in the organization's operations, with their abilities being well-matched to their roles.

Collaboration and Communication
This factor represents an ability for employees to work productively with other groups and levels within the organization, and to feel they are being informed of relevant information from other groups.

Company Confidence / Performance
This factor combines feedback from employees on how well they believe your company is performing from different angles. It represents outcomes that may be out of the scope of People Operations to address, but can be an important message back up to leadership.

Crowdsourcing employees' views on company performance can be a powerful way to tap into the collective intelligence that exists in your company. Many of your employees interact with customers directly and may also in turn be customers or customers of some of your competitors. In addition, they encounter others who may have experience or views about your company and the competitive landscape, and are on the ground seeing how resources are deployed every day internally. High performing employees want to be part of a winning team and this factor can be a crucial indicator of how employees view your competitive edge.

You should be aiming to see scores of 70%-75% to be keeping pace with fast growing innovative companies. If your score is falling under 55% you should look carefully at which questions are causing you the greatest pains and determine whether the score is consistent across all questions or driven by one of the areas in particular. Thoughts on actions are discussed in detail for each question individually. However, a general observation applies across the questions in this factor: these questions often pertain to high level strategic decisions that are not easily addressed purely from a People Operations perspective.

This factor considers having access to the right resources, tools, and environment to get on with what needs to be done, and having the freedom to make decisions where appropriate.

Engagement represents the levels of enthusiasm and connection employees have with their organization. It is also a measure of how motivated they are to take positive action to further the organization, and a sign of how committed they are to staying there.

Employee engagement might be defined as a desirable psychological state that arises from the psychological contract we have with our employees.

Our own Engagement Index was designed to include the most fundamentally important aspects in our experience and provide a balance of the types of questions usually used.

Your engagement score is a key outcome and your score will be a function of the particular questions you use. If you use our standard questions the average score is somewhere in the 70%-75% range. A score of about 80% is fantastic and above 85% is really all you might aim for. Beyond that, it is best to focus on maintaining your score and helping any lower scoring groups join the rest of the company up there. Scores below 60% will typically reflect significant portions of disengaged people in the company and below 50% should be taken as reasonably serious for the longer term if the trend down does not reverse.

Feedback and Recognition
This factor is about knowing that people are being evaluated fairly, whether they do good or bad work, and the appropriate recognition or action is being taken.

This factor represents the organization's attitude about new ideals and encouraging employees to contribute to changing the status quo.

This factor represents confidence that the organization has effective and inspiring leaders who communicate well, and recognize the importance of people in the journey.

You should be aiming to see scores of 70%-75% to be keeping pace with fast growing innovative companies. If your score is falling under 55% you should look carefully at which questions are causing you the greatest pains and determine whether the score is consistent across all questions or driven by one of the areas in particular.

Learning and Development
This factor is about having opportunities to learn new skills and grow professionally, either formally or informally. It considers employees feeling that those opportunities exist at the company, and that managers and leadership are investing in one's future session. The learning and development can be for a current role or mastery of a skill for a future role.

The management factor measures a person's connection and confidence with their immediate manager. This is different from the connection and confidence a person experiences with the leaders of an organization, which is measured under the Leadership factor.

Service and Quality Focus
This factor is the organization's attitude about their product quality and services, internally and externally.

Social Connection
This factor is how well the employee feels the organization allows them to be part of the wider community or industry.

Teamwork and Ownership
This factor represents feeling connected with a team and the personal and group accountability that is present.

Work and Life Blend
This factor is how well employees feel they can manage their workload, and have the flexibility to manage work with their personal life effectively.

Where can I set these up?

Configuring factors can be done at any time, even after the survey has been launched or closed. This can be done via the Reporting Factors page of the survey, see our guide to configuring factors in your survey design for more information.


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