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🗺️ Data Health reference: source data and corresponding metrics
🗺️ Data Health reference: source data and corresponding metrics
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

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Dependency table for Data Health troubleshooting.

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People Analytics needs accurate and up-to-date source data from your HRIS and ATS in order to construct accurate and reliable reports.

The following table shows exactly which data is used to construct which metric.

Data extracted from HRIS

💰Compensation data

Compensation history effective start date

A data field in your HRIS indicating the end data (if such exist) until which a change on the employee's salary is applicable. This date should be equal to the one on the new employment contract or annex that represents this change in a paper trail.

Affected metrics

Rewards chapter

Headcount chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Make sure to enter a correct end date until which the salary change is applicable for each individual employee

Compensation history effective end date

A field in your HRIS indicating the end data (if such exist) until which a change on the employee's salary is applicable. This date should be equal to the one on the new employment contract or annex that represents this change in a paper trail.

Affected metrics

Rewards chapter

Headcount chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Make sure to enter a correct end date until which the salary change is applicable for each individual employee

Compensation history entries amount

A field in your HRIS where salary is entered for each employee. This amount should correspond to the one in the new employment contract of an employee.

Affected metrics

Rewards chapter

Headcount chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Enter the correct amount in the appropriate currency for each employee that had a salary change

Compensation history entries currency

A field in your HRIS indicating the currency in which the salary is calculated and paid to the employee.

Affected metrics

Rewards chapter

Headcount chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Make sure that each employee has a correct currency attached to their profile based on which they received their income

Compensation history effective period

Period defines the time period for which the salary is declared.

Affected metrics

Rewards chapter

Headcount chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Make sure that each employee has a correct compensation period attached to their history of salary changes

⏰ Time and date data

Time off requests start date

A field in your HRIS that holds the start date of absence request initiated by the employee.

Affected metrics

Headcount chapter


  1. Create a guide for your employees on how to properly enter leaves

  2. Ensure each employee has access to HRIS

  3. Enable employees to enter leaves

  4. Instill a sense of responsibility into managers to ensure information about absence is entered correctly

Time off requests end date

A field in your HRIS that holds the end date of absence request initiated by the employee.

Affected metrics

Headcount chapter


  1. Create a guide for your employees on how to properly enter leaves

  2. Ensure each employee has access to HRIS

  3. Enable employees to enter leaves

  4. Instil a sense of responsibility into managers to ensure information about absence is entered correctly

Time off requests status

A field in your HRIS that holds the status of leaves for your employees e.g. pending, approved, rejected etc.

Affected metrics

Headcount chapter


  1. Create a guide for your employees on how to properly enter leaves

  2. Ensure each employee has access to HRIS

  3. Enable employees to enter leaves

  4. Instil a sense of responsibility into managers to ensure information about absence is entered correctly

Time off requests type

A field in your HRIS that holds the type of leaves for your employees.

Affected metrics

Headcount chapter


  1. Create a guide for your employees on how to properly enter leaves

  2. Ensure each employee has access to HRIS

  3. Enable employees to enter leaves

  4. Instill a sense of responsibility into managers to ensure information about absence is entered correctly

Employee’s employment start date

A field in your HRIS where the start date of employment is entered for each new employee.

Affected metrics

Diversity chapter

Talent acquisition chapter

Headcount chapter

Turnover chapter

Rewards Chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Make sure to enter a correct date of employment for each employee which corresponds the date on their employment contract

Employee’s employment end date

A field in your HRIS where the end/last date of employment is entered for each leaver.

Affected metrics

Diversity chapter

Talent acquisition chapter

Headcount chapter

Turnover chapter

Rewards Chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Make sure to enter a correct date of contract termination for each employee who left the organization

👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 Employee’s age, ethnicity, gender

Employees age

A field in your HRIS where the birth date is entered for each employee.

Affected metrics

Diversity chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Review all employees and ensure the field birth date is filled with a correct date

Employee’s ethnicity

A field in your HRIS where ethnicity is entered for each employee. This will help you track metrics related to diversity, inclusion and equity.

Affected metrics

Diversity chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Review all employees and ensure the field ethnicity is filled with the correct information

Employee’s gender

A field in your HRIS where gender is entered for each employee. It usually has a classification: male, female, other/unknown.

Affected metrics

Diversity chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Review all employees and ensure the gender field is filled with one of the options

✉️ Variable payments (bonuses) data

Variable payment effective date

A field in your HRIS which contains data on when the payment of bonus was performed for each employee. It enables proper expenses tracking through time.

Affected metrics

Rewards chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Make sure that each employee has a correct date entered based on the payment of their bonus

Variable payment entries amount

A field in your HRIS where the amount of bonus is entered for each employee. This field won’t be always full depending on your bonus system (quarterly, yearly, etc).

Affected metrics

Rewards chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Import correct amounts in the appropriate currency for each employee

Variable payment entries currency

A field in your HRIS which indicates the currency the bonus amount was paid to the employees.

Affected metrics

Rewards chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Make sure that each employee has a correct currency entered based on the payment of their bonus

🚪Employment status and termination type data

Employee’s employment status

A field in your HRIS that indicates the type of employment agreement (e.g. permanent, fixed-term, internship, student, consultant) your organization has with each active employee.

Affected metrics

Headcount chapter

  • Number of employees


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role

  3. Enter a correct type of agreement for each employee

Past employees’ employment termination type

A field in your HRIS to be filled only for leaving employees. This is where you indicate whether a contract termination was initiated by the employee through a resignation (voluntary turnover) or it was decided by the company not to proceed with the cooperation and terminate the contract (involuntary turnover).

Affected metrics

Rewards chapter


  1. Log into your HRIS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or HR role. Choose the type of contract termination (resignation, termination, lay off, etc) for each leaver.

Data extracted from ATS

Job postings publish date

A field in your ATS that holds the recruitment process stage for a specific role. Once you define the scope of work and requirements for the position a job ad is created and published to indicate the availability of that vacancy.

Affected metrics

Talent Acquisition chapter


  1. Log into your ATS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or Recruiter role

  3. Review all open job postings and ensure that each job posting has the correct status based on the recruitment stage in which they are

Job postings closing date

A field in your ATS that indicates the stage in which your recruitment process is for a specific role. Once you manage to secure a hire the status of the position turns to closed.

Affected metrics

Talent Acquisition chapter


  1. Log into your ATS

  2. Make sure you have Admin or Recruiter role

  3. Review all open job postings and ensure that the ones which were filled are marked as closed.

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