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Bulk upload participants to your Survey

Easily bulk import participants to your Attributed (Snapshot) survey with a CSV file. Learn how to prepare, validate, and complete the import.

Jared Ellis avatar
Written by Jared Ellis
Updated over 4 months ago

Who can use this feature?

Available on:

  • All Culture Amp subscriptions that include Engagement or Effectiveness (Manager and Team Effectiveness Surveys only)


The Participant Import option lets you easily add multiple participants to your survey at once.

This feature is available for Attributed (Snapshot) surveys. If you don’t see it enabled, simply reply with “Ask a person” in a support conversation to speak with a specialist.

For more details on available survey types, view our template options.

Note: Bulk importing participants to your survey is a separate process from importing users to your account. Before you can bulk import participants to the survey, first add your employees as users at the account level. Then, you can separately add them to the survey.

Preparing your file for import

Before you begin the import process, you will need to prepare your file. The structure of your file will depend on the unique identifiers (e.g., email/employee id) you use for your employees.

  • Ensure your file is in CSV format and includes 2 columns "email" and "employee_id".

  • If all employees have an email address, populate the column in your file titled "email".

  • If all employees only have an employee id, populated the column titled "employee_id".

  • If employees have a mix of email addresses and employee ids, in your file have two columns: "email" and "employee_id". You only need to provide the relevant identifier for each participant.

Note: Your file should only include the “email” and “employee_id” columns or their uppercase variations: “Email” and “Employee_ID.” Please remove any other columns before importing.

email only file example: All participants have email only

👆 email only example: All participants have email only

Mixture of email and employee id file example where some participants have email only and others have employee id only

👆 employee id only example: All participants have employee id only

A file where some participants have only an email, and others have only an employee id.

👆 Mixture Example 1: A file where some participants have only an email, and others have only an employee id.

A file where some participants have only an employee id, while others have both an employee id and an email.

👆 Mixture Example 2: A file where some participants have only an employee id, while others have both an employee id and an email.

Starting the import process

To start importing participants, go to the Participants page in your survey configuration. Click on Import participants to begin.

Choosing an import type:

Next you'll be prompted to select between two import options:

  • Add: Adds employees from your file to any existing participants.

  • Overwrite: Adds employees from your file, replacing any existing participants.

Note: The overwrite import type is disabled when the survey is live to prevent any accidental removals.

Once you’ve added your file, click validate.

Validating your file

Before you import, we'll validate your file to check for any issues. If all columns and rows are good to go, you'll see a green confirmation message letting you know your file is valid. Then, you can proceed with the import.

If your file has any minor issues, like including employees who aren't added as Culture Amp users yet, we'll notify you with a yellow notification and provide a list of errors for download. You can choose to proceed with valid rows or fix the errors and restart the import process.

If your file has any critical issues, like incorrect headers, you'll see a red error message. In this case, you'll need to correct the problem and begin the import process again. Once you've fixed any errors, you can proceed with importing your file.

Note: The validation process may take some time (up to 15-20 minutes), especially for larger participant lists.

Importing your file

Click Import, and the import wizard will close. You'll see a progress indicator on the Participants page.

While the import is running, the rest of the functionality on the Participants page will be disabled - this is to ensure we don’t run into any conflicts between the import and any manual participant selections that happen while the import is processing.

Once the import finishes, you'll see a green "Import Complete" message confirming that the employees from your file have been successfully added as participants.

If you’re adding participants to a live survey, you’ll need to click the Confirm new participants button to complete the invitation process.

💬 Need help? Just reply with “Ask a Person” in a support conversation to speak directly with a Product Support Specialist.

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