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FAQs: Pave Compensation Planning Integration

Guidance on questions that you may have about the Pave Compensation Planning Integration.

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated over 2 months ago

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All subscriptions that include Performance and an active Pave subscription.

Culture Amp’s integration with Pave is an integration between the Culture Amp Performance Management Platform and Pave’s Compensation Planning Platform. The integration allows the transfer of Culture Amp Performance data to be seamlessly included in your Compensation Reviews within Pave.

There are several reasons why this is valuable:

  • Reduces Compensation Review time, effort and errors for all stakeholders

  • Centralises data and review activity

  • Protects compensation information security and privacy

  • Ties together Performance and Compensation discussions

This guide is designed to help answer any questions you may have about the Pave Integration. If you are ready to begin the set-up process this guide is a great place to start. Need further help? You can contact Pave Support or reply with "Ask a Person" in a Support Conversation to speak with a Culture Amp Product Support Specialist.


  • If you are having an issue with your integration or data in Pave, please contact Pave support as your first point of call.

  • This feature is available for Culture Amp Customers using Performance Reviews and active subscribers to Pave.

  • If you’re interested in integrating with Pave you must first have an active Pave account and Compensation Planning subscription which is included in the Pave Pro and Premium plan tiers. Want to learn more? You can purchase a Pave subscription by contacting Pave here.


1. Compensation, Compensation Planning and Compensation Planning Integrations

a. What do we mean by Compensation?

Compensation refers to both monetary and non-monetary compensation and benefits that companies provide employees in exchange for their contribution in their role at the company.

This includes compensation (base pay + bonuses + equity) and Benefits (monetary & non-monetary) such as insurances, superannuation, pension, 401k, recognition, development/career growth (training, mentorship, learning new skills, etc.), leave (eg. parental, sick, family etc) and flexible work.

b. What do we mean by Compensation Programs?

Compensation Programs are the annual programs a company would undertake as part of it’s compensation strategy, for example:

  • Merit Program / or Remuneration Review Program (this can be annual or more frequent)

  • Promotion Review

  • Equity Program or Long Term Incentive (LTI) (this is usually annual but may be more frequent)

  • Bonus Plan or Short Term Incentive Program (this is either sales bonus or company wide bonus plan)

  • Annual Benchmarking Review (salary range review to market) (internally within HR and Talent / Recruiting teams & Senior Leaders)

  • Equality or Equal Pay Audit

  • Executive Compensation Program Review (Merit, Bonus & Equity)

  • Annual or other Budget Review

c. What is Compensation Planning?

Compensation Planning is the planning and process in which any of the above Compensation Programs take place. For example, the Compensation Planning of the annual merit cycle would be a regular process companies undertake to review employees' compensation, make recommendations based on the company budget and any specific guidelines. Pave and other Compensation systems help Compensation, HR, Finance and Senior Leaders undertake this process in a considered, thoughtful and strategic manner. It enables strategic decisions to be made with informed data, with ease and efficiency.

See below for some examples of factors which may contribute as part of a company's decision-making:

d. What is the value of a Compensation Review for an organization?

Broadly, the topic of compensation remains high on the list of what employees want out of their work, particularly in the current economic climate.

Compensation Reviews help tie employee Performance to Compensation outcomes. When it comes to performance-related pay, research suggests that it does lead to positive outcomes and is perceived favorably by employees;

Performance-related pay provides an important benefit as part of the total employee experience as it;

  • Is often a reason employees are attracted to a company or role (2021 Gartner survey suggests it is no 1 driver of attraction globally. 2023 Glassdoor/Indeed data suggests that among employed US workers ages 25-54, higher pay was the most often selected reason they searched for a new job)

  • Provides a competitive offer against other similar employers (given the practice is so widespread)

Whilst compensation does attract employees to an organization, we should also note;

