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πŸ“Š Remote Work Ratio
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Remote Work Ratio refers to the workforce capacity working from home or other remote locations compared to workforce capacity working from the office.

Insight to:

This metric can be observed alongside organizational policies as a good indicator of flexibility in the workplace and how keen are employees to choose to work remotely. Depending on the legal regulations remote work ratio is also an input for health and safety risks as well as an effective benefits model that will attract desired talent.

How we calculate this

Remote Work Ratio (T) = Percentage of workforce that worked on-site at time T compared to Percentage of workforce that worked off-site at time T.

Percentages are calculated using person-days.

Source data

  • Time off requests start date

  • Time off requests end date

  • Time off requests status

  • Time off requests type

  • Employment history type

  • Employment history start date

  • Employment history end date

πŸš‘ Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Department

  • Division

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data


  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

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