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Branching guidance for the Psychosocial Health Template
Branching guidance for the Psychosocial Health Template

Guidance for branching your questions for the psychosocial health template

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over 2 months ago

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement or Effectiveness

Additional branching is recommended for the psychosocial health template to provide further detail related to the experience of inappropriate behaviors and exposure to risk factors in the workplace. This additional level of detail will provide insights related to severity of exposure, reporting, and utilization of supports.

  1. To build the branching, create a new survey and select the ‘Psychosocial Health’ template. Configure your survey by selecting the questions tab, and select ‘edit questions’

  2. Go to the ‘Work Behaviors and Environment’ section heading. Here you can add additional commentary related to accessing supports or reporting mechanisms that are appropriate in your organization (example below).

For each question listed in this section, you can add additional branching for those employees who respond with responses other than ‘never’. Remember to check the relevance and suitability of these questions with your legal team before collecting data.


The workplace bullying question has 5 additional recommended questions:

  • What type of behavior(s) have you experienced

  • How often have you experienced the behavior

  • When did the behavior start

  • Have you reported the behavior

  • Other comments.

Question 1: What type of behavior(s) have you experienced?

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘What type of behavior(s) have you experienced?’.

  2. Move the question up so that is below the question ‘In the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace bullying…”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace bullying (how often in the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace bullying…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from rating scale to ‘Select’ and add the select options,

  • Subject of gossip or false malicious rumors

  • Persistent and unjustified criticisms

  • Verbal abuse

  • Ridicule and being put down

  • Threats of punishment for no reason

  • Offensive messages (telephone, written or electronic)

  • Sabotage of your work

  • Exclusion or isolation from workplace activities

  • Other

8. Set the selection limit to ‘Unlimited’.

Question 2: When did the behavior(s) start?

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘When did the behavior(s) start?’’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question “What type of behavior(s) have you experienced?”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace bullying (how often in the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace bullying…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Select’ and add the select options:

  • Within the last 6 months

  • Between 6 and 12 months ago

  • Between 1 and 2 years ago

  • More than 2 years ago

8. Set the selection limit to 1.

Question 3: Have you reported the behavior

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Have you reported the behavior’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘When did the behavior(s) start?”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace bullying (how often in the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace bullying…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from rating scale to ‘Select and add the select options: Yes, No, Other

  8. Set the selection limit to 1.

Question 4: Other comments

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Other comments’.

  2. Move the question up so that is below the question ‘Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace bullying (how often in the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace bullying…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Free text’.


The workplace harassment question has 3 additional recommended questions including:

  • Have you reported the workplace harassment?

  • Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident?

  • Other comments.

Question 1: Have you reported the workplace harassment

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Have you reported the workplace harassment?’.

  2. Move the question up so that is below the question ‘In the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace harassment…”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace harassment (how often in the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace harassment…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from rating scale to ‘Select’.

  8. Add the select options, Yes, No, Other and set the selection limit to 1.

Question 2: Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)?’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘Have you reported the workplace harassment”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace harassment (how often in the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace harassment…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Select’.

  8. Add the select options, Yes, No, Other and set the selection limit to 1.

Question 3: Other comments

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Other comments’.

  2. Move the question up so that is below the question ‘Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace harassment (how often in the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace harassment…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Free text’.

Sexual harassment

The sexual harassment question has 3 additional recommended questions, including:

  • Have you reported the workplace harassment?

  • Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident?

  • Other comments

Question 1: Have you reported the workplace harassment

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Have you reported the sexual harassment?’.

  2. Move the question up so that is below the question ‘In the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace sexual harassment…”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to sexual harassment (In the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace sexual harassment…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from rating scale to ‘Select’ and add the select options, Yes, No, Other.

  8. Set the selection limit to 1.

Question 2: Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)?’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘Have you reported the workplace harassment”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to sexual harassment (In the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace sexual harassment…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Select’ and a dd the select options, Yes, No, Other

  8. Set the selection limit to 1.

Question 3: Other comments

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Other comments’.

  2. Move the question up so that is below the question ‘Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to sexual harassment (In the past 6 months, have you experienced workplace sexual harassment…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Free text’.

Work-related violence

The work-related violence question has 4 additional recommended questions:

  • What type of work-related violence have you experienced?

  • Have you reported the behavior?

  • Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident?

  • Other comments.

Question 1: What type of work-related violence have you experienced?

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘What type of work-related violence have you experienced?’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced work-related violence?”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to work-related violence ("In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced work-related violence…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Select’.