  • From our own engagement survey data, the item specific to compensation (base pay+bonus+equity+benefits) has not been seen to be a core driver of engagement. “I believe my total compensation (base salary+any bonuses+benefits+equity) is fair, relative to similar roles at other companies”

  • Performance incentives and salary increases typically only provide short-term (e.g. up to 6 months or less) satisfaction and motivation according to both this salary expert and motivation researcher Dan Pink

e. Why is it important for the employee experience and you

Compensation plays a crucial role in the overall employee experience across multiple areas:

  1. Attraction and Retention: Competitive compensation packages help attract and retain top talent in the market. Companies that offer attractive compensation and benefits are more likely to attract skilled workers and retain them for a longer period.

  2. Motivation and Engagement: Compensation serves as a motivator for employees to perform well in their jobs. Employees who feel fairly and equitably compensated are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work, which can lead to increased productivity and performance.

  3. Employee Recognition: Compensation can serve as a form of recognition and reward for exceptional performance, hard work, and dedication. By offering bonuses, or other incentives, companies can acknowledge their employees' contributions and encourage continued high performance.

  4. Employee Performance: Compensation is linked to employee performance. By setting performance-based compensation plans, employers can motivate employees to achieve specific goals and objectives, ensuring that they remain focused on driving the company's success.

  5. Job Satisfaction: Fair and competitive compensation contributes to overall job satisfaction, which in turn can lead to better employee performance and retention.

f. What is an integration?

An integration refers to the process of connecting two or more software systems to work together seamlessly and share data. This allows different software applications to communicate with each other and share information to automate tasks and processes.

Integrations are enabled via an Application Programming Interface (API) between the different software systems, which enables data to be transferred between them. APIs provide a standard interface for communication between systems, allowing data to be exchanged in a structured and consistent manner.

A major advantage of integrations over .csv or manual methods of data transfer is that it eliminates the need for manual data entry or file transfers, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. With an integration, data is automatically transferred between systems, reducing the risk of errors and saving time and resources. It also improves the availability and freshness of data - it can be sourced as needed and kept up-to-date more readily.

g. What is a compensation planning integration?

In the context of compensation planning, API-based integrations can be used to pull multiple data sources together which feed into the compensation planning process. For example combining salary, job, equity and employee performance data automatically into a single central data store using APIs. This provides substantial improvements over manual data entry and transfer methods imposed by the use of .csv files for preparing compensation data.

Culture Amp’s integration with Pave is a specific integration between the Culture Amp Performance Management Platform and Pave’s Compensation Planning Platform. It enables the exchange of Employee and Performance Rating data from Culture Amp to Pave to include this data in Compensation Reviews run within the Pave app.

h. Why would you use the Culture Amp <> Pave Integration?

The Culture Amp <> Pave Integration allows for Culture Amp Performance data to be seamlessly included in your Compensation Reviews with Pave. There are several reasons why this is valuable:

  • Reduce Compensation Review time, effort and errors for all stakeholders: compensation reviews are complex, relying on accurate and fresh data from multiple separate source systems and iterative collaboration on change decisions between a large number of stakeholders. For organizations running planning and reviews in spreadsheets, there is a high cost (time, effort and error risk) incurred from manually handling the data and workflows involved. Pave eliminates these issues with software, enabling even the largest companies to efficiently and accurately run streamlined reviews with little effort.

  • Centralises data and review activity: Pave enables the range of data employed in compensation reviews to be unified into a single source of truth - as opposed to manually stitching together data from inconsistent, error-prone spreadsheets. It ensures every team in the organization is aligned, coordinated and working with the same information for compensation reviews in a central location, as opposed to disparate, siloed approaches. Change tracking, review and approvals, plus collaboration on decisions become significantly easier and more efficient versus spreadsheet planning.

  • Protects compensation information security and privacy: running compensation reviews in spreadsheets poses risks to both data security and privacy for organizations. Access is not controlled, sensitive pay data can be openly viewed and there are real risks of data leaks. These risks exacerbate at larger companies where more stakeholders are involved in reviews and the surface area for data risks grows. While the consequences for the mishandling and protection of this data are dire - they’re easily eliminated by adopting secure planning platforms like Pave.

