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Goals (new) report export

Learn how to export a Goals report in Culture Amp and download detailed goal data to track progress and performance.

Jessie Walsh avatar
Written by Jessie Walsh
Updated this week

Who can use this feature?

  • Users

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include goals (new)

The Goals report export allows you to download a list of goals based on the filters you’ve applied. You can access this report within Culture Amp under the Goals (new) page, and it includes detailed information about each goal, helping you track progress and performance. The report is available to all users.

How to export a goals report

Go to the Goals (new) page.

Add filters: Narrow down the goals you want to include in the export by using the filters. Only goals you have permission to view will be included in the report.

Access the export option: Click the three dots (...) to the left of the Create goal button and select Goals report export.

Download the Report: Select Export goals, and an .xlsx file will automatically download to your computer.

Understanding the report contents

Once downloaded, the goals report export contains two key components:

Goals report (worksheet 1)

This worksheet includes a comprehensive overview of each goal. Here’s a breakdown of the fields:

  • Goal Name: The title of the goal.

  • Goal ID: A unique identifier automatically assigned to the goal.

  • Goal Type: Type of goal (e.g., Group goal, Individual delivery, Individual development). If the goal is part of a development plan, it will be marked as Individual-development (from development plans).

  • Group Name: Only populated if the goal is a group goal.

  • Owners: The person(s) responsible for the goal.

  • Date Created: When the goal was initially created.

  • Date Published: When the goal was published. If it’s still in draft, this field will be blank.

  • Due Date: The due date for goal completion.

  • Updated Date: The most recent update to the goal.

  • Alignment Count: The number of parent or child relationships tied to this goal.

  • Overall Goal Progress: The current progress made toward the goal (0 for drafts).

  • Goal Status: The status at the time of export (e.g., On track, Off track, At risk, Completed).

  • Key Results (KR) Name: Titles of any key results added to the goal.

  • KR Owners: Individuals assigned to key results.

  • KR Progress: Progress on each key result, displayed as the current value out of the target value.

  • KR Status: Status of each key result (e.g., On track, Off track, At risk, Completed)

Goals chart (worksheet 2)

The second worksheet provides visual summaries of your goals in the form of pie charts. The following metrics are included:

  • Goals Status: Percentage of goals in various statuses, such as On Track, At Risk, Off Track, or Completed.

  • Overdue: Percentage of overdue goals vs. goals that are not overdue.

  • Published vs Draft: Percentage of goals that are published versus those still in draft.

Limitations of the goals report export

  • The report only includes data from the last two years if no filters are applied.

  • Only goals you have permission to view are included in the export.

Tip: For further customization of your export, apply additional filters to view a more targeted set of goals.

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