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Viewing, filtering and sorting Goals (new)

Easily view, filter and sort your goals in Culture Amp to stay organized.

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated this week

Keeping track of goals is easier when you can view, filter and sort them to match your needs.

Who can use this feature?

  • All Users

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include goals (new)

Viewing goal details

Anyone with viewing rights can access goal details on the Goals (new) page.

  • Admins can view all user goals.

  • Employees can see goals where they are either the owner or have been granted visibility by the goal creator or owner.

  • Managers can view all their direct report goals, regardless of visibility settings, and any other user goals where visibility permits.

How to view goal details:

  1. Go to the Goals (new) page.

  2. Select the goal from the list to open its details.

Filtering your goals

Filter your goals to find what you need quickly.

  1. Add filters:

    • Navigate to the Goals (new) page.

    • Click Add filters to reveal filtering options.

  2. Choose your filters:

    • Select from options like Goal type, Due date, Goal status, and more.

    • Default View: By default, all goals you have permission to view are shown, with the most recently updated goal at the top.

  3. Sticky filters:

    • Once you apply filters, they’ll stay in place even if you log out and back in. This saves you time by not needing to reapply filters every time you log in.

Sorting your goals

Sort your goals to prioritize what matters most.

  • Use the Sort by drop-down to organize your goals list by the most or least recent update, or by the earliest or latest due date. By default, the list is sorted by the Most recent update.

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