  • Ties together Performance and Compensation discussions: for Managers, both Performance and Compensation reviews begin with a discussion with their employees. These conversations set context and expectations for reviews, but are often left as open threads when reviews are finalized. Integrating performance ratings into compensation reviews enables these threads to be neatly closed to keep the end-to-end performance and compensation review process tight, congruent and sequential, and therefore better-engaging employees in the process.

2. About Pave

a. Who is Pave?

Pave is a category-leading compensation planning software company that digitizes and enhances the way in which companies make compensation decisions. Their platform is an end-to-end planning solution that allows you to build a world-class team and smart, equitable compensation programs using objective data.

b. Is Pave a global company?

Yes. The majority of their customer base and sales teams are based in North America, and they have a growing EMEA presence. The customer base and support in the APAC region is small at this stage.

c. What does their platform do?

Pave has a suite of compensation planning, benchmarking and analytics products your organization can benefit from in delivering better compensation programs.

Their core products are:

  1. Compensation Planning: Say goodbye to spreadsheets. Analyze compensation fairness and run organization compensation reviews in a centralized portal. Get proactive on compensation and prevent pay inequity. Administer salary increases, bonuses, equity refreshers, and more with customisable guidelines for managers. Access approval flows and historical access logs, complete with in-app commenting, that allows you to stay aligned with leadership and keep your compensation reviews on track. More information.

  2. Compensation Benchmarking: Access free real-time benchmarking data from its source of truth. Never fill out a spreadsheet again and gain access to the largest real-time compensation database for life. Base compensation decisions for salary, equity, variable, and more on a combination of real-time benchmarking data from Pave and Option Impact’s extensive data — all in one place. Use Pave's intuitive tool to slice data by company stage, location, role, level, and more. More information.

  3. Compensation Bands: Use Pave’s Compensation Bands to store, edit, visualize, and share your compensation bands at scale. Store compensation bands in Pave to establish a foundation that enables your team to make fair compensation decisions for your entire organization. Allow managers to provide context on where employees are in their compensation bands during performance and compensation review discussions. Use real-time benchmarking data to build compensation bands from scratch and customize them to your desired sizes. More information.

  4. Employee Total Rewards: Build trust and motivate employees by sharing the true value of their total rewards package. Give employees a single place to visualize every element of their compensation — salary, equity, place in band, bonuses, and more. Eliminate confusion about equity for candidates and employees and allow them to easily calculate their equity potential. Customize the experience and benefits shown for each employee. Built-in support for all locations, compensation types, and currencies. More information.

  5. Visual Offer Letter: Win more candidates by helping them visualize their total compensation and equity upside in a unique and engaging way. Give candidates a way to visualize how salary, bonuses, benefits, and equity enhance their total compensation package. Eliminate confusion about equity and allow candidates to easily explore the potential future value of their grant. Keep the offers you send with Pave in-sync with your ATS so that every candidate receives a great experience. More information.

Outside of these products their platform has a number of key capabilities that add to the depth and experience of their product’s functionality.

  • Integrated with Culture Amp Perform: include your employee’s Culture Amp performance ratings in your merit cycles in just a few clicks. Reward high performers, reduce pay bias, enhance your manager’s decision-making during compensation review and retain your employees more easily through more equitable adjustments that objectively tie back to employee performance.

  • Analytics and Budget Tracking: Enable managers and execs to make data-driven decisions and have more productive compensation conversations with employees. Give your management the reporting and insights they need on current and historic compensation reviews, with customisable dashboards, filtering, granular roll-ups, detailed budget tracking and spend insights. Get assurance your HR budget is optimally allocated to maximize impact and ROI.