  8. Add the select options:

  • Angry or hostile behavior

  • Antagonism and jeering

  • Intimidation

  • Insults

  • Shouting and/or swearing

  • Verbal threats

  • Someone encroaching on your personal space

  • Feet stamping

  • Banging, kicking or hitting items

  • Biting, spitting, scratching

  • Throwing objects

  • Pushing, shoving, tripping or grabbing

  • Sexual assault

  • Physical assault (e.g. kicking or punching)

  • Armed robbery

  • Attacked with any type of weapon

  • Other

9. Set the selection limit to ‘unlimited’.

Question 2: Have you reported the behavior(s)

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Have you reported the behavior(s)?’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘What type of work-related violence have you experienced?”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to work-related violence (In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced work-related violence…”, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from rating scale to ‘Select’ and dd the select options, Yes, No, Other.

  8. Set the selection limit to 1.

Question 3: Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)?’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘have you reported the behavior(s)’.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to work-related violence ("In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced work-related violence…” , and choose all answers except ‘never’.

7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Select’ and add the select options, Yes, No, Other.

8. Set the selection limit to 1.

Question 4: Other comments

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Other comments’.

  2. Move the question up so that is below the question ‘Did you feel appropriately supported in relation to the incident(s)”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to work-related violence (In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced work-related violence…, and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Free text’.

Workplace relationships (Conflict)

The Workplace relationship question has 3 additional recommended questions:

  • When did the conflict start?

  • Have you reported the behavior(s)?

  • Other comments.

Question 1: When did the conflict start?

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘When did the conflict start?’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question "In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced frequent or excessive disagreements/conflict with others?”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace relationships (In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced frequent or excessive disagreements/conflict with others?…”), and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Select’.

  8. Add the select options:

    • Within the last 6 months

    • Between 6 and 12 months ago

    • Between 1 and 2 years ago

    • More than 2 years ago

  9. Set the selection limit to ‘1’.

Question 2: Have you reported the behavior(s)

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Have you reported the behavior(s)?’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘When did the conflict start?”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace relationships (In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced frequent or excessive disagreements/conflict with others?…”), and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from rating scale to ‘Select’ and add the select options, Yes, No, Other.

  8. Set the selection limit to 1.

Question 3: Other comments

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Other comments’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘Have you reported the behavior(s)”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to workplace relationships (In the past 6 months, how often have you experienced frequent or excessive disagreements/conflict with others?…”), and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Free text’.

Remote or isolated work

The remote/isolated work question has 2 additional recommended questions.

  • When working remotely, I feel I have the necessary resources to do my job effectively

  • When working remotely, I feel adequately supported by %ACCOUNT_NAME%.

Question 1: When working remotely, I feel I have the necessary resources to do my job effectively

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘When working remotely, I feel I have the necessary resources to do my job effectively’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question "In the past 6 months, how often have you worked in remote or isolated work environments?”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to remote/isolated work ("In the past 6 months, how often have you worked in remote or isolated work environments…”), and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Keep the Question type as ‘Rating scale’.

Question 2: When working remotely, I feel adequately supported by %ACCOUNT_NAME%

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘When working remotely, I feel adequately supported by %ACCOUNT_NAME%’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘When working remotely, I feel I have the necessary resources to do my job effectively”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to remote/isolated work ("In the past 6 months, how often have you worked in remote or isolated work environments…”), and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Keep the Question type as ‘Rating scale’.

Exposure to potentially traumatic events/materials

The exposure to potentially traumatic events/material question has 1 additional recommended question:

  • I feel that I have the appropriate supports available to me at %ACCOUNT_NAME%.

Question 1: I feel that I have the appropriate supports available to me at %ACCOUNT_NAME%

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘I feel that I have the appropriate supports available to me at %ACCOUNT_NAME%’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question "In the past 6 months, how often have you been subjected to traumatic events or materials at work?”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to potentially traumatic events/materials (‘‘In the past 6 months, how often have you been subjected to traumatic events or materials at work…”), and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Keep the Question type as ‘Rating scale’.

Physical work environment

The work environment question has 2 additional recommended questions:

  • Have you reported the poor physical working environment?

  • Other comments

Question 1: Have you reported the poor physical working environment

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Have you reported the poor physical working environment’.

  2. Move the question up so that it is below the question ‘In the past 6 months, how often have you been subjected to a poor physical work environment…”.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to the work environment (‘‘In the past 6 months, how often have you been subjected to a poor physical work environment…”), and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from rating scale to ‘Select’ and add the select options, Yes, No, Other.

  8. Set the selection limit to 1.

Question 2: Other comments

  1. Add a question at the bottom of the section, input ‘Other comments’.

  2. Move the question up so that is below the question ‘Have you reported the poor physical working environment.

  3. Click on the dropdown for the new question.

  4. Click ‘Display Rule’.

  5. Click ‘Add answer rule’

  6. Select the question related to a poor work environment (‘‘In the past 6 months, how often have you been subjected to a poor physical work environment…”), and choose all answers except ‘never’.

  7. Update the Question type from ‘Rating scale’ to ‘Free text’.

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