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Admin's Dashboard for Managing Goals (classic)

Learn how to manage goal setting effectively with this comprehensive guide. Assign, create, view, and export goals as a Performance Admin.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

What can I learn from this page?

How to assign department goal creators, create department and company level goals and export goal data (Goals classic)

Who is this guide for?

Performance Admins

As a Performance Administrator, you play a key role in managing goal setting in your organization. This guide will cover the essentials, like assigning department goal creators, creating department and company goals, viewing and exporting goal data, and accessing useful goal statistics.

For more details on bulk creating individual level goals, check out the the Guide to populating Individual Goals Import template

Assign Department Goal Creators

  1. From the Home page, select Settings > Users.

  2. Click on Roles and Permissions.

  3. Select Assign Role.

  4. Choose the person you want to update a role for.

  5. Check the Department Goal Creator option.

  6. Enter the department/s you want to assign them access to.

  7. click Save.

Create Department and Company Goals (classic)

  1. On the employee side of the app, go to Goals > Goals (classic)

  2. Here, you can view and create department and company level goals.

  3. Employees can see all company level goals and by default all department level goals.

  4. You can also create a goal by duplicating an existing one. See our guide to create goals for more information.

πŸ“Œ Note: If you would like employees to have visibility only on their assigned department goals, just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

View Individual Goals and Export Data (classic)

  1. To view all goal types, go to Goals (classic) > Admin > Reporting.

  2. Use filters to refine your search by criteria such as due date, status, or owner's department. Note that the Department filter displays the goals of the selected department(s), while the Owner's Department filter shows goals owned by individuals in the selected department(s).

  3. Manage result set columns using the Manage Columns option.

  4. To download goal data, select Export Goals and choose your preferred CSV option. Note that goal descriptions are not visible in the platform view but they are included in exports.

  5. The goals reporting will show all goals unless a goal is set to "visible only to me," in which case it will be hidden.



πŸ“Œ Note:

  • The Goals (classic) reporting page updates every 4 hours. Sometimes during this update (which happens every 4 hours for 2-3 minutes), you might see either no goals or only some of them. If this happens, just wait a few minutes or refresh the page after the update to see all the goals again

  • For goals with multiple owners, we now consolidate them into one row in the export. This means all the owners will be listed in the "Goal Owner Name" column on that single row.

  • For goals with multiple key results, each key result is listed in its row in the export. Therefore, you'll have one row for each key result.

Viewing Goal Stats and Goals Usage (classic)

To track the goal usage across your organization, click on Goals (classic) > Admin > Usage. Here, you'll find a dashboard with helpful stats. It shows how many employees have set goals and how those goals are spread out - whether they're new, in progress, blocked, or accomplished. You can even download a list of employees who haven't set any goals yet. Plus, you can check stats for each department individually.

In the main Overview, the Departments section shows how many goals people in each department have created.

When you look at one department's view, the Department Manager's part counts the goals of the people managed by managers in that department. Remember, these managers might work in a different department than the people they manage.

For example, if the main Overview says "Department > People Operations" has 2 out of 2 employees with goals, but when you click on Department > People Operations, it says β€œThere are no managers in this department,” it means the managers of those 2 employees might be in another department, like Department > Human Resources. If you click on Department > Human Resources, you'll see the goals of those 2 employees.

Note that the Goals Usage (classic) report is only available for the current goal period and not future periods at this time.

See also:

πŸ’¬ Need help? Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a support conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist.

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