  • Flexibility and Scale-Up: Pave’s modular and tiered offering enables you to customize the tool’s functionality and pricing to your organization’s needs. Modularly add compensation bands, visual offer letters or total rewards to suit your goals. Pave scales with your company to support its growth while retaining and satisfying employees through equitable, transparent compensation

d. How would Pave benefit different stakeholders in my organization?

All levels of your organization benefit from using Pave and the seamless, structured, collaborative compensation planning their platform enables. In the long run, this will mean employees are compensated more equitably and subsequently become more engaged, recognised and satisfied.

  • Reduces workload and stress for People teams: Performance and Compensation Review season is highly stressful and burdensome for People teams. These stakeholders do the ‘work’ behind preparing for, launching, managing and closing reviews for their organizations. They bear the responsibility of ensuring reviews are completed accurately, on time and within budgetary or other requirements from their leaders. Culture Amp’s integration with Pave streamlines each part of delivering compensation reviews while linking it directly back to employee performance - making the lives of your People teams during these activities easy.

  • Improves decision quality for Managers: making smart compensation decisions and planning effectively requires both good information, plus the right analytics tools. Spreadsheets are a barrier to both due to being exposed to data and input errors, miscommunication and mis-coordination, while lacking the analytical horsepower to provide meaningful insight. Pave breaks through these barriers, providing managers with objective benchmark data, centralized reporting and analytics, collaboration tools like employee notes, plus employee performance data from Culture Amp to make optimal compensation decisions.

  • Enhances engagement and transparency for Employees: for employees - compensation is typically a black box. Understanding compensation packages in totality - including salary, bonuses, equity and benefits - can be a confusing, clunky experience. Viewing this information in antiquated HRIS or Payroll systems lacks engagement, clarity and usability. Pave’s purpose-built employee Total Rewards portal and Visual Offer Letters overcome these pain points. They provide full transparency over total compensation packages, with individualized, visual dashboards to demystify compensation for employees.

  • Boosts confidence in HR Spend ROI for Leadership: labor costs - that is, compensation spend - is typically the largest cost for any company. While it is a cost of doing business, HR and business leaders view compensation as an investment that must generate impact and returns. Leaders and HR teams have a finite amount of budget to drive this impact. Ergo it must be allocated as intelligently as possible to motivate, retain and engage employees, reward performance and align incentives with business goals. Achieving this with Pave is much more simple due to its suite of compensation features as opposed to guesswork in spreadsheets.

  • Ties together Performance and Compensation discussions: for Managers, both Performance and Compensation reviews begin with a discussion with their employees. These conversations set context and expectations for reviews, but are often left as open threads when reviews are finalised. Integrating performance ratings into compensation reviews enables these threads to be neatly closed to keep the end-to-end performance and compensation review process tight, congruent and sequential, better engaging employees.

e. Why did Culture Amp choose to partner with Pave?

Culture Amp revolutionizes how over 25 million employees across 6,600 companies create a better world of work. As the global platform leader for employee experience, Culture Amp empowers companies of all sizes and industries to transform their employee experience.

Compensation forms a critical part of this experience in every organization. It plays a vital role in engaging and satisfying employees, incentivising performance, recognising contribution and achievement, plus attracting and retaining talent.

We’ve partnered with Pave to empower our customers to bridge the gap between their Performance and Compensation cycles, equipping them with the tools to deliver smart, equitable compensation programs more easily. You’ll now be able to view your employee’s Culture Amp Performance information within the Pave app after integrating the systems, giving your Managers the context and insight they need to make informed decisions.

f. What makes Pave different?

1. Best-in-Class Compensation Planning

Pave has an extensive track record in compensation planning, with over 5000 satisfied customers and a powerful, integrated, scalable solution. Pave is laser-focussed on providing you with a best-in-class solution for all your compensation management needs, so you can leave behind spreadsheets plus eliminate the stress and effort of compensation review season. With thousands of satisfied customers and a proven, battle-tested platform, Pave has the credibility and experience needed to support your company’s goals and growth.

