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1️⃣ Headcount
Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over a week ago

🚇 On this page:

Index of metrics contained in the Headcount chapter.

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A simple headcount gets tricky when the heads counted can’t stay put. Whether it’s hiring, firing, vacationing, WFH or sick leaves, people (and their heads) are always coming in and going out. The metrics in the Headcount chapter help you keep all these numbers sorted out.

Access the Headcount Chapter

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The top of the Stories page will display all the available Chapters so you can click the one you want to see.

Headcount metrics

Overview metrics

Headcount overview metrics are metrics you should see at a glance. Metrics are now in textual form. By clicking bolded text or the avatars, a list with names, teams/locations, and the date of starting/leaving will appear.

Overview metrics are not affected by the time filter.

Metrics included:

  • Active Employees

    Since this is a current snapshot, we rely on employee status (active/inactive)

  • Starters

    This number is calculated by determining the number of employees with a start date in the current month.

  • Leavers

    This number is calculated by determining the number of employees with an end date in the current month.

  • Employees on Notice Period

    There are two ways that we calculate this. If your data source has the capability to track notices, we will rely on this to show the number of employees that are on notice. If not, the number of employees on notice is calculated by counting the number of employees who have an end date set in the future.

  • Employees on Probation Period

    Requires that your data source supports the probation period capability.

Workforce Essentials


A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Headcount represents the number of active employees expressed over a time period since the organization's onset.

Insight to

The size of your organization is reflected in this metric. When observed through time it can be one of the indicators of organizational growth. Serves as a good benchmarking indicator for organizational stage and maturity. It can help you plan future organizational growth, finances, and costs.

How we calculate this

We differentiate and count all, active and average number of employees.

Active employees (T) = Number of employees who are currently working in the organization

All employees (T) = Inclusive number of employees who worked in the organization even if it was just one day

Source data

Extracted from HRIS:

  • Employee’s employment start date

  • Employee’s employment end date

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Age

  • Department

  • Division

  • Employment Type

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Generation

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team

  • Tenure


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data

Employee View



  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Number of Starters

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Number of Starters is a metric that shows the number of new employees that joined the organization.

Insight to

It is an indicator of growth and can provide an insight to the workload of HR on onboarding new employees. When observed against the hiring plan it can show the success of the Talent Acquisition team and ability of the organization to scale.

How we calculate this

Count employees with a start date within the selected period of time T.

  • Employee’s employment start date

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Age

  • Department

  • Division

  • Employment Type

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Generation

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data

Employee View



  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Employee Net Growth

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Employee Net Growth shows the true number of new employees added to the organization by also calculating the number of employees who left the company within the selected period. It represent the net headcount growth month over month.

Insight to

A better understanding of the true increase in the number of employees over time by contrasting the number of hires with the number of leavers. This metric combines data from talent acquisition and turnover to showcase organizational actual growth.

How we calculate this

Employee Net Growth (T) = Number of Employees that started at time T – Number of Employees that left at time T

Source data

Extracted from HRIS:

  • Employee’s employment start date

  • Employee’s employment end date

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Age

  • Department

  • Division

  • Employment Type

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Generation

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data



  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Employment Type Distribution

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Employment Type Distribution shows the distribution of contract types (permanent, fixed term, internship, student, consultancy) per currently active employees.

Insight to

It helps understand the models of engagement the organization has with its employees that can heavily influence cost structure, taxation and legal exposure.

How we calculate this

Employment Type Distribution (T) = Distribution(Employment Type for each Employee working at time T)

  • Employee’s employment start date

  • Employee’s employment end date

  • Employee’s employment status

  • Employment history type

  • Employment history start date

  • Employment history end date

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Age

  • Department

  • Division

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Generation

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team

  • Tenure


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data

Employee View


  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file


A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Tenure represents the length of time (years) an employee has worked for the organization.

Insight to

It provides an insight into the employee structure from the perspective of service length and years of internal experience. When compared with performance and turnover data it can showcase whether the company retains employees at the peak of their productivity.

How we calculate this

Tenure (T) = Sum(Tenure per Employee working at time T) / Number of Employees working at time T

Source data

Extracted from HRIS:

  • Employee’s employment start date

  • Employee’s employment end date

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Age

  • Department

  • Division

  • Employment Type

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Generation

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team

  • Tenure


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data



  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Employee Movement

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Employee movement is a headcount management metric that captures your employees' internal and external movements and transfers in a selected time period. This metric allows you to visually explore the balance of hires, transfers in and out of the organizational units and exits within a single view to understand the employee net changes in more depth.

Insight to

The metric helps you understand the flow of talent within your organization. It allows you to see how many employees are joining, transferring between departments, or leaving. This information can help you identify trends and patterns in talent movement, which is valuable for effective resource allocation and succession planning. Furthermore, by diving deeper into hires and exit stages, you can uncover in a single view where the talent is coming from.

How we calculate this

The Employee Movement metric is calculated by counting the number of employees at the beginning and the end of the selected period. The difference between the numbers of employees at the start and the end date represents all new employees, leavers, and transfers between departments for a chosen period.

Source data

Extracted from HRIS:

  • Employee’s employment start date

  • Employee’s employment end date

  • Employee’s job history

  • Employee’s previous company data


  • Timeline view - view on changes between number of employees on start date and number of employees on end date

  • Breakdown view - view on internal transfers, hires, and exits for selected breakdown value

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by department, team, role, location

  • Filter by available filters

Available groupings - Grouping data shows movement between different organizational units

  • Department

  • Team

  • Role

  • Location

To get available groupings, select Breakdown view.

