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Recruitee (People Analytics)
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated this week

🚇 On this page:

Step-by-step guide for connecting your Recruitee and People Analytics accounts.

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Extract more value from your Recruitee account by connecting it to People Analytics. People Analytics can use the data from Recruitee to generate metrics for the Talent acquisition chapter. By analyzing these metrics you’ll be able to enhance your understanding of the effectiveness of recruitment operations in your organization.

Before you start

⚠️ Note: you need access to People Analytics and Recruitee accounts with admin privileges to complete this task.

🚧 Caveat: third-party services and platforms may change the layout of their user interface and render this guide obsolete. We do our best to keep it up to date, but if you notice any discrepancies, please speak with a Product Support Specialist by replying with “Ask a Person” in a Support Conversation and we will fix the issue ASAP.

Video tutorial

The video tutorial covers the steps from this guide.

Fetch API key from Recruitee

  1. Log into your Recruitee account

  2. From the main navigation, click your profile picture

  3. From the left-hand navigation, go to Personal Settings and click Personal API tokens (under the Apps and plugins dropdown)

  4. Click New token, give it the name “People Analytics” and click Save

5. Verify your identity and enter your password

6. Once you click Continue, you should get a key that looks similar to this:


7. Copy the key!

Enable Recruitee Integration

  1. In People Analytics, go to ⚙︎ Settings link from the main navigation

  2. Then go to the Data integration section and click Connect next to [Recruitee]

  3. Paste your Recruitee API key and company name into the fields of the connection form.

4. Click Connect Recruitee.

Your People Analytics profile is now connected with Recruitee.

People Analytics will start fetching the data right away. The process will take a while to complete. Its duration varies depending on the number of things you track and their health.

Once it’s done, you will be all set to start exploring your people metrics. 🥳

Metrics enabled by this integration

The following metrics will show up in your People Analytics Stories and Chapters after you connect Recruitee:

Talent Acquisition metrics

Overview metrics

Talent acquisition overview metrics are metrics you should be able to see at a glance.

Metrics included:

  • Open Postings

    Number of currently opened positions.

  • Extended Offers

    Number of extended offers in current month.

  • Accepted Offers

    Number of accepted offers in current month

  • Average Time to Hire

    Average amount of days you need to hire

  • Average Time to Start

    Average time between publishing a job ad and the new hire starting to work

  • Offer Acceptance Rate

    Percent of accepted offers vs extended ones in current month

Overview metrics are not affected by the time filter


Source of Hire


Source of Hire is a metric that shows how many new hires (out of total hires) came from each individual channel.

Insight to

It is a visualization of how successful is each source and where you should continue, stop or increase investment of your budget. Referrals can be a good indicator of employee engagement and can be compared to eNPS data.

How we calculate this

Source of Hire(T) = Distribution (Sources of new hires came during the selected time range T)

Source data

Extracted from ATS.

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Race

  • Recruiter

  • Role

  • Team

Number of Open Positions

A metric within the Talent Acquisition story chapter.


Number of Open Positions provides an overview of all vacancies for the most immediate hiring needs.

Insight to

It is an indicator of how fast the organization is growing, how big is the workload on the recruitment team and what are the currently active vacancies an organization is looking to fill.

How we calculate this

Count vacancies with an active status in T

Source data

Extracted from ATS:

  • Job postings publish date

  • Job postings close date

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Location

  • Role

  • Team


New Hires ratio

A metric within the Talent Acquisition story chapter.


New Hires Ratio represents the ratio of new hires compared to total currently active employees.

Insight to

A high New Hires Ratio often results in a lower organizational output/productivity due to additional workforce effort to onboard new employees.

How we calculate this

New Hires Ratio (T) = Number of new hires at time T / Number of active employees at time T

Source data

Extracted from HRIS:

  • Employee’s employment start date

  • Employee’s employment end date

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Age

  • Department

  • Division

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Generation

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team

  • Tenure

Offers Accepted

A metric within the Talent Acquisition story chapter.


Number of candidates who successfully completed the hiring process and accepted a job offer from the company.

Insight to

This metric show the total number of accepted job offers and organizational capability to grow. When observed alongside Offer Acceptance Rate it indicates organizational ability to close the deal with desired candidates.

How we calculate this

Count number of job offers marked as accepted in the selected time range T.

Source data

Extracted from ATS.