2. Integrations and Data Management

Pave integrates with your entire HR stack so it's easy to centralize your data and get a full view of your employees' total compensation. It has an extensive breadth of integrations across HRIS, Payroll, Cap Table and ATS systems. Pave makes managing the variety of complex data involved in your compensation planning straightforward while ensuring data is accurate and up to date.

3. Demystify Compensation for Employees

Keeping employees informed and clear on their total compensation package can be challenging. Communicating the full breadth of rewards from equity, to benefits and bonuses is not simple - it also requires an individualized solution. Pave’s Total Rewards portal for employees solves this problem by enabling employees to get a clear picture of compensation and demystify its nuances. The portal is individualized, visually appealing and secure, providing a powerful means of communicating value for employees. Build better trust, and engagement and clearly communicate your packages to each employee.

4. Empowers Manager Decision-Making

Take the guesswork out of compensation planning and give Managers the tools to make better, data-driven decisions. Eliminate biased, subjective compensation reviews and allow for enhanced collaboration between Managers with contextual comments, notes and review flows. Plus, with Pave’s powerful real-time salary benchmark insights, compensation bands and analytics capabilities your organization will get the insight to level up your compensation decision-making.

5. Equitable, Streamlined Reviews at Scale

Pave has both the flexibility and depth of capabilities to grow with your organization - whatever stage you’re at. Its modular and tiered offering enables you to match functionality and pricing to your organization’s needs. Modularly add features to suit your goals. Pave has the integrations, streamlined workflows and unified data management capabilities to ensure you operate efficiently and effectively - no matter your company’s size.

g. What do their customers say about their Product?

Pave have a range of Case Studies available that detail examples of where their platform has been used by businesses and the results that were seen.

Here is some of the feedback received from Pave’s customers:

h. What accreditations do they have?

Pave maintains multiple important accreditations:

  1. SOC2 Compliant: Pave maintains a SOC 2 Type 2, where a third party auditor assesses the suitability and effectiveness of its controls.

  2. GDPR Compliant: Pave is compliant with the stringent General Data Protection Regulation of the EU.

  3. CCPA: Pave is also compliant with the California Consumer Privacy Act.

Pave also provides robust security for every customer on its platform via Single-Sign-On (SSO) authentication, role-based access controls, and in-product data protection to ensure you can confidently share sensitive compensation information based on the privileges you set.

i. What data will Pave collect from me to use their platform?

What data Pave collects will depend on the data in the systems that its customers decide to integrate with its products. Pave may collect data relating to cash and equity compensation (including employee name, employee ID, employee email, base salary, variable pay, manager, title, level, equity grant details and equity vesting details). Pave calls this “Customer Data.”

j. Why does Pave collect this data?

Pave requires personal information on employees such as name and email for its product suite to function. This allows Pave to connect HRIS and equity management platform data to understand an employee's total compensation. This information is also required for its products to work (such as compensation planning, total rewards and visual offer letter).

k. How does Pave use Customer Data?

Pave collects and uses Customer Data to provide customers with its products. To provide the Benchmarking product, it aggregates and de-identifies Customer Data about compensation and combines it with similar data from other customers. The Benchmarking product consists of aggregated and de-identified data from 4000+ companies. The single largest customer of Pave today represents less than 4% of the data (although the denominator grows daily).

Pave’s benchmarking product has built-in safeguards to prevent data from showing when insufficient data is present. It only displays aggregated slices of data, not individual data points. For more information, see Pave’s Master Subscription Agreement (MSA) (available at, which incorporates Pave’s Data Processing Addendum (DPA) (available at

l. How will Pave use my Culture Amp data?

Once you integrate with Pave you will enable the Pave app to access a narrow set of data from your Culture Amp account for the purposes of enabling this data to be exchanged to the Pave app and included in merit cycles. This data is needed to ensure you are able to use and benefit from the integration, as well as to enhance the experience of using your Culture Amp data within Pave’s platform.

