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7️⃣ Leadership
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over 8 months ago

🚇 On this page:

Index of metrics contained in the Leadership chapter.

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When Peter Gibbons, the lead character from Office Space (1999), messed up some paperwork on his job, he had to answer to eight different managers who came by his cubicle that day to pester him about it. That’s an Organizational depth problem. The metrics in the Leadership chapter will show how appointed leaders fit within the structure of your organization, so that you can avoid the type of situation Peter had to put up with.

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Leadership metrics

Overview metrics

Rewards overview metrics are metrics you can see at a glance. Metrics are now in textual form. By clicking bolded text or the avatars, a list with names, teams/locations, and the date of starting/leaving will appear.

⏳ Overview metrics are not affected by the time filter.

Metrics included:

  • Organizational depth

    Organizational depth in the organization.

  • External hires for leadership positions

    External hires for leadership positions are expressed in absolute numbers and percentages.

  • Internal hires for leadership positions

    Internal hires for leadership positions are expressed in absolute numbers and percentages.

  • Median time to be internally promoted to the leadership position

    Median time to be internally promoted to the leadership position in the organization.

Leadership essentials

Management Span of Control

A metric within the Leadership story chapter.


Management Span of Control shows the average number of permanent employees or subordinates per manager's organization. The metric can be observed from the top, middle, and front-line management standpoint. Front-line managers are the ones who manage individual contributors, middle managers manage other managers, and top managers are C-1 level.

Insight to

The number of subordinates highlights the balance of organizational design and the company's organizational capacity to plan for scaling properly.

How we calculate this

This metric is calculated for each manager type (top, middle and front) by dividing the total number of active employees by the total number of managers by type.

Source data

Extracted from HRIS.

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Age

  • Department

  • Division

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Generation

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Team

  • Tenure

Organizational Depth

A metric within the Leadership story chapter.


Organizational Depth indicates the extent of company layering by showing the number of organizational levels.

Insight to

It indicates organizational complexity and hierarchical structure.

How we calculate this

Organizational Depth (T) = Number of organizational levels at time T

Source data

Extracted from HRIS.

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Division

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Team

Team Dispersion

A metric within the Leadership story chapter.


Team dispersion shows how geo-distributed your teams are. The closer the number is to 0 your organizational unit would be more collocated. Inversely, the closer the number is to 100%, it would mean that your company is completely distributed.

Insight to

Team dispersion provides insights into your organizational structure by exploring the geo-remoteness of your teams and departments. More dispersed teams usually bring into organization strong diversity bonuses, and the quality-of-work payoffs are usually high, but are often harder to manage due to their complex nature. Geo-agnostic teams require tighter team norms, structured employee onboarding, and managed cultural brokerage.

How we calculate this

(1 - Sum (Proportion of individuals in Location L)² for each Location L) x 100

Source data

Extracted from HRIS.

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters

  • Department

  • Team

Each entry includes a definition, calculation method, the origin of source data, and a list of available filters.

Source of metrics

Metrics for the Leadership chapter are extracted from your HRIS.

The metrics will only show up if you connected the required external data sources to your People Analytics account. If the data required to construct a specific metric is missing, a placeholder is displayed instead:

☝️ Example of a placeholder pointing out a missing metric

If you need help, follow the instructions to connect external data sources to your People Analytics account.

🚑 To get accurate and reliable metrics and filters, make sure your source data is in good shape. See more in the Data Health 101 guide.

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