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Launch an Onboarding or Exit Survey

How to launch, close and send reminders for Onboarding and Exit surveys

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 8 months ago

What can I learn from this page?

How to launch, close and send reminders for Onboarding and Exit surveys

Who is this guide for?

Account Admin, Survey Admins, Survey Creators

Launching Onboard and Exit surveys can be started by hitting the Launch Now button on the Launch Plan page. Unlike attributed surveys, responses for these surveys are typically sent individually as people join or leave the organization.

Launching an Onboard/Exit survey activates it, allowing you to invite employees via the Start Onboarding or Start Exit buttons on the Responses page. Access this page by clicking on the corresponding survey from the Surveys page.

πŸ“Œ Note: Exit and onboard surveys are usually attributed surveys where the individual's responses are available for viewing by the HR team.

For more information on sending Onboard or Exit surveys to employees individually, refer to our support guidance here.

Launch Plan Page

Under the Launch Plan page of your selected Onboard or Exit Survey, you'll now see options to configure the time that emails send and the number of days before reminders send (you will see slightly different results depending on whether you're configuring an Onboard Survey or an Exit Survey).

To view the various configuration options that will be presented for Manual, Automatic, or Full Workflow surveys in depth, click here for Onboard surveys or here for Exit Surveys.

Editing an Active Survey

Note, once the survey has been activated you will still be able to make edits, however, you should take care if some survey responses have already been submitted by employees.

Closing an Onboard / Exit survey

If you need to close your Onboard or Exit Survey, you can do so at the overall level from the Surveys > Launch Plan page, click Close Now to action. Once closed, employees with outstanding surveys won't be able to submit them. Usually, exit and onboard surveys run continuously and don't need to be closed.

Reminder Emails

Reminder emails are sent automatically 7 days after the survey process has been started for a person. You can also push a reminder email manually using the Activity Report to look up a person's survey, and clicking Send a Reminder.

See also:

πŸ’¬ Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.


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