This data includes employee data sourced from your Culture Amp service such as:

  • Employee Email

  • Employee ID

  • Employee Name (first and last)

  • Employee Preferred name

  • Employee Locale

  • Employee Start and End Date

  • Employee Birth date

As well as Employe Performance data such as:

  • Performance cycle information

  • Performance rating information

All data is transferred from Culture Amp to Pave via API in a secure, encrypted and private exchange protocol.

3. Integration Availability and Access

a. Who can access the integration?

Any Culture Amp customer with an active Performance Module subscription will be able to access and use the integration at no additional cost providing they also have an active Pave Compensation Planning service (available on the Pave Pro and Premium plan tiers).

b. Will this integration be included in the Performance Module subscription, or is this a separate add-on and charged separately?

The Culture Amp <> Pave integration is included for customers with a Performance Module subscription and is not charged separately as an add-on.

c. Which company roles can access the integration?

Only your Account Administrators will be able to set up, view and manage the Culture Amp <> Pave integration via their Account Administrator Settings.

Managers and Employees will be able to benefit from the integration through their involvement in compensation reviews within the Pave compensation planning app and the improved compensation programs this solution enables.

d. How do I access the integration?

For Account Administrators, the integration and its settings can be accessed via the Account Administrator Settings.

As an Account Administrator - Simply log in, view settings, click ‘Integrations’ under the side navigation bar, then choose Pave out of the integration selection options displayed under ‘Compensation Planning’.

4. Setting Up the Integration

a. How do I purchase a Pave account and Compensation Planning?

To set up and use the integration you must first have an active Pave account and Compensation Planning service which is included in the Pave Pro and Premium plan tiers. You can purchase a Pave subscription by contacting Pave here.

b. How do I set up the integration?

Setting up the integration is straightforward and can be completed in several steps.

As an Account Administrator - simply log into your Culture Amp account, view settings, click ‘Integrations’ under the side navigation bar, then choose Pave out of the integration selection options displayed under ‘Compensation Planning’.

Follow the prompts to generate a new Client Credential and Client Secret. Once created, copy your Secret Key. Never publish or copy your secret key to any public location, repository or unsecure area as this poses risks to your data.

Log in to your Pave account as an Account Administrator. Navigate to your Integration Settings within the Pave app. Find your Culture Amp integration under ‘Performance Management’ integrations within the integration page. Complete authentication by pasting your Client Secret into the input field as prompted on page.

This will complete authentication and enable you to exchange Culture Amp employee and performance data with the Pave app when you run merit cycles with Pave.

c. Single Sign On (SSO) Set Up for Logins

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a user authentication process that enables individuals to access multiple applications or services using a single set of login credentials, such as a username and password. SSO offers numerous benefits for companies that use multiple applications, such as Pave and Culture Amp. Some of these include enhanced security through centralizing authentication, reduced password fatigue and the need to remember many passwords, in addition to a better user experience.

As part of setting up your Culture Amp <> Pave integration, it is recommended that you set up SSO to improve the log in and access experience for users in your organization that need to access both apps.

Both Culture Amp and Pave support SSO via Google or SAML. Add both applications to a preferred common identity provider to benefit from mutual SSO access.

For details on setting up and configuring Culture Amp SSO check here.

Pave SSO set up and configuration information can be found here.

5. Using the Integration

a. How will my organization view and use the integration? (Admins, Managers, Executives, Employees)

Different roles within your organization will have different access levels and interaction with the integration. Views and permissions for roles in Pave can be configured and controlled within the Pave Administrator settings. More information.

Account Administrators

  • Responsible for Integration set up and loading of Culture Amp Performance information during Merit Cycle set up in the Pave app.

People Team, Managers and Executives

  • People Teams, Managers and Executives will use the Pave app to participate in Merit Cycles as Compensation adjustment proposers, reviewers and approvers.

