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Create and Share Reports

A guide for how you can create and share reports for your survey

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over a week ago

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A guide for how you can create and share reports for your survey

Who is this guide for?

Account Admins, Survey Admins, Survey Creators

Once your survey results are ready to share, you can start thinking about rolling them out to various people within the organization by using the report sharing function.

Check out our guide to report sharing for more information on how to select the right level of information for your report viewers.

💡 Tip: If you prefer to stay ahead of the curve, you can start setting up access to reports before the survey launches. This allows managers to monitor and encourage greater participation from their teams once the survey goes live.

Reports Overview

Sharing a survey summary of the results of an engagement survey with everyone invited to participate is a great way to close the loop, and connect employees with the experiences of the other people they work with. We offer two options for All Results reports: survey summary and filtered.

Survey Summary Report

The survey summary report is available for Engagement surveys and is an acknowledgement of effort, and a high level summary of the results, which should be shared with every employee invited to your survey. Learn more about how you can set up this report type here.

Filtered Report

A filtered report is based on an anchor demographic of your choosing. For example, you may want to create a different report for each department.

💡 Tip: Check out our Culture Amp Training course, Communicate and share, to learn more about presenting results and strategies for sharing.

Create Reports

Create a Filtered Report

  1. From your surveys configuration page click into the Sharing tab,

  2. Select Create a Filtered Report

  3. Update the title and add a description (optional)

  4. Select an anchor demographic from the drop-down menu (for filtered reports only)

  5. Choose a report type: Summary, Standard or Advanced

  6. Select (or exclude) comments: decide if you want report viewers to have access to the Comments report

  7. Select (or exclude) take action: unselect the checkbox for Take Action in the report configuration to remove access to the action framework.

  8. Enable additional filtering in reports: decide if you want people with access to this report to have the ability to filter the results further by other demographics. If so, select all the filters that you want them to use

  9. To finalize, select Create Report

  10. The report will now show up as unpublished and can be previewed by clicking the eye icon

To make updates, select More > Edit Configuration. Edits can happen at any time and whether the report is published or unpublished.


Assign Report Viewers and Owners

Once your reports have been created, you can share them with employees to review or take action on. You have the choice to add report viewers and report owners:

  • Report Viewers: A report viewer is a person who needs to view the report, but not necessarily take action on it.

  • Report Owners: A report owner receives emails and reminders to encourage them to take action on the report. If you want to assign responsibility and set expectations for a leader to act on a report, this option is perfect for you.

💡Tip: You can create a report, add viewers, and save it as a draft without giving immediate access. This way, you can prepare reports in advance and publish them when ready.

Giving Access to Reports

You can give access to reports in two ways:

  1. By adding people to individual reports in the platform

  2. By using the bulk import feature to upload a spreadsheet with the report viewer details. Check out our guide for instructions.

To add viewers in the platform:

  1. Go to the surveys Sharing page.

  2. Click the drop-down arrow next to the report name to see the list of reports.

  3. Preview a report by clicking the eye icon.

  4. Click the person icon to add viewers to the report.

  5. Choose the users you'd like to add as viewers by typing their names or pasting their email addresses.

  6. Alternatively, to include all participants from the report as viewers, click on Add Participants.

  7. As an optional step, you can make a report viewer the owner by clicking the ellipsis (...) and selecting Make Report Owner.

  8. Click Save

Note: Just a heads up, the Add Participants feature has a limit. If your reporting group has over 1500 participants, you won't see the option. Need help with bulk sharing? Check out our guide here.



When sharing your reports, you can export the list of participants to CSV for specific reports. To do so, click the dropdown arrow next to More at the bottom of the report set up, then select Export Participant List to download.


Note: If you see "Unreportable" next to the report, it means the group size is smaller than the Reporting Group Minimum set for the survey. This means you can't add viewers or share the data from this report.

Notify Report Owners and Viewers

There are 3 ways to notify individuals that they have access to a report:

  • Notifying report viewers through the Culture Amp platform

  • Notifying report owners through the Culture Amp platform

  • Send an email outside of the platform

Notifying Report Viewers through the Culture Amp Platform

After you've added viewers to a report:

  1. Click Publish and Notify
    **Note: When the number of report viewers exceeds 800, the message that appears when you click on “publish and notify’ button displays the figures as -1

  2. Once you have confirmed that you would like to publish and notify, a notification will be sent to the report viewers.

  3. We will send a reminder to users that have not opened their report one week after the initial notification.



Note: If your Shared report has more than 800 viewers collectively, the Notify New Viewers button will not display the number of viewers that need to be notified. The button will remain highlighted once you have notified your viewers. Please rest assured, if you have clicked this button, any new viewer will be sent a notification.

Resending Notifications

  1. Once you have sent the initial notification, the Notify New Users button will change to Resend To All Users. If additional users are added, the button will show as Notify New Users with a drop-down option for: Resend to all users.

  2. Selecting the Resend To All Users button notifies all users who have access to the report.

  3. If the report is still not opened we will not send an additional reminder email.


For report viewers, the notification will include a link to the report. If the individual has never logged into the platform, and your company doesn't currently use Single Sign-On, the email will also provide a link for creating a password to access the platform.

Note: Administrators cannot modify the default text of the email. The email text will include your account and survey name.

Email to Report viewers:

Notifying Report Owners through the Culture Amp Platform

After you've added a report owner to a report:

  1. Click Publish and Notify

  2. Once you have confirmed that you would like to publish and notify, a notification will be sent to the report owners. They will receive an email encouraging them to discuss the results with their team, collaborate on solutions, and commit to actions. This is limited to a single person to ensure clear ownership of action.

  3. If no focus area is selected on the report within two weeks of it being viewed, a reminder email will be automatically sent to the report owner. This message content is currently not customizable.

Adding More Report Viewers/Owners

When adding more report viewers/owners to published reports (or triggering notifications for the first time to reports where 'Publish without notifying' was used), if:

- a report has <800 access grants, the number of viewers/new viewers will be included on the notify button, like this example:


- a report has >800 access grants, the notify button will not include the number of viewers/new viewers and will remain live even after the notifications have been triggered, like this example:


The Preview Notifications option will provide you with a complete breakdown of new and existing report viewers/owners and an example of what the notifications will look like:


Notify Individuals Outside the Culture Amp Platform

If notifying individuals in bulk with your own email, we recommend:

  • Asking viewers to set a password if they had not previously signed in to Culture Amp

  • Asking viewers to sign in to our platform to view their reports

  • Sharing any important overall themes and instructions

Duplicate Reports for New Surveys

When you duplicate a survey, the shared reports & report recipients from the original survey are also duplicated. All reports will be duplicated into draft (unpublished) state.

This means that if you have already set up demographic reports and assigned viewers for one survey, you can reuse these in your next survey with a few clicks.

Remove All Report Viewers from All Reports

  1. Select Manage Report Viewers

  2. Select Remove All

  3. You will be presented with a screen to confirm you want to remove all report viewers

  4. Select Remove All to remove report viewers from all of your reports


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