Who can use this feature?
Available on:
All subscriptions that include Performance and an active Pave subscription.
Culture Amp’s integration with Pave is an integration between the Culture Amp Performance Management Platform and Pave’s Compensation Planning Platform. The integration allows the transfer of Culture Amp Performance data to be seamlessly included in your Compensation Reviews within Pave.
There are several reasons why this is valuable:
Reduces Compensation Review time, effort and errors for all stakeholders
Centralises data and review activity
Protects compensation information security and privacy
Ties together Performance and Compensation discussions
Check out our FAQs guide for further information.
This feature is available for Culture Amp Customers using Performance Reviews and active subscribers to Pave.
If you’re interested in partnering with Pave you must first have an active Pave account and Compensation Planning service which is included in the Pave Pro and Premium plan tiers. Want to learn more? You can purchase a Pave subscription by contacting Pave here.
Buying and Setting Up Pave
1. How to buy Pave
Get in touch with Pave’s sales team to purchase. You can schedule a demo with Pave here.
2. How to Set Up Pave
Pave have an individualised onboarding and set-up process for your Compensation Planning module. They provide full support via an implementation manager who will guide you through the set-up and configuration process for your Pave account. You will need to integrate your HRIS & Cap table with Pave so that data can be pulled in to be displayed within Pave’s app.
3. Setting Up SSO
We recommend adding Culture Amp and Pave to your SSO Identity Provider to ensure a seamless login experience for your users.
Both Culture Amp and Pave support SSO via Google or SAML. Add both applications to a preferred common identity provider to benefit from mutual SSO access.
For details on setting up and configuring Culture Amp SSO, check out our support guide.
Pave SSO set-up and configuration information can be found here.
Setting Up the Culture Amp <> Pave Integration
Step 1: Generate Credentials in Culture Amp Admin Settings
As an Admin, find Pave under your integration settings.
Generate new credentials for Pave:
Once generated, copy the client ID and secret.
You’ll use these details to complete authentication in the Pave app. Don’t share your secret anywhere public or in unsecure messages.
Step 2: Complete Authentication in Pave Admin Settings
Log into your Pave account and find your Culture Amp integration under 'Performance Management' in your integration settings.
Paste your newly created Client ID and Secret in the Culture Amp integration modal:
Your integration should now display with a green ‘In Sync’ icon indicating it is functioning:
Using the Pave Integration
1. Creating a Merit Cycle in Pave
Pave’s Implementation Manager will guide you on setting up your Merit Cycle. For more information on how Pave works - click here.
2. Importing Performance Ratings
There are two options to import your Employee’s Performance Ratings into a new Merit Cycle during set-up:
a. Import Latest Ratings
Selecting ‘Populate Latest Cycles’ will enable you to import the most recent Culture Amp Performance Rating for each employee included in the Merit Cycle based on their most recent Performance Cycle.
b. Import Ratings from selected Performance Cycles
Selecting one or more Performance Cycles from the drop-down will enable you to include Performance Ratings from each selected cycle for employees included in the Merit Cycle.
Note: A manager review will only make it into Pave if it has been saved/completed by the manager (i.e. the "Complete" button has been clicked).
Issue | Resolution |
Expected Performance Ratings are not showing up for some or all employees. |
Performance Ratings are outdated or need updating. | Performance Ratings data is synced automatically every hour from Culture Amp to Pave.
Simply update the rating in Culture Amp and it will flow through to Pave in the following sync. You may need to wait for the sync to occur if your change was recent. |
I didn’t include a Performance Rating Question in my Manager Review | You will need to include a Performance Rating Question and relevant employees in your Manager Review to produce data for use in the Pave integration.
Note: once you have launched a Performance Cycle, questions cannot be updated so ensure you cover this during cycle creation. |
Integration is in Error Status | Just reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Product Support Specialist. |
Additional Info / Helpful Tips
Importance of closing your Performance Cycle prior to importing Performance Ratings into a Merit Cycle
Performance Cycles run in Culture Amp will remain open until they are manually closed by an Administrator. Once closed, all of the content in the Cycle will become read-only and employees will no longer be able to submit or update their self-reflections or reviews.
This is important to do before using the Performance Ratings from the respective Performance Cycle in a Merit Cycle with Pave. Performance Ratings can be changed at any point up until the Performance Cycle is closed. While changes to ratings will be updated in Pave every hour automatically, it is advised to avoid making changes after you have launched a Merit Cycle to avoid confusing Managers who view the data.
Click here for more information on how to close a Performance Cycle.
Importance of calibrating Performance Ratings prior to importing Performance Ratings into a Merit Cycle
Calibration is a process that aims to make reviews fair and consistent across managers, departments, and even job levels. It is an important method for both improving the accuracy of the ratings, mitigating potential sources of bias or error and improving the quality of feedback back to employees. Calibrations, therefore, improve the quality of the performance information utilized during Merit Cycles. While calibrations are optional, we recommend running a calibration phase for your Performance Cycle prior to importing Performance Ratings into a Pave Merit Cycle.
For more information on how to create a Calibration view and run a Calibration session - click here.
Importance of using Consistent Performance Rating Scales and Labels for Culture Amp Performance Ratings
Some organizations choose to use different performance cycles for various teams, departments or even individuals. This has benefits in enabling more tailored review questions and providing individualized performance review experiences for different stakeholder groups in the organization.
However, it also can pose challenges in creating consistency, standardization, and equitable reviews for each employee. This is especially true if differing rating scales or labels are used across these cycles. This can impact the consistency and quality of Performance Rating data imported into your Merit Cycles.
To avoid this problem, we recommend to:
1. Always use a consistent or ‘standardized’ rating scale for your Performance
Rating question in each Performance Cycle you run.
This ensures each employee is rated on an equal footing, and any issues with data consistency are eliminated
For example - you might aim to use 4 tiers of ratings across all Performance Cycles you run.
2. Always use consistent or ‘standardized’ label titles across your Performance Ratings to ensure consistency in semantics or the meanings of what different rating tiers are.
3. Minimize the number of separate Performance Cycles you launch per Performance Season.
Launching fewer, larger cycles is preferable to keep your ratings and scales consistent, plus it lowers the administrative load of launching and tracking many separate cycles.
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