  • They may also use the Pave app for its suite of compensation analytics tools such as compensation benchmarking, compensation bands, dashboards, budget tracking and more.

  • In addition as employees of the organization, People Teams, Managers and Executives can benefit from the Total Rewards portal Pave offers to view and understand their complete compensation package.


  • Employees can view and understand their complete compensation package information within the Total Rewards portal. They will not be able to act as reviewers or approvers in Merit Cycles.

b. Creating a New Merit Cycle

Merit Cycles in Pave can only be created by an Administrator. New Merit Cycles require input from a Pave Implementation Manager (IM) to set up and configure initially. Once created you can customize the Cycle’s settings and configurations. To find out more and set up your Merit Cycle please contact Pave.

Further details can be found within Pave’s FAQs here.

c. Options for Data Upload (.csv or API)

Most data within the Pave app is sourced from integrations with your HR systems such as HRIS, ATS and Cap Table applications. Data can also be alternatively sourced from .csv files.

For more information on data upload methods and options please see here.

d. Including Culture Amp Performance Ratings in a Merit Cycle

Once you have created and configured your new Merit Cycle, you’ll be able to pull in Performance Ratings for employees you have included in the Cycle.

Navigate to the ‘Performance’ tab of the Merit Cycle and follow the prompts to pull in the Culture Amp Performance Ratings for each employee.

Note: A manager review will only make it into Pave if it has been saved/completed by the manager (i.e. the "Complete" button has been clicked).

e. Display of Performance Ratings

Employee Performance ratings will be displayed in your Merit Cycle summary dashboard against each employee’s record. This provides Managers and Executives with a simple and easy way to obtain important contextual information about Employee Performance during Merit Cycles that help inform Compensation adjustments and reduce bias in the decision-making process.

f. Can I import my Pave data into Culture Amp?

No. Data can only be imported to Pave from Culture Amp. The API is one-way and does not support two-way data exchange.

g. Can I run Merit Cycles in Culture Amp?

No. Merit Cycles can only be created and run within Pave’s app via the compensation planning product.

6. Best Practices for Using the Integration

a. How Culture Amp data is transferred for Merit Cycles

When a new Merit Cycle is created in Pave, you will have the option to include available Performance Rating information for your employees from Culture Amp. This data is refreshed every hour from Culture Amp automatically. If your Performance Ratings change, the changes will be reflected in Pave without the need for further action.

Performance Ratings data should be accurate and complete before using it in a Merit Cycle. Follow the Best Practice guidelines outlined below to minimize the likelihood of your Performance Rating data changing after a Merit Cycle has been launched.

b. Importance of closing your Performance Cycle prior to importing Performance Ratings into a Merit Cycle

Performance Cycles run in Culture Amp will remain open until they are manually closed by an Administrator. Once closed, all of the content in the Cycle will become read only and employees will no longer be able to submit or update their self-reflections or reviews.

This is important to do before using the Performance Ratings from the respective Performance Cycle in a Merit Cycle with Pave. Performance Ratings can be changed at any point up until the Performance Cycle is closed. While changes to ratings will be updated in Pave every hour automatically, it is advised to avoid making changes after you have launched a Merit Cycle to avoid confusing Managers.

For more information on how to close a Performance Cycle - see here.

c. Importance of calibrating Performance Ratings prior to importing Performance Ratings into a Merit Cycle

Calibration is a process that aims to make reviews fair and consistent across managers, departments, and even job levels. It can improve the accountability of your reviews and ensure every employee receives feedback that’s both fair and designed to support their growth at your company.

Calibrating Performance Ratings is an important method for both improving the accuracy of the ratings, in addition to mitigating potential sources of bias or error. Calibrations improve the quality of the performance information provided to Managers in your organization during Merit Cycles. While calibrations are optional, we recommend running a calibration phase for your Performance Cycle prior to importing Performance Ratings into a Pave Merit Cycle.