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Location

  • Role

  • Team

Hiring Plan Achievement impact

A metric within the Talent Acquisition story chapter.


The hiring plan achievement metric connects your ATS and HRIS data to provide a sense of the future headcount and implications on headcount cost based on the currently open requisitions.

Insight to

This metric gives an insight into what your organization will face in the future. It enables you to envision how the achievement of the current hiring plan will impact the size and headcount cost distribution across different departments, teams, locations, and roles after the closing of the requisitions.

How we calculate this

Post-requisition close Headcount is calculated by adding the remaining open positions count from active requisitions to the current Headcount.

Post-requisition close Headcount Cost is calculated by adding the sum of median salaries (if available) for remaining open positions from active requisitions to the current Headcount Cost.

Source data

Extracted from ATS and HRIS.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Location

  • Role

  • Team


Candidate Journey

A metric within the Talent Acquisition story chapter.


Candidate Journey visualizes the path your candidates take to get hired. The size of each stream flowing from stage to stage represents the number of candidates.

Insight to

We tend to think of our recruitment process as a funnel. That's the ideal stage where we would want it to be - it allows us to deliver consistent candidate experience and equal assessment possibilities. If your candidate journey shows inconsistency across different organizational units, the shape of the graph will deviate from the standard funnel appearance.

How we calculate this

Nodes represent the stages you defined in your ATS, while streams are simple counts of candidates moving through recruitment stages. The width of each stream represents the number of candidates in the flow.

Source data

Extracted from ATS.

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Race

  • Recruiter

  • Role

  • Team

Time in Recruitment Stage

A metric within the Talent Acquisition story chapter.


Time in Recruitment Stage tells you how long the candidates are staying in each step in your selection process.

Insight to

This metrics is here to help you discover potential hiring bottlenecks. Think of the ideal process and how much time you'd like your candidates to spend in each stage of the selection process. In the "all" view, you can explore if some stages keep your candidates waiting longer than the others. By changing views, you can highlight differences between recruitment stage velocities in particular departments, teams, or roles.

How we calculate this

Each application goes through the stages of your hiring pipeline(s). We measure the time individuals spend in each stage and calculate the median, minimum and maximum value in days.

Source data

Extracted from ATS.

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Race

  • Recruiter

  • Role

  • Team

Candidate Drop-Off Rate

A metric within the Talent Acquisition story chapter.


Candidate drop-off rate tells you how many candidates drop from the recruitment process during a specific selection stage.

Insight to

This metric helps you evaluate your hiring process by presenting information on number of drop-offs and reasons behind them. Reasons for drop-offs might indicate why are some stages too strict or not selective enough. Additionaly, our statistical procedures will surface insight if some stages have a particularly high number of drop-offs initiated by candidates.

How we calculate this

We measure how many applications are rejected at each stage of your hiring pipeline(s) in absolute and relative terms. We also take into account who initiated the termination of the recruitment process and what was the reason behind it. Additionally, we utilize statistical procedures to extract potential insights.

Source data

Extracted from ATS.

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Race

  • Recruiter

  • Role

  • Team

Candidate experience

Feedback Rating Distribution

A metric within the Talent Acquisition story chapter.


Interview feedback ratings allow you to see if there are any systematic differences in the way you score candidates across different teams, positions and demographics.

Insight to

It can be an indicator of biases that exist in the recruitment process

Source data

Extracted from ATS.

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Location

  • Role

  • Team

Data imported from Recruitee

People Analytics will use the following data from your Recruitee account once the integration is complete ↓

  • Application.CreatedAt

  • Application.Hired

  • Application.HiredAt

  • Application.ID

  • Application.ID

  • Application.Name

  • Application.Sources

  • Application.Sources

  • Application.StageChanges

  • Application.StageChanges

  • Application.StageID

  • CreatedAt

  • Interview.Interviewers

  • Interview.StageID

  • Offer.ApplicationID

  • Offer.Location

  • Offer.Role

  • Offer.SentAt

  • Offer.SentAt

  • Offer.Signed

  • Offer.Signed

  • Offer.Signed

  • Offer.SignedAt

  • Posting.CreatedAt

  • Posting.Published

  • Posting.State

  • StageATS.ID

  • StageATS.ID

  • StageATS.ID

  • StageATS.Name

  • StageATS.StageType

🚑 To get accurate and reliable metrics and filters, make sure your source data is in good shape. See more in the Data Health 101 guide.

💬 Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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