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Guide to Understanding and Taking Action on Team Effectiveness Results
Guide to Understanding and Taking Action on Team Effectiveness Results

A guide to understanding and taking action on Team Effectiveness results

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 11 months ago

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A guide to understanding and taking action on Team Effectiveness results

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admins, Survey Creators, Report Viewers

So you've received your Team Effectiveness survey results, now what? You can use the following guide to ensure you are making the most of your results and setting the stage for improvement. When considering feedback, we use the Learn, Act, Repeat model to demonstrate that change is effortful, and hinges on acting, and modifying those actions.


Step 1. Share Results

Good news is you've already started off the Learn phase by completing a Team Effectiveness survey. In order to share those learnings, the first thing you'll want to do is share your results with your team so you can make sure everyone is on the same page and jumpstart meaningful discussions.

You can share results with your team by:

  • Asking your survey administrator to share your Team results with all of your team members

  • If you are a survey admin, then you share results from the survey administration screen.

  • Alternatively, export your results to pdf and share. The export button is at the top right of the report screens.

Step 2. Get the Team Together

Set up a time for your entire time to discuss the survey results, if possible, do this in person and in a room where everyone will feel comfortable. If your results are quite varied, or you foresee difficulties during the discussion, reach out to your HR team, or a peer team lead to be a third party to facilitate the discussion.

Introduce the Results

Set the stage with some ground rules. This is an opportunity to explore the results as a team, this is not a time to figure out who said what. To enable open sharing, ensure team members that this is a safe, confidential space to express themselves. Additionally, remind everyone that we are talking about perceptions, and while other's perceptions may not be the same as ours, everyone's perceptions are valid. Throughout the process, make a point to ask for each team member's feedback.

Walk Through Results in the Platform

As you have shared the results with your team already, they should be familiar with the overall scores. Use this order to walk through the platform with your team:

  1. Insights. Start at the Insights page as a team. What is your current overall team experience? What are your highest scoring factors? Where are your opportunities for improvement?

  2. Team Effectiveness Index. This encompasses the overall experience that team members are having. An effective team delivers high quality work that they are proud of, while giving individuals the opportunity to do their best work in an environment that fosters belonging. What are team members experiencing?

  3. Questions. Move to the Questions page to get more granular. What are your top 1-5 or 10 highest scoring questions? Celebrate! And your lowest? Any polarizing questions (with a large favorable and unfavorable population)? These should be discussed.

  4. Comments. Show any comments that add color to the results and may clarify responses.


Have a Discussion

We've found that asking about expectations and surprises is a great way to start a discussion. Then ask about perceived strengths and areas to explore further.

  • Are the results aligned with what you expected? Any surprises?

  • What do you see as our team strengths? What stands out as opportunities?

The team will have a better understanding of where each member is coming from and their perspective coming into the results. It's also important to discuss how these results apply to your everyday interactions. For highest scoring items, what are the team behaviors that led to a positive result? For lowest scoring items, what are the behaviors that can be developed?

Select a Focus

Once the results have been shared and discussed, you're ready to select 1-2 focus areas to get started on straight away. We recommend sticking to a small number so you can make meaningful change and don't spin your wheels in different directions. When selecting a focus, look at your opportunities for improvement.

  • What items are your lowest favorability? Where does your team differ from the company overall? Outside of the data, is there any item or construct that keeps coming up again and again in team meetings or discussions?

  • Ask each team member to select which item/s they would like to consider as a team focus

  • Come to a consensus on what item/s would have the largest impact on your team dynamic. This is your focus.



Step 3. Take Action

Once you've selected a focus, you're ready to jump into the Act phase. Here are some tips to set yourself up for change and successful action implementation.

Brainstorm Ideas for Action

For each item, there are many possible actions your team could take to improve. What's important is considering the unique context of your team.

  • One strategy is turning the item into a How Might We question. For example, if the item is “Team members give each other constructive feedback,” ask the question "How might we enable team members to give each other feedback?"

  • Then allow each team member to time to brainstorm ideas individually before sharing potential actions with the group.

  • Once everyone has shared their ideas, have the team vote on their favorites.

  • Prototype a few favorites - what would this idea look like in action? If needed, how could we test it on a small scale? What would the first step be?

  • After pitching the prototypes, select your favorite to implement!

Here are some Culture Amp ideas for improving Team Effectiveness

Set Next Steps and Ownership

Now that you know where you want to go, think about the next steps you need to get there. To ensure that changes are made and not just talked about, give each step an owner (even if it's the whole team) and a timeframe for implementation. These don't need to be set in stone but will set the stage for accountability and proper implementation.


Step 4. Repeat

Following your action planning, you've entered into the Repeat stage. We've found it helpful to answer these questions while you're still in action mode:

  • What changes in results do we want to see? Write down your focus area and what changes you would like to see. This will give you a goal to shoot for and helps connect your actions back to the results.

  • When will we survey again? Consider how long it will take for your proposed actions to be implemented, and to see their effect. You'll also want to consider how long your team will be together in the future. We've seen as quickly as 2 months or up to 12 months.

Congratulations on getting started with your Team Effectiveness results!

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