You can explore changes for a specific group value (e.g. department) by clicking on the chart. For example, clicking on the chart will lead to waterfall chart.

This will open a waterfall chart that specifies number of employees on start date, number of hires, number of internal transfers, number of exits, and number of employees on end date. Clicking on a bar of your interest surfaces more detailed information.

Table view

  • Get metric data in the form of table data


  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Employee Movement metric is available for the following HRIS (so far)

  • BambooHR

  • Gecko

  • Humaans

  • Workday

🤷‍♂️ Can’t find your favourite HR tool? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

Attendance & Absenteeism

Working vs Absent

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Working vs Absent is a metric that provides an overview of active employees (employees working from the office, remotely or from a business trip) compared to the rest of the workforce. An employee is considered to be absent whenever they are on any type of leave.

Insight to

When observed over time its distribution can be an important input for effective workforce planning and bridging the gaps in productivity inefficiencies.

How we calculate this

Working vs Absent (T) = Percentage of the workforce that worked (including remote work and business trips) at time T compared to the percentage of the workforce that was absent at time T. Percentages are calculated using person-days.

Working = remote work, working from the office, business trip

Absent = any type of leave

  • Time off requests start date

  • Time off requests end date

  • Time off requests status

  • Time off requests type

  • Employee’s employment start date

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Department

  • Division

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data


  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Leave Type Distribution

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Leave Type Distribution is a metric that provides an overview of the most frequent type of absences in your organization.

Insight to

Analyse the data to learn which types of leaves make the highest portion of total leaves and decide if they are planned or unplanned. Look for increasing trends in unwanted types of leaves and investigate how does that reflect on your cost increase as well as the reasons behind it. Observe this metric alongside Unplanned Leaves and Cost of Unplanned Leaves metrics.

How we calculate this

Leave Type Distribution (T) = Distribution(Leave Types in period T)

It represents the share of different type of leave of absence days per employee out of all leaves for the selected time period.

  • Time off requests start date

  • Time off requests end date

  • Time off requests status

  • Time off requests type

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Department

  • Division

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data


  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Unplanned Leaves

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


As an alternative way of measuring absenteeism, Unplanned Leaves represents a metric that indicates the share of unplanned leaves in total absence days of the employee.

Insight to

Provides a better understanding of unexpected loss in productivity. When observed over time frequent short-term, unscheduled absence can also be an indicator of lack of engagement.

Unplanned leave is usually considered to be sick leave, sick child, caregiving, personal emergencies, bereavement leave, personal time off, and similar.

How we calculate this

Unplanned Leaves (T) = Leaves classified as unplanned (in days) / All Leaves (in days) in a period T

  • Time off requests start date

  • Time off requests end date

  • Time off request status

  • Time off request type

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Department

  • Division

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data


  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Cost of Unplanned Leaves

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Cost of Unplanned Leaves is a metric that indicates how much is unplanned leave costing the organization.

Insight to

This metric gives an insight into the direct cost of remuneration for unplanned leaves while indirect cost (administrative handling, training of the replacement, the stress of workload transfer on other team members) incurred by the employer could be onerous.

How we calculate this

Cost of Unplanned Leaves (T) = Number of work days on unplanned leaves at time T * Daily salary rate at time T

Source data

  • Compensation history effective date

  • Compensation history effective end date

  • Compensation history effective amount

  • Compensation history effective currency

  • Compensation history effective period

  • Time off requests start date

  • Time off requests end date

  • Time off requests status

  • Time off requests type

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Age

  • Department

  • Division

  • Race/Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Generation

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team

  • Tenure


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data



  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Remote Work Ratio

A metric within the Headcount story chapter.


Remote Work Ratio refers to the workforce capacity working from home or other remote locations compared to workforce capacity working from the office.

Insight to:

This metric can be observed alongside organizational policies as a good indicator of flexibility in the workplace and how keen are employees to choose to work remotely. Depending on the legal regulations remote work ratio is also an input for health and safety risks as well as an effective benefits model that will attract desired talent.

How we calculate this

Remote Work Ratio (T) = Percentage of workforce that worked on-site at time T compared to Percentage of workforce that worked off-site at time T.

Percentages are calculated using person-days.

Source data

  • Time off requests start date

  • Time off requests end date

  • Time off requests status

  • Time off requests type

  • Employment history type

  • Employment history start date

  • Employment history end date

🚑 Problem with source data? See Data Health 101 for remedies.

Available filters - slice and dice your data by one or multiple filters

  • Department

  • Division

  • Location

  • Manager

  • Role

  • Team


  • Timeline (historical) and Breakdown (sum total) graph view

  • Percentage and Absolute numbers

  • Customizable Time filter

  • Group by available filters

  • Sort by: Value, Alphabetically, Ascending, Descending

Table View

  • Get metric data in the form of table data


  • Download metric graph as PNG and SVG, or metric data (with filters applied) as CSV file

Each entry includes a definition, calculation method, the origin of source data, and a list of available filters.

Source of Metrics

Metrics for the Headcount chapter are extracted from your HRIS.

The metrics will only show up if you connected the required external data sources to your People Analytics account. If the data required to construct a specific metric is missing, a placeholder is displayed instead:

☝️ Example of a placeholder pointing out a missing metric

If you need help, follow the instructions to connect external data sources to your People Analytics account.

💬 Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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