For more information on how to run a Calibration - see here.

d. Importance of using Consistent Performance Rating Scales and Labels for Culture Amp Performance Ratings

Running many Performance Cycles for various teams, departments or even individuals has benefits in enabling more tailored review questions and individualized experiences for different stakeholder groups in the organization when it comes to reviewing Performance.

However, it can also pose challenges in creating consistency, standardization and equitable reviews for each employee if differing rating scales or labels are used across these cycles. This can impact the consistency and quality of Performance Rating data imported into your Merit Cycles.

To avoid this problem, we recommend:

  1. Always using a consistent or ‘standardized’ rating scale for your Performance Rating question in each Performance Cycle you run. This is to ensure each employee is rated on an equal footing and issues with data consistency are eliminated, or example - you might aim to use 4 tiers of ratings across all Performance Cycles you run.

  2. Always using consistent or ‘standardized’ label titles across your Performance Ratings to ensure consistency in the meanings of different rating tiers.

  3. Minimize the number of separate Performance Cycles you launch per Performance Season

    a. Launching fewer, larger cycles is preferable to keep your ratings and scales consistent, whilst also lowering the administrative load of launching and tracking many separate cycles

7. What happens to my integration if…

a. I cancel my Pave or Culture Amp account

Your integration will be disabled to prevent any data from being exchanged between the Culture Amp app and Pave app.

b. I cancel my Pave or Culture Amp account then reactivate it or sign up again

Cancelling your Pave or Culture Amp account will disable your integration. You will need to authenticate your integration again in order to use it for a reactivated account. If you need help - please contact support.

8. Can I use the integration if…

a. I haven’t run a Performance Cycle yet

You must run at least one Performance Cycle to have available data to use in the integration.

b. I include Performance Ratings from an incomplete (open) Performance Cycle

Performance Ratings can be used from an incomplete Performance Cycle and the integration will function. The drawback of using incomplete Performance Cycles that have not been closed by an Administrator is that they carry a much higher risk that the Performance Ratings will change after a Merit Cycle is launched, causing data errors or inconsistencies.

Please see the above section “Importance of closing your Performance Cycle prior to importing Performance Ratings into a Merit Cycle” for more information on why it's advised to close a Performance Cycle before running a Merit Cycle.

c. I have run a Performance Cycle but didn’t include a Performance Rating Question in my review

If you didn’t include a Performance Rating question in your Performance Cycle, you will not have ratings data available for input into Pave for the Merit Cycle.

d. I have run a Performance Cycle but didn’t include all my employees

For employees who weren’t included in a given Manager Review Cycle, they won’t have Performance Ratings produced from the cycle in question. They can still be included in a Merit Cycle but may not have a Performance Rating to display and their Performance Rating record will appear blank.

e. I haven’t calibrated my Performance Ratings

Performance Rating Calibration is an optional phase of the Performance Cycle process. While it is recommended to improve the accuracy of the rating, mitigate sources of bias and ensure the rating has been reviewed, you can still elect to include uncalibrated Performance Ratings into a Merit Cycle.

f. I ran many Performance Cycles for different teams or users?

You are still able to include Performance Ratings into your Merit Cycle where multiple Performance Cycles have been used across different teams or employees.

9. After I launch a merit cycle can I…

a. Add or remove employees from the cycle?

If your Merit Cycle has not been launched yet and is still in a draft state, simply update the employee list you used to set up participants in the Merit Cycle.

If you have already launched your Merit Cycle, you will not be able to update the employees included in the cycle without reverting it back into a draft state. To do this, you will need to contact Pave support for help in reverting the cycle. Once it has been reverted, simply update the employee list you used to set up participants in the Merit Cycle.

b. Change my Performance Ratings included in the cycle?

Performance Ratings are shared and updated automatically with Pave every hour from Culture Amp through the integration. This applies even for data within an active Merit Cycle.

If you’re still having issues you can contact Pave support here.

See also:

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