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Install the Microsoft Teams App: A Guide for Employees
Install the Microsoft Teams App: A Guide for Employees

Explore the capabilities of Microsoft Teams, from app installation to feedback requests and notifications.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 8 months ago

What can I learn from this page?

Explore the capabilities of Microsoft Teams, from app installation to feedback requests and notifications.

Who is this guide for?


Learn how to install the Culture Amp app in Microsoft Teams.

Before you start, ask your organization's Microsoft Teams Admin to enable the Culture Amp app in Teams if you can't find it in the store.

Once you have the app installed, you can receive notifications, and access Culture Amp features straight from Teams.

App Features and Notifications

Our app for Microsoft Teams allows you to use Culture Amp directly in Teams. The following features are currently available with the app:


Skills Coach

  • Receive Skills Coach notifications


  • Receive survey invitations and reminders.

  • Get notified about reports and insights.

  • Get reminders to view reports and select focus areas and actions.

  • Receive invites to complete action feedback surveys.




  • Get notified when you've received feedback.

  • Get notified when your direct report received feedback and chose to share it with their manager. (only if manager sharing is enabled at the overall account level).

  • Receive invitations when someone requested feedback from you.

  • Get notified when feedback you gave or received has been commented on.

  • Receive reminders to complete performance reviews.






If your People Team enables MS Teams notifications for effectiveness surveys, you can receive:

  • Participant invitations, reminders, and notifications.

  • Reviewer invitations, removals, and reset notifications.

  • Coach invitations, changes, and due date notifications.

  • Co-worker sharing notifications.

Experience (Onboarding/Exit)

If your People Team enables MS Teams notifications for experience surveys like Onboarding and Exit, you can receive:

  • Survey invitations and reminders.

How to Install the App

Make sure you're signed into Teams with your work account.

  1. Go to the Teams store and search for Culture Amp.

  2. Click Add to install the app.

  3. Sign in with your Culture Amp account when prompted.


πŸ“Œ Note: Ask your organization's Microsoft Teams Admin to enable the Culture Amp app in Teams if you don't see it in the store.

Give and Request Feedback

If your organization's Culture Amp account has Performance enabled, you can:

  • Respond to feedback requests.

  • Request feedback from colleagues

  • Share feedback with managers (only possible if enabled at the overall account level).

To activate the option to give and request feedback in Teams:

  1. Click the "..." below the Type a message textbox.

  2. Then click on the CA app to access it.

This will open a popup box with the options to give feedback or request feedback.


Give Feedback

To give feedback:

  1. Select the user you want to give feedback to.

  2. Enter your feedback in the text field (must be 5 or more characters).

  3. Choose whether to share the feedback with their manager (only visible if enabled at the overall account level).

  4. Click Send Feedback.

What happens to your feedback?

When you send feedback:

  • The recipient gets a notification in Teams with your feedback.

  • If your account allows manager feedback sharing and you choose Share with their manager, the feedback will be shared with their manager in Teams.

  • Your feedback is added to the recipient's profile in Culture Amp. It's visible to you, the recipient, and, if shared, their manager.


Request Feedback

To request feedback:

  1. Select the user you want feedback from.

  2. Leave them a prompt in the text field.

  3. Click Send Request.




When the Culture Amp app is added to a Team, you can also give recognition by including the word "shoutout" anywhere in the body of your message and tagging one or more of your colleagues.

πŸ’¬ Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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