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Engagement survey template overview

Use Culture Amp's 57-question Employee Engagement Survey to measure key factors like leadership, development, and work-life blend.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 5 months ago

Culture Amp's standard Employee Engagement Survey template contains 57 questions and takes most people just under 10 minutes to complete.

It measures employee engagement in detail and assesses a broad range of contributing factors such as Leadership, Learning and Development as well as some more unique contributing factors such as Work & Life Blend, Social Responsibility and Feedback & Recognition.

If 57 questions sounds too long, we also have an 20 question version of this survey, called the Quick Engagement Survey. You can also edit the template to remove questions. If you want to dig deeper into the quick engagement survey, check out our article, 20 employee engagement survey questions every company should ask, for the science behind these questions and what the benchmark scores mean for each.

Tip: Download the questions in our spreadsheet for easy access.

Reporting Factor


Company Performance

The products and services ACME provides are as good as, or better than, our main competitors

ACME effectively directs resources (funding, people and effort) towards company goals

ACME is in a position to really succeed over the next three years


The leaders at ACME have communicated a vision that motivates me

The leaders at ACME demonstrate that people are important to the company’s success

The leaders at ACME keep people informed about what is happening

I have confidence in the leaders at ACME


My manager gives me useful feedback on how well I am performing

My manager keeps me informed about what is happening

My manager is a great role model for employees

My manager genuinely cares about my wellbeing

Collaboration & Communication

Other departments at ACME collaborate well with us to get the job done

Most people here make a good effort to consult other staff where appropriate

At ACME there is open and honest two-way communication

Teamwork & Ownership

Workloads are divided fairly among people where I work

I feel I am part of a team

We hold ourselves and our team members accountable for results


The information I need to do my job effectively is readily available

I have access to the things I need to do my job well

We have enough autonomy to perform our jobs effectively

Our physical workspace is enjoyable to work in

Most of the systems and processes here support us getting our work done effectively

Alignment & Involvement

I know how my work contributes to the goals of ACME

I am appropriately involved in decisions that affect my work

I know what I need to do to be successful in my role

I am happy with my current role relative to what was described to me

I believe my total compensation (base salary+any bonuses+benefits+equity) is fair, relative to similar roles at other companies

Work & Life Blend

We are genuinely supported if we choose to make use of flexible working arrangements

Generally, I believe my workload is reasonable for my role

I am able to arrange time out from work when I need to


We are encouraged to be innovative even though some of our initiatives may not succeed

At ACME we act on promising new or innovative ideas

Service & Quality Focus

Day-to-day decisions demonstrate that quality and improvement are top priorities

We acknowledge people who deliver outstanding service here

Social Connection

ACME’s commitment to social responsibility (e.g. community support, sustainability, etc.) is genuine

ACME really allows us to make a positive difference

Feedback & Recognition

I receive appropriate recognition for good work at ACME

My job performance is evaluated fairly

Generally, the right people are rewarded and recognized at ACME

When it is clear that someone is not delivering in their role we do something about it

Learning & Development

I have access to the learning and development I need to do my job well

I am given opportunities to develop skills relevant to my interests

I believe there are good career opportunities for me at ACME

My manager (or someone in management) has shown a genuine interest in my career aspirations

ACME is a great company for me to make a contribution to my development

I have been provided an opportunity to see and discuss recent employee survey results

My manager, or someone else, has communicated some clear actions based on recent employee survey results

I have seen positive changes taking place based on recent employee survey results

I believe action will take place as a result of this survey

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