Onboarding Survey template typesLearn how to use Culture Amp’s phased or single onboarding surveys to track new hires' progress, engagement, and support needs over time.
Welcome to the Remote Onboard SurveyExplore Culture Amp’s Remote Onboard Survey to assess new hire experience, belonging, and wellbeing in remote onboarding.
Configure the Exit Survey launch planHow to configure the launch plan for your Exit survey and the different workflow options we have available
Configure the Onboard Survey Launch planSet-up Onboard Survey invite and reminders. Choose between Survey Only or Survey & Interview workflows.
Launch an Onboarding or Exit SurveyHow to launch, close and send reminders for Onboarding and Exit surveys
Send the Onboarding or Exit Survey IndividuallyGuidance on how to add employees to an Onboarding or Exit Survey