Who can use this feature?
Goal owners, Goals administrators, Account administrators
Available on:
All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Performance with the new Goals experience.
With the switch to the new Goals experience, users can more easily view goals that are either set to "Everyone" or match their specific goal visibility permissions. Admins have full editing and visibility to all goals, while direct managers can see all goals of their direct reports, regardless of visibility settings. Here’s how visibility works in the new Goals experience:
Everyone: Visible to all employees.
Specific People: Visible only to goal owners, key result owners, administrators, goal owners' managers, and selected employees.
Private: Visible only to goal owners, key result owners, the goal owner’s manager, and administrators.
To find accessible goals, users can narrow their search using filters, like goal owner, or remove all filters to see all goals they have permission to view.
To limit visibility on goals set to "Everyone," change the setting to "Private" or "Specific People" and add specific viewers. To adjust visibility on an existing goal:
Locate the goal on your Goals page.
Click the ellipsis (...) to the right of the goal and select Edit.
Adjust the Visibility drop-down to either Specific people or Private.
Click Save to update.
Is it possible to bulk update the visibility of goals?
No, bulk import is limited to creating new goals only. Edits or deletions to existing goals cannot be done via import.
Can admin edit goal visibility on behalf of goal owners?
Yes! Account administrators, have permission to edit any goal (draft or published). Goal creators and owners can edit draft goals, while only goal owners can edit published goals.
Can managers edit goal visibility on behalf of their direct reports?
Managers can view all goals belonging to their direct reports, regardless of visibility settings, but they cannot change those settings. They can only adjust the progress of their direct reports' goals.
Can managers view goals of their indirect reports?
Goals for indirect reports do not appear in the Direct Reports tab. To view them, go to the All Goals tab and use the Owner filter to select the indirect report’s name.
A user can only see their indirect reports goals if the visibility is set to Everyone or Specific People, and they are included in the specified list.
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